
"Annie, dinner is ready!" A boy yelled. Annie rolled to her side and checked her phone. She sighed at the sight.

"Of course it's ten…at night." Annie let out a loud yawn and dragged herself out of bed.

She put on her slippers and slowly walked down the old-wooded stairway.

"It's about time you woke up. How was sleep?" Her mother asked. Annie's mother was a pretty tall woman. She was 5'9, had long brown hair, green eyes, smooth skin, and always wore a red dress.

"It was…decent." Annie replied.

Her little brother, Leo had finished putting the plates on the table. "You find a job yet?" Her mother huffed.

Annie ignored her and sat across from her at the table.

"I asked you a question-"

"Not now, Mom."

There was a sort silence. Martha, Annie's mother looked at Leo. "I'm not tryin to argue but, why couldn't you be like your brother? He's going to college early, going to law school…kid is gonna have a great life from all that hard work."

"That's great, mom. I guess…I just don't work hard." Annie shrugged.

"You see that? That's what I'm talking about. It's like you don't care!"

"Maybe I don't wanna work a 9-5 job!"

"Maybe you're just lazy!"

"I see nothing wrong with wanting to do something different! Why do I or anyone else have to work? I can make money my own way. Not work for someone else. It just seems wrong! Almost like a slave."

"Slave? It's called doing something with your life! Not just sitting around and doing nothing-"

"Can you two just stop it?" Leo raised his voice and shoved a piece of chicken in his mouth.

Martha scolded Annie. "You look just like your father. Same ideas and all."

"He disappeared when I was little…can't go back."

"You're right. You're eighteen, now. You need to go out and look for a job. Maybe for the next 30 or 40 years…you'll be able to retire."

Annie said nothing and continued to play with her food. "You're a fucking disappointment." Martha whispered.

Annie put down her fork. She licked her teeth, trying to not say anything. "Thank you for the food." Annie said, as she stormed upstairs.


Later that night Annie had opened her eyes. She couldn't move and could barley breath. (Sleep paralysis?) she thought. A swirling sound was heard inside of her closet.

It's just a dream! Annie thought. Eventually, the swirling sound stopped and she slowly fell into a deep sleep.


Annie had woke up and went to go get coffee with a friend of hers that morning.

Annie opened the door to the coffee shop. The shop was a perfect square-like building. Her friend, Brian was sitting on the bottom right side. He waved her over.

"It's been a few days, Annie. How have you been?" Brian stood up and pulled her chair out. Brian towered over Annie, who was only 5'4.

Brian was 6'0, had the perfect smile, black hair, brown eyes, wore black glasses, skinny, and wore baggy clothes. "Oh, are those new? Jordan's or what?" Annie asked.

"Jordan's! You need some shoe game yourself." Brian teased.

The two engaged in a deep conversation about life and possibilities. Annie enjoyed talking with Brian for these reasons. He was funny, held conversations, and always entertained her.

"So, when I reached for the little water-bug…it flipped off of its back and ran down the hallway." Brian laughed.

Annie chuckled. "They're not so dumb. My mother views me as one."

"What makes you say that? Because you have no job? Because you can't get a boyfriend? Oh, or because-"

"Thanks, you ass."

"I'm only kidding. But, I've noticed your smile. You don't smile that much anymore…you can talk to me."

"I don't know…life just seems…useless. I mean, most people in this world work for years and years of their life. Still don't even have enough to live their lives fully."

"So…you're saying?"

"I wanna be something. I'm just not willing to put in the work, I guess. I know I'm a bum but, it's just not fair."

"You're not willing to put in the work to get what you want? Wanna take the easy way or something?"

"I guess, you can say that. I view it all as slavery. If we make lots of money, inflation will rise…making more people have to work harder. That's not life. We're supposed to be free."

Brian squinted his eyes. "Interesting." He replied.


Annie was in her bed. She was having a dreadful nightmare. She was running through a cave. Five giant creatures were chasing after her.

"Please, stop it!" Annie cried. She tripped over a piece of rock and fell face-first in the ground. She had a small cut from the fall on her left cheek of her face.

The five monsters laughed and surrounded her. Before they could do anything, a white line flew underneath the monster's necks.

Annie let out a scream as, the monsters had their necks sliced off. Annie crawled against the wall of the cave.

