Loss of Love

Death and destruction could be seen everywhere; the happy village of Hogsmeade had become a victim of hordes of dark creatures who were enjoying their time killing its residents. Aberforth had already called for his brother's help, though he didn't like the man. He wanted to save his home, his love, at least what was left of it.

He would've died long ago, at least he wanted to die when he first opened this pub. But someone has made him change his mind, for her he fought back fiercely. It was sufficient to say the old man was powerful but slowly the fights were taking toll on his body.

Aberforth had already killed at least six werewolves. No, he didn't pull his punches; he was finishing them off. He's not a hypocrite like his brother, who believes these monsters can redeem themselves. He believed in the theory of giving harsh punishment, which can deter others from thinking of committing these heinous acts.

"Are you alright, Rose?" he asked the woman who was bleeding from her forehead. Her shoulder had cuts, and her white top had turned red. The beautiful woman looked haggard.

She smiled at the old man, whom she had become friends with. "I'm alright, Aby. Thanks for saving me."

Aberforth looked at the woman and controlled himself. If someone could see his face, they would think he was the one who had done this to that beautiful woman lying on the floor, taking her last breaths.

"You should run away, Aby. There are a lot of them, and your old bones can't handle them," she said that with a mischievous wink, Aberforth caressed her cheek lovingly, as he cursed himself.

This incredibly charming woman had broken his walls. He had forgotten to love, as he believed he was incapable of it after his sister's death. But then one day, a woman opened a bar near his. She always pestered him, annoyed him. She would come unannounced after closing her shop and talk without stopping, gossiping, and complaining about customers.

Slowly, he started to enjoy those moments. He even looked forward to meeting her the next day, and it was the same for her.

Aberforth looked a lot older than her, but they were both the same age. She had her family magic to keep herself young, a partial metamorphmagus ability. Slowly, they began to have feelings for each other. Both were lonely, with no family, seeking each other's warmth. Their hearts formed a pure bond of companionship, both because bestfriends, he would smile in her presence, only in front of her. She was the light after Ariana; she healed his scars; she gave him her soul.

The wonderful woman who loved every child that visited her shop as her own grandchildren, mischievous even in her hundreds, she was innocent and kind, she hadn't let the cruelty of the world taint her, she was a truly wonderful women.

"I'm going to take you out of here," he said as he picked her up in a bridal carry.

"No, Aby, I don't have time. I... I'm sorry, Aby, don't hate me please, but I would have to break our promise. I love you," she said in tears. Aberforth was crying too, as he looked at the woman he loved, lying motionless in his arms.

[Flashback 2 months ago]

Hog's Head Inn, Aberforth and Rosemerta were sitting on a sofa, her head was on his shoulder while his head was leaning on the sofa.

"Aby" she said in a nervous voice which made him open his eyes.

"Let's get married!" She shouted in his ears, he was stunned to say the least.

"Aren't we already married?" As they had already exchanged rings 10 years ago.

She pouted, while he laughed at her expression,

"I want a wedding ceremony!"

"We are old Rose, people will laugh at us"

"Since when do you care, and Your old I'm still young" she said while caressing his beard.

"Alright, this summer we'll have a wedding ceremony, happy "

"Yes!" She hugged his neck.

"We'll invite Albus, I won't take no as answer" this statement made the man's smile disappear, he had hated his brother, but the women in his arms had made his hate disappear.

"Please, Aby, for me" she pleaded.

"Okay" he can't win from her, now he knew why she wanted a ceremony, she wanted to improve his relationship with his brother.

'I don't deserve her, do I' thought Aberforth looking at her blissful smile.

[Flashback end]

"Ahhhhhh," a heart-wrenching scream could be heard. The pain could not be described. He wanted to end the world, no, he wanted to end himself, not before getting rid of these monsters. But he couldn't do that; he wasn't able to take his revenge on them as his magic reserves were empty. He blamed himself for her death.

[Dumbledore POV]

"Ahhhhhh," I heard a scream that shook me to my core. The scream reminded me of my nightmares, the night Ariana passed away.

"Did something happen to Madam Rosmerta?" No, no, I couldn't even imagine. Oh, Merlin.

People called me brave, courageous, an ideal Gryffindor, but that couldn't be further from the truth. I was a coward, I was weak. When I found out about Aberforth and Rosmerta, I cried. I was happy for him; he had found something so precious. On the other hand, I was pathetic as always. He had done something I wasn't able to do due to my fear of losing. I can't be vulnerable to someone after... Gellert, who exploited my vulnerability.

I ran towards the Hog's Head Inn as I couldn't Apparate. I stunned two vampires who lunged at me. As I arrived inside, I saw something that would haunt me forever.

Aberforth was crying tears of blood while Rosmerta lay in his arms.

I fell down on my knees and cried. I bawled looking at both of them. I was late again, again. How many times will this happen to us, brothers?

I lay on the floor, and suddenly, I heard people approaching us. I saw Minerva, Sirius, and Alice running inside with panicked expressions.

[POV end]

[Sirius Black POV]

As we all arrived, we saw Moody and Professor McGonagall fighting trolls.

Moody blinded them, and she transfigured the rocks into sharp nails, killing them. I had seen her fight during the last war, and even Voldemort would struggle against her transfiguration.

In the last war, the witch was our tank. She would shield us from Unforgivables and made sure to counter with inanimate objects. She was a fierce lioness.

Frank and Alice quickly took action. I could see a big werewolf biting a woman, with a scar on his eyes which I instantly recognized as Greyback.

"Frank, Greyback is here. This is a distraction. We have to find Harry," I exclaimed.

"Aurors are surrounding us. Bones is here. Just wait. We have to finish this before we find him," he said as he fired a Reducto towards Greyback.

Alright, he's going to fight him, as he was the strongest among us. Even James and Lily paled in comparison to him.

I covered for him and launched an Expelliarmus towards a vampire who was engaged in fighting Alice.

Professor McGonagall looked surprised at us but continued her assault. Moody didn't even glance at us, just firing spells one after another.

Where's Dumbledore? He always disappears at a critical time. Maybe he's looking for Harry?

It took us around an hour of fighting to finish this fight. Greyback was a tough opponent, but Frank and Alice both were too much for him. Frank stunned the werewolves, but he didn't expect his wife to plunge a transfigured knife into the wolf's neck, which made him angry at her. I cheered mentally, knowing Moony would be happy to know about the scum's death. Aurors took away the vampires and werewolves, while the trolls and lethifolds were killed on the spot, as the Ministry doesn't have a prison to hold these creatures.

As the fight came to an end, McGonagall walked towards me, as Frank was busy with Aurors while Alice helped the wounded. Snape was nowhere to be seen. He didn't even assist us in this fight, bloody Slytherin.

"What are you guys doing here? How did you know about the attack on the village?" Even after fighting, she didn't have a speck of dust on her clothes. She looked like a harmless old grandma.

"Harry's missing, Professor. Ron and Hermione told me. A house-elf took him out."

Her eyes widened as she understood. "Merlin, we have to find Albus. This was a distraction. Potter is in danger."

[POV end]


Seeya tomorrow.

Throw those stones at me.