Malfoys Change Factions

As expected, the British wizarding community started panicking, with many questioning the Ministry and Auror Department. In the last few weeks, several pureblood wizards had died, and now they wanted assurance from the Ministry regarding the safety of their families.

The Daily Prophet also published about the conflict between Heir Peverell and the lords of Avery, Rosier, Traverse, Nott, Macmillan, and Flint, all of whom were now deceased.

There were no details in the newspaper about the incident, as Rita Skeeter was too traumatized to mention anything. She feared that if she blamed Heir Peverell, she might meet the same fate as the others. She also noticed the similarity of the Unknown Woman to Bellatrix Lestrange, but she would rather quit her job than report it.

What she didn't know was that before the news was even published, the director of the Daily Prophet had sent a letter about the news. After getting the green light from House Peverell, the news was published, so even if she wrote anything, it wouldn't make it into the papers.

A Wizengamot meeting was scheduled today due to obvious reasons, but most Lords and Ladies didn't want to attend, as the memories of last night were truly horrifying. However, they couldn't skip this meeting as it was mandatory. The Minister of Magic had given them assurance that nothing would happen to their safety.

Sirius Black wanted to curse Millicent Bagnold, as he didn't want Harry to be near Peverell again, especially after the boy had written a letter to Dumbledore about last night. Surprisingly, Dumbledore didn't reply to his letter. Harry had noticed the Headmaster ignoring him more and more, especially after his decision to live with Sirius; Dumbledore hadn't spoken to him once.

Reluctantly, Sirius agreed to his grandfather's request to take Potter with him. The meeting was scheduled for 5 PM, so they had a few hours to prepare.

[Harry Potter POV]

"You don't understand, Harry. It's for your own good. Please keep quiet in the meeting," said Sirius pleadingly.

I snapped back at Sirius because he's repeating this over and over. "My own good? He tortured them for hours, Sirius! He should be in Azkaban. Also, he used Dark magic. He must be expelled from Hogwarts. He also used magic outside school, which is forbidden. He's broken so many laws, and as a witness to the whole crime, you want me to be silent?"

I can't believe it. I admired Peverell. I wanted to be like him. He had broken my prejudice towards Slytherin. But now, I don't know anything. A cruel boy like him doesn't belong in a school full of children.

"Let's say you testify against him. What happens? NOTHING. You still don't understand, do you? He retaliated, right? Others used Dark magic first on his family. They broke the wards of a noble family, which is a severe crime. I wouldn't be surprised if Peverell didn't even have to give money as compensation to the families. Heck, he might get compensation as a victim. Edward Tonks is one of the best lawyers," said Sirius, looking angrily at me.

But... but that's so wrong. I feel a hand on my head as I look up. Sirius is patting me.

He sighed and said, "Look, you are a good boy, Harry, and the sense of justice, I admire it. But you should know, as an Heir, to always prioritize the House. Why did the lords attack him? For the honor of their house. Similar to him, they would only face consequences for breaking wards. They could've killed his family and received no punishment because he disrespected their lineage in a formal meeting. So, them getting the same is justified, isn't it?"

"Alright, I will behave in the meeting." Relief could be seen on his face. He was really worried about me, I guess.

Should I write a letter to my friends telling them about this? No, I shouldn't. This could create more problems for them. But how did he kill them?

"Did you know which spells he used?"

Sirius looked pensive. He thought for a while and said, "No, I didn't hear any incantation. Must be silent casting. But I know for a fact it was Dark magic, and you should stay away from Dark magic," he said, glaring at me. To which I surrendered and reassured him I won't study that field, but I am quite curious about it.

[POV end]

[Leana Greengrass POV]

"There was no need for this, Heir Peverell. I would've contacted the Goblins about the wards," I smiled at him as Tori hugged his left arm, while he patted her head, and Daphne glared at both of them. They both looked so good.

He smiled back at me and said, "Well, they broke the wards because of me, so I have to take responsibility for that."

The wards he commissioned from the Goblins were ten times more lethal and powerful. The Goblins had made a vow to ensure the best of the best wards. I was surprised by the amount of money he paid them without batting an eye. I was rich, a lot richer than most noble houses, but my wealth couldn't be compared to his.

