
"The offer to return back to the Capital. It is a good opportunity for you. Any position that you need to get in the Police Force, you can get it easily from the Capital." Ravi licked his lips a bit as if the moisture could help the words that refused to leave his mouth slither out.

He did not want Arlen to go, how could he but Davenport was too small and his boyfriend was too good a police officer to stay here.

"You…I will be al…If you have to go back to your former job, I would support you. I will always support you." Ravi finally said.

"Thank you."

He sounded upset. Pained. Ravi frowned and looked at Arlen more carefully. There was an expression in his eyes that Ravi was just too familiar with. An expression that he had seen when he gazed into the mirror.

That emotion was what had held him back for the longest time. Why was such an emotion in Arlen's eyes?

Ravi gave his all to think about it.
