Chapter 9: Jason Rabi

"You won't be getting away unscathed."

Joriel bursted in rage and panic that he started kicking him off of him. But despite him kicking Irish so ruthlessly, he still didn't let go and that cheeky smile was still on his face making Joriel burst.

"Get off me cunt!"

"Ah, you will regret doing that that."

He then heard the cold voice of a grim reaper, ready to put him in a world of pain and suffering. After that, he was dragged off to an alley away from peering eyes.

Screams and shrieks soon resounded that seemed like the voices of the dead in hell. The other kid's expression became pale when they heard Joriel's begging and cries.

"I won't mess with Drix anymore. I didn't know that guy is this scary," Chris said so as he looked at the direction where Drix dragged Joriel off to.

Regan nodded in agreement. The other goons of Joriel already escaped along with Mike, of course they got beaten by the two of them including Mike too. They were angry at what Mike did earlier so they beat him up before going and helping Irish.

"You good?" Regan asked Irish and he just chuckled before hissing in pain.

"Do I look good?"

" . . . "

"So? What about Chris, why were you the only one who got roughed up?"

Irish hissed in pain as he felt the cold alcohol in contact with his wounds. He went home with Regan and Chris supporting him to walk. As for Drix, he went home to eat lunch.

Now his brother, Thonel or Tony in short, is helping him dress his wounds. There was also an ice pack on his face.

"The two of them were held back by the goons of Joriel at that time. Things happened so fast I couldn't react in time and got beaten before I knew it."

"Heh, that guy just can't accept a loss. He got his ass handled by Drix. He sounded like a baby in that alleyway."

Chris snickered as he remembered Joriel's tearful begging noises that came out of the alleyway as he was getting beaten by Drix and he couldn't help but snicker.

Jason meanwhile was piqued, "Oh? That guy that you punched in the chest and was left squeaking on the ground three days ago? What did he do?"

"I guess that guy is hiding it from us, he rushed in as soon as he saw Irish get beat and punched Joriel in the stomach like Ippo Makunochi."

Chris talked as he acted out the scenario for them to see.

"As soon as he punched Joriel, his mouth frothed. But he then suddenly two of the guys restraining us came and rushed at him to back up their boss. We all thought he would get beat too... but then he ducked then wooshed and bang one of the guys fell. Then he immediately went and "ORAORAORAORAORAORA"!!! to the other guy."

Regan then stood up too and joined in, "Then after seeing him beating the lackeys, Joriel tried to escape. But Irish was there and stopped him from escaping!"

He then dropped to the floor and acted out Irish's scene, "You won't get out unscathed."

"Bro was so cool that we teared up, even though Joriel was kicking him he still didn't let go," Chris said emotionally as he looked at Irish who was embarrassedly laughing at their words.

Tony and Jason bursted into laugher when they heard what Irish did, especially Tony who dripped more alcohol on Irish's wounds making him wince in pain.

"You asked for it. I didn't expect you fatso to be so heroic."

"Hahaha, spare the little guy. At least he did it for his friends. Didn't you also take a hit that was meant from me when we were ganged up on by six guys on Star Town last month?"

Jason laughed and said that they were really brothers. Then he asked Chris what happened next after that.

"Although Irish was beaten, Drix beat that guy more when he captured him. He dragged him off to an alley and we heard his screams and teary begging resounding out of the alley."

"What an interesting guy. Why don't the two of you fight again tomorrow?" Jason said anticipating that Chris would agree.

But it was different from what he thought. Chris didn't agree immediately and refused. He even said that he is not a match for Drix. Even after Tony's teasing that he was quite a coward for backing off, Chris stubbornly refused.

Drix can beat three people all alone. He's not an idiot and guessed that Drix went easy on him three days ago.

"Well, it's your loss not ours." Tony just chuckled and continued healing his brother. Meanwhile Jason also chuckled, it was a pity he couldn't see the guy fight in person.

" . . . "

But as they always say, fate is kind of funny sometimes. Life is full of coincidences.

"Oi, brat! My brother said you're one of the guys who ganged up on him, do you know what that means?"

It was already night with the bright full moon lighting up the sky along the stars. Just as Drix was on his way home after buying some things at the convenience store, he was obstructed by three teenagers.

He looked at them indifferently and guessed that they must be fifteen or sixteen years old by their height and physique.

"I never joined in anything about ganging up on any person. You got the wrong guy."

Drix just ignored them and tried to go past them, but he was obstructed yet again and this time he was getting annoyed.

"You are Drix right?"

"What if I am? Got a problem with me?"

"Then that means we got the right person to beat up!"

The guy then suddenly punched him in the face, surprising him and making him not able to reach quickly. This punch made him take a step back.

Immediately after he was punched, the two other guys went around and held his arms on his back to restrain him.

"For you to have the balls to touch my brother, I admire your guts. But I will make you vomit your guts out in a while!"

He then went and landed a punch on Drix's face again. The guys were laughing and mocked him right after, saying various things like his mom sucked his cock last night and they saw his dad at a gay bar.

Meanwhile, there was one person who coincidentally caught a glimpse of this just as he left his friend's house.

"Hm? Is that the kid, Drix?"