29. Part Of The Family

"Are we there yet, mom?" Chen Yan shouted to his mom. He is the coachman and has been driving his mom for hours.

He was accompanying him to go and check the deed to some land that was bequeated to his mom when Chen Yen's grandpa died.

Yan never knew his mom has relatives that live that far off. As the first son, he thought it was only right that he accompanied his mom to check out the property.

They had hired the cart that Yan was riding because his mom says the place is very far.

"We're here." His mom, Chen Yen exclaimed from inside so Yan stopped the cart.

He got off first before stretching forth his hand to assist his mom out of the vehicle.

"Son, we will have to leave the cart here and walk the rest of our way up to where the land is. The road from here is quite rough." Chen Yen said to his adopted son.