
Annie's clothes were different. Instead of her normal pajama pants, she had on baggy yoga pants,a tight black shirt, and wore lose black shoes.

"What…is this place? This isn't a dream."

The soft air pushed the bright green grass around Annie's body. She got up and looked around. The bright sun shined on her.

Annie looked at her skin to see the bright glow her body was giving off. For some reason, everything felt peaceful and like she was in the center of attention.

"I feel…powerful. Why is this?"

Annie could hear running footsteps approaching from behind her in the forest.

Annie turned around to see two giant ogre-like beings standing beneath the trees.

Annie screamed and started to run across the giant green field. The ogres let out a loud roar that shaked the ground.

Annie looked back to see them not chasing. Before she could turn back around, Annie hit something that made her fall to the ground.

She looked up to see a woman standing over her. (Woah! It felt like I ran into a wall!)

The woman glared at Annie. Annie felt a shiver down her spine. "Y-you have to help me! Th-there are monsters right behind me!" Annie begged and pointed.

The woman ignored her and leaned closer to her face. "You aren't from around here, child. Where did you come from?" The woman asked in a smooth and demanding voice.

"I-I'm from around here." Annie said in a frightened voice.

"Really? Then…tell me what these are."

The woman snapped her fingers. Two of the giant ogres appeared behind her. "You called them monsters. That's not what they are. Tell me or I'll kill you."

Annie thought hard about what to say. (Kill me?! I'm so confused. Why am I here? Who is she?)

The woman slowly pulled out a long black sword and raised it above her head. "I guess it was just a fluke."

"I CAME THROUGH A PORTAL!" Annie screamed.

The woman's green eyes lit up. "Oh?"

The ogres sniffed Annie and nodded their heads.

"You're-okay." The woman put away her sword and smiled. "You came through a portal? What color was it?"

"Blue. Listen, I just wanna go home. I don't know where I am and need to hurry-"

"Be quiet. I have to think." The woman said.

"Oh, okay." Annie said.

The woman had a black shirt, tucked into a black pair of jeans, long black hair, green dyed tips, green eyes, and with pale skin.

"Do you know how to return?" She asked.

"Yes, I think-"

"Even if you don't, it's fine. You find your way back and don't ever return, girl. Besides…you're a damn coward."

Annie got up and starred at the woman. "Run." The woman whispered.

Annie took a couple of steps back. "I said, RUN!"

Annie turned around and ran across the field and into the forest. "The child has really came. She doesn't know about the prophecy. She'll die out there. I want you two to make sure and report back to me to confirm her death. That's an order…Slasher and Death."

"Yes ma'am!"

"Yes ma'am!"

The two ogres yelled.


Annie ran and ran. She kept running until her legs felt numb. (I'm about to fall!) she stopped and rested on a nearby tree.

"That woman had a weird power around her. She wasn't normal, not at all! I can't believe she summoned the monsters. Where am I?"

Annie could hear footsteps approaching her again. This time, she ran again and kept running. She could see a cave between two giant trees. "I'll hide in there." Annie dived into the cave and held her breath. She could see the red ogres springing past the cave.

Annie got up and walked deeper into the cave. She could hear something moving around in the cave. She stopped and listened closely.

"Hello?" Her voice echoed.

"You smell…like a human." A deep voice answered. The voice made Annie also tremble in fear.

The thing walked towards her. She could see the outline of a creature walking on all fours, then getting on two legs. A bear jumped from the darkness and knocked her down. It stood over her and let out a powerful roar that shaked the ground.

"How did you get here?!" The bear yelled in a demanding tone. Annie tried to speak but couldn't. The fear held her back from being able to give a response.

The beat sniffed her and slowly backed away. "No…fricking way." The bear sat down like a dog and held out his paw. "I'm Grizz…nice to meet you!"

Annie stayed on the ground and stared at the brown bear with a confused look in her eyes. "You…have a strong smell of fear, child. Which, is normal, yes. But, I'm not going to hurt you. You're…exactly why we've been waiting for."

Annie waited a while to Cather her breath. "You're…you're a-"

"Bear, yes. Call me Grizz, please."

"Okay, you're Grizz. Still a talking bear."

Grizz growled and circled Annie. "I told you, calling me a bear is rude! I'm Grizz!"

"Yes, Grizz the talking bear!"

Grizz could hear footsteps not far away. "Quick, you need to come with me, human."

Annie gave Grizz a weird look. "I don't wanna go anywhere with you. I just wanna go home,man."

Grizz rolled his eyes and used his mouth to grab Annie by the shirt. He ran and ran. "Let me go! This is kidnapping!" Annie screamed.

She looked up to see the two red ogres running towards them inside of the cave.

"Wait, go faster!"

Grizz jumped towards the wall and teleported out of the cave. The ogres stopped and studied the pattern left behind. "It was Grizz…a damn scout!" One of them shouted. A woman's voice came behind the two. "So, you couldn't get her after all, huh?" A woman sighed.

The two creatures kneeled down. It was the same woman from before. "The king won't like this…not one bit. I'll notify him of the threat. He can take that up with the five families." The woman said. "I want the two of you to continue looking for her. When she decides to go back to the world below, her body will rest here. Destroy it."


Grizz jumped through what seemed to be the sky. He landed softly on the ground and put Annie on it.

"Welcome to my home town…Ryler city." Grizz chuckled. "Come on, I have to show you to Astral." Grizz said.

"Who…is that?"

"Our leader. Don't worry, you both look alike." Grizz flipped Annie onto his back and ran towards the giant buildings in the distance.

Annie didn't expect the bear to move so fast. The wind blasted against her face. Before she knew it, she had reached the city.

Buildings where upside down, hanging off of mountains, perfect blue sky, roads made of gold below, and giants trees.

A ape swung from the vines and pointed at Annie. The entire city seemed to grow quiet as all of the creatures showed themselves and whispered amongst each other.

Grizz practically threw her off of his back and stood on two legs. He held out his arms and began to make an announcement. "This…is Annie! A human from the walker world!"

The animals and other unknown creatures Annie had never seen before all whispered and bowed their heads.

(Why…are they acting like I'm some princess? What's going on?)

Grizz let out a little laugh and motioned for her to follow him. Annie followed closely as the animals all surrounded Annie and even poked at her while they walked.

"Clear a path. She's new here so I don't want her frightened more than she already is." Grizz said.

The animals sniffed her as she walked. "An actual human in our world! She looks just like Astral and the other kingdom!"

"I can't believe it, the chosen one!"

"Will we finally be free?"

"I want to feel her hair."

"I smell fear all over her. She's not the right one, right?"


Annie and Grizz walked on for what seemed an eternity to Annie. "Bear, where are you taking me? It's been 15 minutes!"

"Wait. We are almost there."

"You said that-"

"Just be patient, child. A lot of these people already doubt you." Grizz said.

"Nothing new there." Annie whispered. Grizz raised his ears and looked back at Annie. "Disappointment in your society or something?"

Annie was surprised by Grizz's words. (He knows what it's like?)

Grizz suddenly stopped. "Here it is!" He yelled in excitement. Annie felt her heart drop. "This is so amazing…amazingly terrible. There's nothing here!" Annie yelled. Grizz rolled his eyes and stomped his foot. The giant mountain formed into a giant castle.

Grizz smirked at Annie and sat on the ground. "Go in. Once you talk to Astral…he will tell you everything."

"But, why do I? I just want to go home-"

"Annie, you want to change, right? This is important for my world and yours. Please, go in."

Annie took a deep breath and walked towards the giant doors. She looked back at Grizz one more time before pushing them open.


Next chapter: Astral