Arlen watched astonished, fighting his urge to laugh even in this situation. Ravi did not change to anything like a suit but he wore short-sleeved strip knit polo and trousers.
He looked so good but then again, his boyfriend looked good in everything that he wore.
"There might be combat." Arlen reminded him, also changing from his shorts and light cotton clothes to a training outfit, and then looked at Ravi.
The person he swore to always protect, it turned out does not need his protection but still, Arlen would not take his eyes off Ravi's back. No matter how dangerous it was, they were returned safely.
"I can easily fix it back." However, he could not fix a bad impression. Ravi pulled out a chest from under his table.
He had sworn never to touch this chest after he came here but he had taken out something to reassure Asher and now he is taking out the very thing he hated for Arlen and Malik. Ravi did not regret it. Not one bit.