POV's and First Year End I

[Professor Quirrell's POV]

Ahhh, at this point, I am starting to lose sanity. Sustaining the Dark Lord has become harder; he is forcing me to drink unicorn blood, but that would be my last straw. There's no coming back from that point.

Unicorn blood would curse me, and I won't be able to recover from that. Well, if I refuse the Dark Lord, I would be dead anyway.

All my life, I have been a proper Ravenclaw, always striving for knowledge and power to become this...

I had longed for power, more magic, more knowledge, which normal wizards like me don't have since birth. All I wanted was magic, and here I was, due to Voldemort, my soul was rotting. The Granger girl could've been killed because of me; the thought haunts me. No, I'm not stupid; I've killed before—the goblin in Gringotts, vampires in Romania—but this shook me from the inside. I took the Dark Lord lightly, and I am paying for it.

I fear I am becoming a monster like him, or maybe I already was. At this point, I believe there is no saving me. The false promises of the Dark Lord swayed me. I should've died there in Romania. I promised myself no student would be hurt because of me.

The dragon egg plan is the only way to make sure that dog is out of the picture; the rest is easy.

The troll distraction didn't last for 5 minutes, as apparently, I was hallucinating. The fact that students believed that was the most embarrassing thing that happened to me.

The acting was very believable, as Dumbledore also bought it, but the image I built teaching last year went down the drain this time. Maybe I should steal a Time-Turner and smack myself when I decided it would be smart to act timid professor role or host dark lord.

[Pov end]


[Sirius Black's POV]

I have many regrets in life, and trusting Dumbledore is one of the major ones. I left my family trusting his cause; I and my friends were willing to die fighting Voldemort, but he the strongest white wizard never showed up.

Now he wants to sacrifice my godson, whose parents died fighting Voldemort. According to him, Voldemort is not dead yet and will come back, and only Harry can kill him due to a prophecy. Is he insane?

He wants me to accept his proposal and let Harry live with Petunia. I would have killed him right there, but controlled my anger.

My grandfather had helped me a lot during this time. I was again called Heir Black. I hated that name in my childhood; Black's name was always called whenever there was a talk about Voldemort.

Most of my time was spent writing letters to Harry. The boy has suffered a lot without parents, doing house chores, getting beaten, not given food. My heart ached every time I remembered those things written in his letters. I hated Dumbledore more than I hated Pettigrew, who had destroyed my family (James and Lily).

At least Voldemort killed James and Lily without torturing them like Dumbledore did to Harry. If James or Lily were alive, they would have killed Dumbledore a hundred times.

Pettigrew was another one on my hit list. I would destroy that rat if I could infiltrate Azkaban or maybe pay someone to do it.

Harry had improved a lot; he had been very sloppy at the start, but with a little push, he started taking his studies seriously and exercising too.

But Snape is there. I have to make sure of Harry's safety at Hogwarts.

[Pov end]


[Lady Greengrass's POV]

Agustus Peverell, he has been involved in many things. I had just received a letter from Daphne about a troll incident, and again, he was there.

Daphne had also written about him recently being close to a Muggle-born girl and him being an annoyance to her.

Is my little Daphne jealous? She's so cute. I would tease her a lot. Tori had been writing letters to him too, but she's more direct. Poor Daphne is behind her own sister; I would have to give her some tips to make sure she doesn't lose to other girls.

Many families had been trying to get their girls married to him, even families outside of England were reaching out to him because of his magic and wealth. Usually, having a wife stops these letters, but it was quite the opposite for him. He had given Narcissa House Ashwood, and he still had three more houses, so it was no problem for the Ancient Noble families to offer their daughters to him.

He's also a hypocrite. I had offered him my daughters, but he outright denied me. Maybe he grew up or gained rationality; who knows.

I've also written a letter to him inquiring about his anti-aging magic, at least that's what it's called in the Daily Prophet. And he replied with this: 'Only my wife and my in-laws get this magic.'

This statement could be seen as three things:

1. He is subtly proposing to me.

2. He is proposing to my daughters.

3. Both.

He is a bad guy; I can't understand him. Narcissa and I had been close as I was Greengrass and she was Black. Our families used to meet together at the Ministry Christmas ball, and we quickly became friends-enemies due to our competitive nature. We would want to beat each other in everything, and winning means being better than the other one. Now she's with Peverell.

Should I compete with my daughters too?

[Quick Time skip]

As time passed quickly, Hagrid obtained a dragon egg, but this time nobody helped him. Instead, Agustus stole the egg.

The egg was taken care of by Alfred the butler, who was more than happy to look after it.

Agustus also made sure that the unicorns in the Forbidden Forest were safe. Unicorns are creatures of purity, and he couldn't just sit knowing that a crazed Voldemort was going to suck their blood.

Due to his mediation, Voldemort became more desperate to get the Philosopher's Stone. Before two weeks of the final exams, he decided to steal the Stone, as he no longer had the time to sustain this form.


Sup, ending the first year soon, next chapter on Saturday.