"Moo, why did you leave early last night?" said Tori, pouting, her cheeks puffed as she looked away from him, but still hugging his arm.

He pinched her nose and said, "Sorry, but I am here now, right?"

"Alright, I will forgive you this time."

"Thank you, my lady," he said as he patted her head, much to my daughter's joy.

I looked at Daphne, who looked conflicted. She's so dumb. Tori is bad at studies but good at interacting with people.

"I should also say something to you. The gift you gave Tori is priceless, so I would like to give you a return gift."

He looked amused and said, "I don't want anything in return, Lady Greengrass. Astoria is a friend of mine, and I want her to be safe."

Tori pinched him on his waist and said, "I told you to call me Tori."

"Alright, alright, Tori."

"Hmph, that's better."

I didn't listen to him and called for my house elf.


"Yes! What can Rispy do for the lady?" she said with eager eyes.

"Bring the gift I had prepared for Heir Peverell."

"Yes, my lady."

She disappeared in a pop and brought back a sheathed slim sword.

I picked up the sword and handed it to Heir Peverell, who looked at the sword with curiosity.

"The sword belonged to Cynesige Greengrass, who was known as the best sword maker in the last five centuries, and this was his best work. Even the Goblins were envious of his talent and wage war with the house, which he lost due to their numbers. He died at the age of 40, and since then, the sword has remained as the most prized possession of the Greengrass family. It's called Ceziel."

"And you are giving it to him!" shouted Daphne from the side with panic, so your occlumency can break too, I thought.

"Daph, silence. Are you questioning my decisions?"

She composed herself and gritted her teeth. Heir Peverell stood up, freeing his hand from Tori's embrace. She pouted but didn't say anything.

He unsheathed the sword, and a beautiful silver color emitted from the sword, as if accepting him as its wielder. He took stances and slashed the air a few times. I could feel magical fluctuations around us. After a few minutes, he stopped and sat down again, putting back the sword in place.

"This is the best sword I have ever seen, Lady Greengrass. I thank you for giving me such a gift. I'm honored," he said sincerely.

I smiled at him and said, "You looked good with that sword. Look, my little Tori is blushing."

He looked at her to see a red-faced Tori as she whined and said, "Mom!"

We all laughed at her, but what nobody saw was Daphne's red face as she made sure to remember his image with the sword.

After having lunch with us, he left the manor as we would meet soon at the meeting at the Ministry.

[POV end]

[Lucius Malfoy POV]

"These were not suicides; they were murdered by him," roared Heir Rosier, as Heir Peverell stood in the middle of the stage.

"And do you have any proof to back that?" said Edward Tonks, looking at the boy calmly.

I have known the Dark Lord since the initial stages of the Knights of Walpurgis. My father was part of it, and I was one of the most important members. I saw the whole journey, the first wizarding war. It was safe to say I knew how the Lord behaved.

He loved to torture people, whether wizard, muggle, or house-elf, as long as they could scream; that was good to go. He relieved his stress through that means.

But last night, I was more terrified than ever. The boy was different. He did torture them to the point they killed themselves, but one thing was different: he didn't consider them humans. To him, they were bugs. I laughed at the thought.

Pureblood family lords were tortured like ants by a 14-year-old who didn't even bother to hear their screams. He wasn't doing this for enjoyment or anything; he did it because he could!

They tried to hurt his family, so he 'hurt' them, and I'm actually afraid to hurt him now. I would rather hurt myself than do that.

Looking at the people again, today the meeting was packed. Usually, it was not mandatory to be present at the meeting, but the Ministry has requested every member to join today.

"Oh, proof you say! I was present there; he brutally tortured my husband and other lords for hours," said crying Lady Traverse.

Many looked at her with sympathy. She was a beautiful lady and was vulnerable. It was easy for anyone to get her; you would just have to support her and make enemies with many great houses.

"That's right. I was there, and I saw it too. Their screams haunt me; I wasn't able to sleep last night," there it is, so Lord Carrow wants her now. Too bad he's just going to make himself look like a fool.

Tonks grinned at Lord Carrow and said, "So you are saying you were present at the scene?"

To which he nodded, "You saw everything that happened?"

"Yes, I saw everything."

