Chapter 10: Regaining Strength

"What took you so long?"

As soon as I stepped in the house, I heard my mother's annoyed voice questioning me. I looked at her and handed over some money to her and she looked at me questioningly.

"The convenience store closed early today. I won't eat dinner, I wanna sleep in my room."

"Hey it's still 8 o'clock! There's still an hour before— Drix! You lazy..."

Drix heard her sigh but he just went and entered his room before locking it. This is his own room. As soon as he entered he released a heavy sigh as he went and took off his shirt in exhaustion.

After taking his shirt off, there were bruises that decorated his body proof of his earlier fight.

"Those guys really don't pull their punches."

He then spat out a mouthful of blood in annoyance as he remembered what happened earlier.


"You fucking son of a bitch! You think you can touch my brother just like that and not face the consequences?! Guess what? OF COURSE NOT!"

As Jett, Joriel's older brother punched him and treated him like a punching bag, his friends held Drix from behind. One of them then laughed and said something that made Drix reach his peak of anger.

"I saw your mom whoring away sucking my dad's dick yesterday! I didn't expect her to have such a bastard of a son!"

"HAHAHA! Birds of the same feather indeed flock together!"

As soon as those words came out of Jett's mouth, Drix saw his vision turn red in rage. He could tolerate them insulting him but his family...


Just as Jett was about to land another punch on Drix, even while restrained, he went and kicked Jett's chin making him bite his tongue.

"Holy fu— aargghk! Fuck!"

Right after he landed his kick on Jett's face, he went and did a headbutt on the one holding his left arm. This made the guy release his arm and reflexively cover his nose.

Then right after his left arm was freed, he went and delivered an upper cut on the other guy holding his right arm.

Although these actions may seem complicated, it took less than a minute from the earlier scene where they made Drix their punching bag to the current state where they're on the ground wincing in pain.

Drix then cracked his neck before going to Jett and forcing him to stand.

"You— Howv daejajhghh—!"

He didn't listen to his rambling and just punched him. He knows that Jett is definitely fuming right now. But that's what he wants.

"Yvou fthink fha— uggghg!"

As soon as he was about to talk, Drix just went and sends a punch on his face. This debacle continued on for a few more minutes with Jett threatening to shoot him as soon as he went home. But Drix just went and held his hair as he whispered in his ears his eerie words that sent a chill down his spine.

"Do you believe that I can make you live your life in prison? I have countless pictures of your transactions with Aaron and Thirdy. You know what I meant."

The moment Jett heard this, he went and cried on the spot as he begged him to spare himself. As for the other guys, he let the go home with Jett after giving them a beating of a lifetime.

Right after he sent them limping away with their tail between their legs, he looked at his groceries on the ground before releasing a frustrated sigh. He was asked to buy a dozen eggs by his mother and now they're all wasted because of those...

"Ahhhh... How I wish I could pummel them again next time I see them. I think it wasn't enough."


Right after that whole debacle with Joriel's brother, Jett, Drix went home right away in fear of making his mother worry. As for the eggs, he just gave some of his money he got from the game earlier today. He doesn't want her to worry about these stuff.

But contrary to sleeping, he went and trained while his body ached in pain. He hated this feeling of weakness. The thing he hated the most in his past is being a push over.

If he went according to what happened in the past, he would have been beaten up by Joriel and fell off the bridge today. But that didn't happen.

He went and fought them off using his experience. But due to his untrained body, it felt painful even when punching. This was made worse when Joriel's brother attacked him earlier.

As Drix did his push ups, he contemplated that he needs to train his body back to its peak. The pain of their punches indeed hurt him, but he didn't show it in his face. It was this trait of his that made him appear invulnerable in the eyes of the foes he fought before.

But without proper training, he might have the same fate as the person whom he broke his legs just by receiving their kick.

(A/N: Fun fact, this is a true experience of mine. In a spar with a black belt taekwondo practitioner and me, his legs were broken when he kicked me. And yes, I was just standing in a stance. Also pardon me, I am not an official practitioner of any martial arts, in the sense that I didn't spend any money on coaching or has a dojo where I study nor a gym. I am more of taught with pain and sparring. So every battles here, will be written with my experiences and some things I watched and read.)

With a fire of determination lit in his heart, Drix continued to train for three hours with small breaks in between spent to read about latest news.


"I didn't...hup! Expect that kid...hooh... to be that brutal...hup! As they say...hooh... don't judge a book by its cover."

Jason can be seen to be performing punches with his left hand while holding a 30 kilo barbell. This is part of his regular training. After a few more, he reached his 200th punch and gently put down the barbell before taking a towel with his right hand and wiping his sweat off.

His left hand is currently shaking and limp after that. But he just laughed it off as it was normal. Then, his thought wandered off to that kid. He often saw that kid being bullied and beaten by others but today was the first time he saw him fight back. Also... those moves were quite trained.

"Those moves are not like the usual street fight style. Did he imitate it from what he watched?"

He thought to himself that it was not impossible that the kid imitated it from somewhere and trained. Because he himself is self taught too.

"Well... I'll ask him when we meet again. I suppose it won't be long till then."