A morning call

"Good morning, Love."

The voice was like a subwoofer, gently reverberating in his ears.

Ravi's eyes blinked open, immediately. He had picked up the phone in his sleep and answered the call. Before of yesterday's make-out session, he had not been able to go to bed early so he planned to stay in late,

He had gotten kidnapped by the Phantom, there was no way he was going to work early. He would go later and only so that he could see his Arlen.


Ravi's ears instantly turned red, the dusting of red spreading from his ears to his cheeks.

Love. Should he call him something too, honey, darling?

"Sugar Plums." That one slipped out of his mouth in his half-sleep state.

"Please, don't?" The other person sounded like he was about to cry any minute and it made him laugh, the laughter like a shot of espresso waking him up completely.