Chapter 3: 23gif5 f621310hm

He tried to open his eyes but to no avail. It seemed like he was frozen. He also tried to open his mouth but he can't.

He felt a chill on his back as he thought that maybe some godly being saw his abnormality and decided to kill him.

But contrary to what he thought, despite a long time passing in his perception, he still didn't die.

His curiosity then kicked in and he desperately tried to open his eyes. His eyelids opened extremely slowly before finally opening wide in a few minutes.

He was extremely shocked by the next thing he saw. The whole world was seemingly frozen in place.

The pitcher was frozen in place midair a few centimeters away from the ground, along with the glass cup being frozen inches away from his hand.

But looking at it more closely, it seems like they were not really frozen but were moving extremely slowly. He then realized that he also seemed to be moving extremely slowly and not frozen.

Drix stared at the glass cup and forced himself to catch it. As soon as he tried this, his body moved a little bit faster than everything around him and he slowly swooped and caught the cup in his hand along with catching the pitcher with his other hand.

When he finally caught them, he sighed in relief inwardly. But suddenly, something odd and strange happened.

He saw the pitcher in his hand vanish and reappear on that same place where he just caught it from. The world seemingly flickered for a moment when this happened.

Drix ignored it and without thinking about anything else, he immediately tried to catch it again, but as soon as he did the world continued to move normally. Everything went back to normal and the pitcher fell down as water splashed on the ground.

He has the cup in his hand, which he placed down on the tabletop. Drix then looked at his hands that were numb. He felt like he was being prickled in his whole body. It seems like he overexerted himself when he tried to move faster in that slowed down world.

His gaze then turned to the pitcher and he stared at it in confusion for a while before picking it up and placing it on the sink.

The world seemed to have glitched earlier when his vision flickered and the pitcher oddly went back down. Based on this, he won't call the state of the world earlier as slowed down, but lagging.

"Drix! Get this fat bastard off me!"

He was broken out of his stupor when he heard Chris run in the kitchen with Irish right behind him. Glancing at them, he saw Irish repeatedly hit Chris with a stick while making a funny angered face due to the drawing of a man's private part and balls on his forehead. He also had a funny looking mustache.

As soon as he saw this, he laughed at this scene out loud.

"That's what you get for drawing a cock on his forehead! Hahahaha!"

Suddenly, Irish seemed to have mechanically stopped and looked at him and asked.

"A man's private part? W-what else did he draw?"

"Ah? He drew a big pair of balls and a man's private on your forehead, there's also the mustache."


Irish then seemed to have entered the state of Sparta's Rage as he turned as red as Angus Corned Beef. He broke the stick and grabbed a broomstick near him in a menacing way.

"Fuck you, Drix! Why'd you tell him?! Calm down Irish!"


"Hahahahaha! I thought he already knew, that's why I told him. Run Chris, Whahahahahah!"


Drix laughed and watched Irish chase Chris while repeatedly swinging the broomstick.

"I'll go home now Irish, I'll come back here later to hang out with ya."

Without waiting for a reply, as he knows that Irish is busy chasing Chris for the horrible prank he did, he simply went out of the kitchen and saw Irish chasing Chris in the backyard with his big fat broomstick constantly swinging.

This scene made him laugh again for a while before he went out and made his way to his house. Their house before COVID struck.

After entering the gate and closing it, he strolled through the front yard in a quick pace before entering the front door.

Soon he heard his younger brother and sister bickering in the living room and he smelled the scent of chicken adobo wafting through the air. He can't help but tear up a bit with a faint smile on his face.

They will be driven out of this place in 2018 due to the owner of the house they rented having some relatives wanting to live here. After that, their misfortunes and bad days started rolling in for the next few years.

First was his dad being fired from his job. After that COVID-19 struck and it forced his mom to find a way to work just to support their family. With mom always gone due to her work, dad's alcoholic behavior turned worse and he even had an affair with his cousin.

Due to that, both my parents were in bad terms for years even until the time right before the moment I returned back in time.

But this time, it hasn't happened yet. He still had quite a long time to change things. Thinking about it, he felt thankful to whoever allowed him to go back in time and correct his mistakes.

"Is that you, Drix? Come here I need your help for something!"

He then heard his mom's captivating voice call for him, making him rub his tears away with his shirt.

"I just came home, ma! Do I have to?"

"Just come here Drix or else you'll see this ladle fly!"


Drix chuckled as he really missed these times back then. He then clenched his fist and swore that he won't let that future happen, he must not let that happen again.


S/M: Yp upi ejp eozz trsf yjod... Lrra upit rurd parm. Qptr od yp vpqr.