"Great! That makes this way easier," Lord Carrow and Lady Traverse, who were standing, frowned hearing him.

"Are you making a mockery of this case! You Mud-" before Heir Rosier could finish, Regent Rosier, his mother, stopped him.

"I apologize for my son, my lords. He is emotional due to our loss," she bowed like a noble lady and sat Heir Rosier down.

What nobody saw was the look Heir Peverell gave him. I am pretty sure everyone would have gotten a live show of how he beat the shit out of those lords. The boy should thank his mother for saving his life.

Tonks suddenly chuckled, breaking the silence, and said, "Well, I've heard that too many times anyway. I am not mocking the court. Having witnesses just makes my job easier. That was the reason I was happy. I just want you guys to get justice."

Yeah, right, everyone thought. He had gotten more shameless since he got his younger appearance back, and also more bold. He's not afraid to make enemies of noble houses. Why would he? He has that monster's backing.

"So, Lady Traverse, what were you doing before this whole debacle started?"

"I was talking to Lady Fawley."

"How close were you sitting with your husband?"

"Just at the next table."

"Hmm, interesting, so you have seen the whole incident closely. Do you know who attacked whom first?"

Lady Traverse, visibly nervous, started to shiver a little, remembering the last night. Seeing this, Tonks realized his mistake. "It's alright, Lady Traverse. Sit down; I see you are uncomfortable. I can ask the question to Lord Carrow as he is registered as one of the witnesses." She nodded and sat down; Carrow stood up as Tonks repeated the question.

"I was sitting at the back side of their table. I saw Heir Peverell was dancing with the daughter of Lady Greengrass when Lord Avery attacked Lady Ashwood with a Blood Boiling Curse," he said, with a hand on his chin, recalling the details.

"Is that right, Agustus?"

Heir Peverell, who was playing with Dumbledore's phoenix, looked at Tonks and nodded.

"So it seems Heir Peverell was retaliating to the initial attack of Lord Avery on his family."

"No, he wasn't. The attack was blocked by an artifact. He didn't need to torture them for hours," shouted Heir Rosier again, standing.

Everyone ignored him as Tonks again asked, "Did you see people in black masks who attacked the Greengrass manor?"

Carrow frowned and said, "Yes, there were around 20 of them."

"Lady Greengrass, were they invited to the celebration?"

She stood up and said, "No, they were not my guests. Avery hired them. They also broke the house wards. I am grateful to Heir Peverell for saving my house from them."

"So not only did the lords attack first, but they also invaded a noble house by breaking wards. I believe we know who the culprit is."

There was silence. This whole meeting was a farce. Everything was crystal clear from the start.

"What about the magic he used?" said Carrow, "It was black magic."

Tonks looked at him as if he was looking at a moron and said, "Since when is it illegal to use? Did he use Unforgivables? Did he use Fiendfyre? No. So, what's the point here? In that situation, black magic is just offensive magic."

Again, silence. Even though he is a Mud..muggleborn, he is a talented lawyer.

"Anyone wants to add something?" said Dumbledore from his chair.

Nobody did. They are not stupid. I saw Rosier boy gritting his teeth while his mother consoled him. Lady Traverse was talking to Lord Carrow.

"Let's begin the voting then. In favor of Heir Peverell."

Many family heads raised their wands: Longbottom, Black, Greengrass, ...Malfoy.

Why? I want to be his ally. I would rather not vote than vote against him.

He won.

"Raise wands for those in favor of the lords' houses."

A few people did, but they were inconsequential votes. But surprisingly, Lady Bones and House Potter raised their wand. Well, it didn't change anything.

"The result is Heir Peverell is innocent of the charges pressed against him. He is one of the victims. He was retaliating and protecting his family, which is admirable." Is that Dumbledore, cause I don't recognise that man.

Heir Peverell looked at me and nodded, and I nodded back. Yes, at least I made some positive impression on him. Maybe he could save my house from the Dark Lord.





Next day, the Daily Prophet, I saw an interesting headline: HEIR OF ROSIER HOUSE FOUND NAKED BETWEEN TWO TROLLS IN FORBIDDEN FOREST.

[POV end]


2500+ words. Gimme stones, seeya.