30. Negligence

Papa Zhe had thought he would be doing this for only a while. Perhaps until the news of Chen Yan being found or otherwise. But he never knew that this was going to be a part of his life for the next five years.

Mama Yen, who thought that he and his husband would've gained access to the shop money, became enraged, but there was nothing he could do about that. 

Now he wished that he hadn't listened to his mother's bad advice.


Knock! Bang! Bang! The Chen household was rudely woken up from their beds very early in the morning by the loud banging on the gate. 

It was the last son, Hong, who woke up first. He heard loud voices from behind the gate as he made his way to open it.

He saw the village head and a few of the villagers in front of the gate, with a parked cart behind them. 

"Chen Hong, are your parents awake?" The village asked, but Dada also arrived before his son could provide an answer.