Selling the jewel

Ravi waited for Asher to come out while he washed the plates and cleaned up the kitchen. When the other came out, Ravi raised his eyebrow.

"I can change."

"No," Ravi said when the surprise faded. The other looked a bit like him, with black hair and hazel eyes. He bent down to look at those eyes, as a painter, he could describe it as a masterpiece, even the position of the gold flecks was identical. It was uncanny. He smiled and patted the other's head, "Your true self is still cuter."

Something flashed in those hazel eyes and Ravi could not tell what it was. Did he not believe him? Or was it something else?

He recalled Malik's words and thought for a few seconds. The box in the garden had treasures that did not look like they were crafted anyplace on Earth but the one under his bed, he teleported to his bedroom and pulled out the box under the bed.