
"Welcome." Astral said with a smile. The ogres sniffed around. "Greetings, Astral Zero. As you know, we are from the kingdom of Matrix. We have reason to believe…that you have a human in your presence. Keeping such a creature would put you on the death penalty for betraying your people! Now, if you have her, give it over at once!"

Astral looked around and threw his arms in the air in a shrugged motion. "I haven't seen a single human. Hell, it's been years since we've all seen one." Astral chuckled.

All of the animals and creatures laughed. One of the ogres pulled out a giant war hammer and slammed it into the ground, silencing all of the animals. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't harm the ground." Astral whispered in the monsters ear.

(When did he get behind me?) the Ogre spun around to see nothing. He turned back around to see Astral sitting on the ground and touching the spot where the ogre had damaged the ground. "Everything is sacred. Even the life of a human. If I knew where she was, I still wouldn't tell you." The ground was fixed.

"Let me do the talking, Jut." One ogre stepped forward. "My name is Turtles, Astral. King Astral. Being that you don't have the human, you wouldn't mind if we did a little seearch, right?"

Astral's smile dissapeared. "Well, of course. Go ahead, Turtles."

"You stay here, Jut."


Turtles searched the area. Grizz was in the woods and keeping an eye on the invisible castle. "That ogre won't be able to see it, right?" Grizz could hear huge footsteps approaching. He closed his eyes and used his magic to hide his presence.

Turtles sniffed around and stopped right in front of the invisible door. He looked around and held out his hand. There was a moment of silence before he walked away.

"It would seem…there is no human" Turtles said. "We may leave, Jut."

Turtles was walking out but, Jut did not move. "Jut, let's go!"

"Not yet. I can see." Jut said. Astral widened his eyes. (Does that mean…)

Jut reached behind him and pulled out a long spear. "I know…about their invisible castle!" Jut threw the spear with magic behind it. His red aura glowed around the spear. Lighting striked as he threw it.

Before it could hit the castle. Astral flew up and stopped the spear from hitting it. "What?! The spear stops right before him? What is this?!"

"I think…this belong to you." Astral threw the spear back at Jut. The spear landed right in front of Jut.

"Astral Zero. What is behind you!" Turtles asked. "Nothing. I don't want you to kill a bird or something." Astral replied.

Turtles jumped past Astral and flew towards the area. There was nothing. (I used my magic to teleport the entire castle. Takes a lot but it's fine.)

"Told you." Astral sighed. Jut grunted. The two monsters stormed out of the little city and flew away.

The animals all cheered. Astral had his focus on the two squirrels. "Spike and Ditch…come here, please." Astral snapped his fingers. The castle appeared behind him. "Come in here, now!"


Annie woke up and got on her computer. (Why do I feel…different? Like I have a surge of energy.)

Annie checked the clock to see it was 10 in the morning. She let out a yawn and slammed her laptop shut. She threw on some clothes and was about to head downstairs.

She could hear a knock at her door. She marched downstairs and opened the door to see Mark. (Oh shit) she thought. Annie put on a fake smile. "Hey, Mark. What brings you here? My mom is still sleep. She's about to go to work though-"

"No, Annie. You bring me here. Would you like to get some food?" Mark held his arm out to reveal his black Rolls Royce car. "Umm, sure?"


Mark and Annie were eating at a breakfast restaurant in their town. "So, how did you sleep?" Mark asked.

"Good. Yourself?"

"Oh, I slept fine. Thank you, though. But, I couldn't help but notice…that you were in that closet for about five minutes, right?"

"You really are a pervert, huh?"

Mark rolled his eyes and took a deep breath. "Your dad would've been honest with me."

"You always bring him up." Annie took a sip of her coffee and practically slammed it on the table. "You wanna know something, Mark? There's a difference between a dad and a father. That man you just spoke of, he was my father. A man who helped bring me into this world but, wasn't there to help raise me or be there for me."


"No, I really want you to know that."

There was a moment of silence. Mark chuckled and looked out of the window. "Your father was so excited for your birth. Hell, I even remember him walking around and parading you like you were some trophy. I could see the life in his eyes when he looked at you. That man…he loved you with all his heart. You gave his life meaning." Mark said with a sad expression on his face.

Annie's eyes teared up. She wiped her eyes and took another sip of her coffee. "Thank you for that." She whispered with a crack in her voice.


Spike and Dicth sat at the small table. Astral sat down with a dissapointed look on his face. "Spike and Ditch…my friends. I know." Astral said.

Spike and Ditch turned to each other and laughed out loud. "What are you talking about?" Ditch laughed.

Astral smiled and it quickly disappeared. "I have good ears. I know you two don't like the fact that we have brought a human to this world, right?"

Spike stood up. "Listen, it's not that we don't trust you but, do you really want to risk going at war with Matrix and other small kingdoms over this girl? I want to kill her right now. That's the truth, Astral." Spike admitted.

Astral tilted his head to the side and rested it on his hand. "You want to kill an innocent being?"

