
Annie walked into the castle and was shocked by the size on the inside. It felt as though she was in a home made for giants.

"Amazing. I've never seen anything like it. Annie walked towards a brown desk. There was a button on the top left. She reached over and pushed it.

Suddenly, a woman popped out from behind the desk. "How can I help you, child?" Annie notcied the woman had purple hair and blue eyes. "Oh, I…I'm here to see…Astral?"

The woman looked Annie up and down. "Was that a question or are you telling me?"

"I'm telling you. Here to see Astral. A bear made me come." Annie notcied that this woman was different from her. Her ears were different from a normal human's.

The woman wore a fancy button up suit and made a quick phone call. "Well, I'll guide you to see him. He's about ten floors up. Follow me this way."

The two women walked up the flight of Crystal stairs and stood in front of a giant wooden door. The woman pushed open the door.

Annie could see a tv and desk, with a chair facing away from the two. "Astral, you have a visitor."

"A visitor? Don't get a lot of those." The guy said. The chair spun around to reveal the most handsome person Annie had ever layed her eyes on.

Annie looked at the woman and back at Astral. "Why do you look like that?" The woman asked.

Astral stood up to reveal how much he towered over the two. Astral was 6'8, light blue hair, blue and purple eyes, had a athletic frame, and wore a black cape that wrapped around his body besides his right arm.

"You…are different. What is your name?"

Annie was lost in his eyes. She cleared her throat. "Annie."

Astral waved the other woman over. "This is Crystal. She's a magic elf and serves me." Crystal lowered her head. "Nice to meet you, Annie."

"Umm, listen…I'm not-"

"From around here? Yeah, I can tell, silly. You're a human. Been a while since we've had one." Astral said. Astral stood up and walked over to Annie. "Leave us, Crystal. I'm gonna try and explain everything to our guest."

Crystal left the room. Annie notcied Crystal have her a nasty look before leaving. "Sit, please." Astral pulled out a chair.

Annie sat in the chair and took in the view. "Beautiful, right?" Astral said with a smile that showed his perfect white teeth.

"Why am I here? Is this Earth or what?"

"You were chosen by destiny. It was scripted to happen. You are in a realm far past the physical one on Earth. You entered a portal that chose you for your destiny."

"My destiny?" Annie leaned in and listened. "Yes. You see, Annie, you were chosen to help us change the world. By that I mean our world. There was a story told amongst our people of a warrior who will overthrow the twisted king of our world."

Annie chuckled. "Listen, in just a jobless young woman. I'm 18 with no job or ambition. Hell, I'm not even liked by most people. You've got the wrong one, Astral."

Astral looked at Annie in the eyes and smirked. "Will you come with me?" Astral walked over. "Just relax, will you? This…might leave you a little stunned. Astral quikcly scooped Annie out of her chair and moved quickly through the castle and to the very top. Everything happened in a instant.

Annie was now on top of the castle and was met with beautiful stars.

"How did-"

"In this world, we all use and have magic. Every creature and being is born with a small amount of magic. It's up to them to reach their limit with it. Astral held out his hand and created a blue ball of magic. "See? This is something you can even achieve with hard work."

"Magic." Annie was in disbelief. "Yes, Annie. Magic. You also have this power. With it…we will need your help to overthrow the king. His name is Matrix. Now, there are many stories of Matrix. Hell, I've never even seen the thing."

"The thing?" Annie asked.

Astral let out a little laugh and sat down while looking up at the sky. "There are many stories of Matrix. He lives in the other kingdom. The kingdom of darkness. We are in the kingdom of light."

"So, you must be the king here?"

"No. I'm far too young to be a king. This kingdomw is ruled by the five magic clan families. I'm part of one of them. I'm just someone who protects my friends here in this little town." Astral explained.

"I'm sorry. I have three questions. But, why do you have to overthrow Matrix? How can one even unlock magic? You said I have some but, I don't feel anything at all. And…aren't you a human too? You're from Earth?"

"The kingdom of darkness…was once a peaceful and beautiful kingdom ruled by a powerful,rich, and kind man. Matrix killed that man and took his place. Throwing it into darkness and chaos. If you don't believe me, I will show you some of their creatures and lands. To answer the magic question…magic is unlocked through body energy. You must control your emotions and mature emotionally. If you can't do that and still get magic then, you are just a born prodigy. Very rare. And to be honest, Annie. I don't know what I am."

