Chapter 4: This is "That" Day

"So young man, care to share where you were last night?"

As his mom were serving their food on their plates, he saw her eyes narrow a bit as she stared at him making him sweat.

"I was with Irish and Chris last night and we crashed at Irish's place for a sleepover."

He then smiled and took his plate and spoon before scooping some rice for his plate. Right after that he tried to reach for the chicken adobo, the main dish of the morning. But two slim white hands with a bit of callouses were faster than him and he was served by his mom who was talking to him with a smile on her face.

"Did you have fun there, Drix?"

As soon as he heard his name, he looked at her in shock and stared at her smiling face in fear. Whenever she calls him Drix, its either she's proud or she's angry, and it's obvious that its the latter in this situation.

"Yeah... We had fun mom, don't worry. Also Irish's mom's cooking was great. We ate our fill last night."

"Oh really? How come I haven't heard any of that from Melly? Oh she must have forgotten to tell me that you were sleeping at their place last night while we were talking on the phone."

When he heard his mother's words along with her cheery voice and smiling face, he knew that he's fucked. He will be in for a hellish torture after this breakfast. She's like a witch, fattening up her prey.

Although he's eighteen years old mentally, he still hasn't recovered from the fear of his mother. He can fight his father but never his mother.

"Cess, look at big bro, he'll be beaten black and blue again later."

"Slaughtered! Yahahaha!"

Drix's face darkened as he heard his sibling find joy in his plight. His younger brother, Ray, is two years younger than him while his younger sister is only four this year. She's four years younger than Ray.

"If you want to be whooped with him, do continue with what you're doing, Ray."

Ray immediately shuts up and stopped laughing as he looked at his father who was eating his breakfast quietly.

Meanwhile Cess continued laughing and Drix stared at his father with pleading eyes to save him from his predicament.

"Eat your food, Princess. And eat those potatoes don't be choosy."

Their father said as he continued to eat his meal leisurely. He entirely ignored Drix and just ate his meal.

"Finish your meal fast, Drix. If you don't want it to be your last."

He then stared at his mother's calm face with a gentle smile on her lips. But in his eyes, she seemed to be smiling voraciously at him as if waiting for him to fatten himself up before eating him whole.

Drix spent his last supper with cold sweat on his back. Instead of a sumptuous and delicious meal as it should have been, he felt sick knowing that his mother will make him vomit his meal later when she whoops his ass.

"Now that you're down, let's go talk in your room. Drix."

He stared at her and tried to reason out with her, but to no avail. In the end he was dragged by her to his room and he got a whooping of his lifetime. His shrieks echoed through the house and his sibling jeered at his plight.

" . . . "

"What happened to you two?"

Drix asked his two friends who looked gloomy like him. They seemed to have been stripped of their souls. Irish was the first person to speak up.

"Mom stripped me naked and made me kneel on durians for an hour."

"I wish I got your punishment Irish..."

Irish looked at Chris with a shocked face and asked him why. Drix also looked at him and thought that maybe he's a masochist.

"My mom went and forced me to take care of the pigs... I got shit on my face when I fell on the pig pen trying to feed them."

Drix and Irish's face turned dark. Irish even gagged and almost vomited as soon as he heard his words.

Both of them then subconsciously moved away from him. They don't want some fat boomer goo on their shirts. Chris then looked at him and asked him.

"What about you, Drix? What happened to you?"

"Nothing much. I was hit by mom 100 times with three broomsticks naked..."

Chris was shocked and Irish's eyes widened as he wiped his mouth with his shirt. The two of them imagined his mom sprouting two more arms on her back and hitting him with three broomsticks simultaneously.

"How? Isn't that too much?"

"I broke the first broomstick with my shins after she hit me... same happened with the second one."

"What about the third one?"

Drix looked at them with a blank look as he remembered what she did. He subconsciously shuddered just remembering it.

"She went and wrapped it in electrical tape. It didn't break anymore after that and I had to endure another 20 due to me breaking the first two broomsticks."

Chris looked at him in sympathy and tried to pat his back. But Drix moved away from him making Chris's face turn dark. He then ignored this action of Drix and just talked.

"Anyways, aren't we gonna play with Michael and the others? Let's go now!"

Drix's face scrunched up with a frown as he heard the name. It was at this moment that he remembered one memory that he tried to forget. His past childhood trauma.

"Why don't we go to your place first, Irish. Let's grab some sandwiches I'm hungry."

"Yeah, cleaning all those shit made me hungry."

"You don't need to say that bastard!"

"Oh, okay. I'm getting hungry too. By the way, my elder brother have a guest."

As soon as he heard that from Irish, Drix immediately knew who he was talking about. He was also now sure that today is indeed that day.


A/N: Puzzles can be solved either with the help of others or by yourself. The answer will be the same. But the process is what's important.

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