Chapter 4: Into the Light

As the weeks passed, David deepened his training with The Order, embracing its discipline of mind, body, and soul. Father Benedict's wise counsel helped him process the grief that still threatened to consume him. David found solace in sharing his struggles without judgment.

One afternoon, as they spoke in the cathedral's shadowy nave, David confessed his lingering temptation toward vengeance. How do I let go of the rage that still calls me to darkness?

The priest laid a gentle hand on David's shoulder. Forgiveness is a journey, not a single act. Focus not on the evil that was done, but on the good you wish to see. Nonviolence is the weapon that conquers evil with love.

David nodded slowly. That night, his patrol took him to the hilltop chapel where he and Sarah had married years ago. Kneeling before the altar, he poured out his heart in prayer—for Sarah and Emily's souls, for strength to forgive as he had been forgiven. Tears came at last, washing away bitter shells of emotion.

In their place arose a resolve to complete his mission through redemption, not retaliation. David would hunt Salazar still, but to offer the chance of atonement through lawful justice. Miguel, too, deserved to know mercy if he renounced evil. With this clarity, David's spirit felt unburdened.

The next morning, Eva's sources revealed Miguel Santos' past: a troubled youth drawn to gangs, then reformed in the army under David's influence. Had David's reappearance now stirred hope in Miguel of abandoning his crimes?

She shared this with David, seeing in his eyes a light that had not been there before. The pair continued collaborating, Eva aiding David's investigations without compromising the law, themselves growing closer through honesty and trust.

That evening, as David conducted his patrol, he encountered Miguel for the first time since that fateful day in Afghanistan. El Diablo froze at the sight of the Silver Guardian, fear and longing warring on his face.

David removed his mask. It's me, Miguel-David. Salazar has distorted your gift for violence. But the man I knew is still in there. Lay down your weapons and return to the light. I'll stand for you.

Miguel trembled, tears shining in the alley's glow. David held out a hand. His former brother-in-arms took a shaky breath and grasped it.