Chapter 3: A Higher Calling

Eva eyed David warily. "Do I know you from somewhere?" she asked, waving a hand at the empty chair across from her in invitation.

David sat. "No, but I've followed your work exposing corruption. There are no easy answers to healing this city, but the truth is a start." He paused. "I know the man responsible for my family's death. His name is Marco Salazar."

Eva's eyes widened. This was bigger than she imagined. "What do you want from me, Mr. Reynolds?"

"Answers. And perhaps a different path forward." David recounted discovering Miguel among Salazar's men. "He was like a brother to me. I need to understand how he fell so far."

Eva sensed David's pain and nodded. "I'll see what I can find. Discovering the roots of evil is part of restoring hope. But be careful; the shadows hide many dangers."

That evening, as David entered his abandoned apartment, he found a visitor waiting—an elderly priest in threadbare robes, with gentle eyes regarding him calmly.

"Do not be afraid, my son. I am Father Benedict, of the Order of Saint John." The priest's soft voice held immutable wisdom.

David tensed. "What do you want?" He kept a hand near his sword cane, on guard.

"Only to offer counsel. Your gift for dispensing justice could bring light or spread more darkness. Allow me to walk with you awhile, so you may discern the path of righteousness over vengeance."

Memories arose of David's childhood faith that faded but were not forgotten. Curiosity overcame his suspicions. "Very well. But I will not abandon my mission."

Father Benedict smiled. "Abandoning one's purpose is not what I ask. Only to embrace it fully through nonviolence and compassion."

In the following days, David began training with The Order, learning martial arts blending defense with mercy. Father Benedict proved to be a thoughtful mentor, guiding spiritual reflections that stirred long-buried pieces of David's soul.

Still, David persisted in his nightly patrols, now confronting criminals with discipline instead of rage. Many surrendered at the sight of his armor, fearing retribution without bloodshed. David was surprised to find fulfillment in these victories.

One evening, Father Benedict joined David's meditation in the city's oldest cathedral. Its stained glass windows glowed despite years of neglect.

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that," the priest said softly. "True justice awakens conscience, not fear. Your gifts can lift these people from despair."

David nodded slowly. A new purpose was emerging from the ashes of his past. The city's healing had only begun.