He was talking too much

***Warning: Graphic description of decay and death***

The large screen up the van was filled with faces. His, Arlen, his police team, the person that he had seen Arlen with, and Asher.

Asher. At that moment, everything clicked, like scattered puzzles suddenly coming together.

The Infernal Covenant had 13 seats, 7 priests, and 6 priestesses, each one heading an organization.

"They are like the mythical Hydra, you cut off one head and another would just grow to replace and not all organizations of the Covenant are known, some are very hidden, and nobody knows what they do." Sage had said from where he was building a ship from candy.

"He is right. I have been to their meetings before. I was curious, well, the leaders don't know each other. It would be very hard to find them but I would try."

"We are not doing this for free, right?" Sage had hurriedly added.