Annie let out a little gasp and sat beside Astral. "You said you're part of one of the families."

"I am. However, I'm the last one. The strongest family in the light kingdom. I'm all that's left from it." Astral stood up and stretched. "I sense cluelessness coming from you, Annie. What do you think the meaning of life is?"

Annie felt a little sorry for Astral. He didn't know his family or even know what he is. "Meaning of life, huh? I…am not sure. The answer is so infinite, it's almost impossible to know."

Astral removed his cape. He wore a tight I black long-sleeve shirt, skinny jeans, with black shoes, and a silver chain around his neck.

"The universe and even things in it are truly magnificent. I always catch myself looking up at the stars when I'm on the top floor of the castle. I think about how the universe started and what did. Like what was before the universe. Nothing? Gods? What's behind the universe? More space? How did space itself happen? All these questions make you wonder. Hell, the universe is so perfect…that if it were even slightly out of place, we would all die. It just makes you wonder."

Annie had never felt this way with anyone. She felt safe and in a calm environment. "Life it a mystery. We don't know the meaning of it. I guess, evolving and having children is part of it."

"Astral, why are you telling me this?"

"Because you're a lost soul. You believe you aren't wanted and don't even know why you were placed in the thing called life."

Annie stared at Astral and back at the stars. "You're absolutely right. Everything just seems wrong. In my world, people work until they die. I just don't get it. I want to be different, accomplish great things but, I've been told multiple things. I…am nothing special in my life. I have a broken family, lost father, little or no friends, and I feel alone all the time. I'm nothing. Hell, my own mother even-"

"You're a disappointment?"

Annie's eyes grew with surprise. "You've been called that?"

"Many times."

"How?! You're the king here. You can have anything you ever wanted."

Astral rolled his eyes. "No, Annie. My master taught me many things. He was a great man. Many people didn't like I was being taught by him because he was different. It's not about what I have or could have. I'm no king. All of those creatures…are my family. And I do what I do to make sure they have easy and happy lives. But, your life means something, Annie. Everyone is counting on someone. Or even love or care for someone. That…that truly gives your life meaning. The fact that someone or something loves you,thinks about you, and the fact you die. All those reason are what give your life meaning."

"Again, why are you telling me this?"

"Because. I want you to know that you are special, Annie. This is the start of a good friendship. Now, tomorrow I'll have Froggy train you."


"Yes, I can feel your body going numb. It's about time for you to wake up in your world. Don't worry. In your world, it's probably been only five minutes or something. The more you train, the longer you'll be able to stay here."


Annie woke up and was laying in her closet. "It…was real?! Annie got up and slapped her face a few times. "I have to act natural for the cameras in my room." Annie took a deep breath and opened the door.

"I couldn't find my damn tampons. This period is so annoying!" Annie said in a raised voice. She raised her voice loud enough to the point the cameras could hear her.

She jumped in her bed and thought about everything. (Astral…why do I get the feeling…that this is all gonna crumble apart?)


Astral carried Annie's body down the stairs and placed her into a bed. "Keep a close eye on her, Crystal."

Crystal emerged from the shadows. "Of course, Astral."

"Like I said before…I don't want you to serve me or even be a servant. You are free."

"No, sir. I want to. You saved my life and I owe you."

Astral walked past Crystal and put his hand on her shoulder. "It's just the person I am. But, I owe you as well. Watch her and let me know when she wakes up." Astral put his hand on the door. "I love you…my friend."

Crystal's eyes began to water. "I…love you, Astral."


Two creatures look at the castle in disgust. "It's unnatural and disgusting! How could he ever allow something like THAT into the castle?! We have to tell the families and now! They'll kill her for sure. But…first we must talk to our friend, Astral. He will understand."

"Wait, spike. You see that?" The creature looked down and noticed two giant red ogres walking towards the giant wooden doors.



All of the animals in the area gathered around. Astral took his time and walked slowly amongst the animals and creatures.

Astral looked up to see squirrels on the two towers guarding the gates. "Open it."

The two doors swung open to reveal the massive ogres. They walked towards Astral. Astral had a confident look on his face. (This sure will…be interesting.)


Next chapter: Supression