She could hear footsteps approaching her. The outline of a big, muscular, and horned creature was approaching. She closed her eyes tight…all for a man's voice to be heard.

Annie opened her eyes. A tall and pale man was standing in front of her. The man had black hair above his shoulders, stopped above his black eyebrows, skin looked gray from the paleness, wore a black leather jacket, a green shirt, black skinny jeans, and had green eyes.

"Th-thank you for saving me." Annie said. (Why do I sound like a coward?)

The man continued to stare at her. "You aren't supposed to be here. What are you?"

"What am I? What do you mean?"

The man reached behind him. "I see…you're from the upper world, I guess. What's your name…human?"

"Annie…Annie Rodger."

The man's eyes grew in size. It was as if he was surprised. He pulled out a long golden sword from behind him. "Do not come back here. Don't go towards the swirling sound." The man warned. Before Annie could answer, the man sliced her head off in an instant.

Annie woke up in a frantic and touched around her neck. She felt a burning sensation behind her left shoulder.


She got up, put on her slippers, and walked towards her mirror. She took off her shirt and turned around. Three claw-like marks were marked on her. "These aren't…wait, is this a mark? A symbol?"

Annie used water to try and wipe away the mark. (Who was that man? Why did he look so terrified when I said my name?!)

"Calm down, Annie. It's nothing important. Just a stupid dream, right?"

Suddenly, Annie began to hear the swirling noise in her closet behind her.

"What, what,what, what?!?!?" She spun around and ripped open her closet door. She was stunned. She was staring at a blue portal.

"H-holy fu-"


Annie opened her eyes. She was laying in her bed…it was early in the morning. "It was a dream? Wait." Annie removed her shirt and checked for the marks. It was still there.

She quickly covered it up and rubbed her hands through her head. "Something's wrong. Why is it so quiet?" Annie looked around. She didn't understand why it was so quiet outside.

She got out of bed, walked towards her window, and looked outside. "No cars on the street? Or people."

Annie put on appropriate clothes and walked downstairs. Leo, Martha, and five agents where sitting at the table, having a little laugh.

"So, I walked in and I said "well, how could you be so stupid and set it on fire?!" Martha laughed.

The agents all laughed and took a sip of their coffee. "Oh, there she is." Leo pointed.

Martha walked towards Annie. "Mark, your dad's friend is here. Not sure what he wants, but just play it nice." She whispered.

Annie immediately put on a fake smile and walked over towards Mark. Mark had an all black suit on, wore black pants, black dress shoes, wore shades, pale skin, slim face, and the perfect blue eyes. "Hello, Annie. Been some time." Mark chuckled.

"Yes, it has been. Not to be rude but, why are you here?"

Mark smiled lightly and stood up. "It's classified. But, we need to do a house search."

"You need to explain, Mark." Martha said, almost raising her voice at the tall man.

"None of you saw anything unusual last night? No strange sounds? Colors?…people?"

"I didn't!" Leo yelled.

Martha shaked her head. Mark turned his attention to Annie. "And you?"

"Oh, me? I didn't see anything. Been sleep all night." Annie answered in a shaky voice. Mark smiled and snapped his fingers. The four men quikcly moved upstairs.

"My men will set up cameras, Martha. In every corner of the house. You all will be watched…every second for the next few weeks. There is a total of thirty cameras." Mark explained.

"Is there something going on? You can't just put cameras in my house without-"

"I don't care about that, Martha. Your husband would've wanted the same.

"Get the hell out!"


Annie had thought about what happened today. She couldn't shake off how Mark didn't listen and waited for his men to finish setting up the cameras.

(I know he's looking for the portal. But, how does he know about it? Does this have something to do with my father's dissapearance?)

Annie could see a red flashing light in the corner of her room. "They can't do this." Annie rolled her eyes and walked towards her closet, closing the door shut.

"I'll sleep in here."

Annie moved her blond hair to the side and closed her eyes. Not long after…she heard the swirling noise.

She turned around to see the portal right in front of her. She held her hand out and could feel it sucking her in. "Wait…wait!"

Her body was forced inside of it.

She opened her eyes and woke up in the middle of a sunny field. "Where am I?! I was just-"

Annie notcied that she had on different clothes. "What the hell?!" She screamed.

Next chapter: Grizz