"Yes! For the sake of all my friends and family. I'd kill myself if it meant peace."

"I see. Well, do what you need to do, friend." Astral snapped his fingers. Teleporting Spike and Ditch to where Annie's body was being kept.

Crystal had a surprised look on her face when seeing the three. "How is she, Crystal?"

"Good. Sleep, of course. I'm tired myself." Crystal said with a little yawn. "Don't worry x you go get some rest. Spike and Ditch will keep an eye on her." Astral said with a bright smile.

Crystal looked at Spike and Ditch. "You're gonna let the tiny, most mean, destructive, and ugly squirrels watch over a human's body? Sounds fun!" Crystal jumped up and walked out of the room.

Astral stared at Spike and Ditch. "I want the two of you to use your powers and tell me how you feel. If you don't think she can help save the world from Matrix's power, then kill me for making the mistake."

"We would never hurt you, Astral-"

"I'm not asking. Let me know in one hour."

Astral walked out of the room. Spike and Ditch jumped on top of Annie's body. He sniffed around and put his head against her chest. "What is it you feel, brother?" Spike asked.

Ditch listened in closely. Ditch had the ability to hear the power of one's soul. Meaning he could read your intentions and thoughts with his ears alone. He could hear the past and future of anyone.

Ditch could hear the sound of footsteps. "I hear footsteps. Millions- no, wait. I…can't even imagine the number! What…in the underworld is this?!?" Just then, Ditch received a image of Annie's future. He jumped back and couldn't catch his breath.

"Are you okay?!?" Spike was about to help Ditch up. But Ditch swiped his hand away. "I'm not sure if she is safe or not. We should just do what Astral said and watch her." Ditch could feel his body shaking.


"I'm telling you, I felt the thing! It was invisible but I could still feel it. I didn't want him to get suspicious about me finding it out. Once again, you let your little ego get in the way!" Jut said with an annoyed voice.

"How was I supposed-"

"Because you don't think! You just act! Now that he suspects us to kind of know about the castle, I'm positive it won't be there again. We could have suprise attcked our enemy, Turtles!"

Turtles rolled his eyes and slammed his axe against a tree. "I won't do it next time. You have my word, father."

"There won't be a next time. I'll just get your sister-"

"That won't be necessary, father. I can do this. I'll get a small unit and kill her myself, watch me."

Jut scolded Turtles and sighed. "Very well. I will camp out near the city of thunder. We will wait two days for our little fleet to arrive. We will not tell Nervona about this. If we do…she will certainly kill me for failing once again."

"I wouldn't let her kill you, father."

"That woman…is one of the most powerful warriors in this world. You would die. She's even part of the magic seven. She goes by different names but, her actual name is Nervona. Never forget that."

"Yes, sir."

"Very well. We shall go to the city of thunder and wait for our fleet to arrive. I will contact them immediately."


Deep in the shadows of the forest…the two ogres didn't know they were being watched. A person sitting in a nearby tree could hear the two's conversation.

"Got it. The two have failed, Nervona. This is a message from one of your assassins. You'll receive this by nightfall. I'll stay close and await your orders. Hell, it would be better…if you just let me and the others go after the girl. Let me know your thoughts."


It was now night. Annie opened her eyes and was face-to-face with Spike and Ditch. "Hello?"

Spike grabbed Annie by her face and played with her cheeks. "Squishy!" Ditch yelled. Annie slapped his tiny paw away. She pushed the blanket off of her and couldn't help but notcie the beautiful night sky.

"Time must move slower here. I almost missed the portal." Annie sighed.

She got out of bed and stretched out. "Listen, don't get cocky little brat." Spike grunted.

Annie gave him a confused look. "What do you mean? I haven't done anything."

"You'll see. Just watch out for the frozen one. That'll be your first challenge to becoming known and great." Spike said.

Astral practically kicked open the door and put his arms out. "I'm still not used to Earth time. Since you're awake, your training will start now!" Astral said with a bright smile.

"Wait, she's training?!"

"Wait, she's training?!?"

Spike and Dirch yelled out.

"She's the chosen one. Of course she's gonna train. Froggy will be here any moment." Astral explained. "Everyone must learn magic. After all…Jut and Turtles know she is in our world. People will come after her."

"Can't you just…you know…knock on their kingdom's door and kill everyone."

Astral rolled his eyes. I would never do anything like that. Besides…me and Matrix would destroy the whole planet. Hell, we never seen what it looks like. I've…always relished the thought of fighting someone on that level." Astral admitted.

"Do you think you could beat him?" Annie asked. Astral gazed up at the sky through the window and smiled. Depends on how I'm feeling."


"I see. Yes, thank you. I have to say…I'm not surprised at all. I told Jut that brining his son would cause trouble. However, they have not failed yet. You will keep an eye on them and tell me what is happening. If they fail…I'll send in you and the team. I'm counting on you, Blade." Nervona said through the device.

She put it away and sat in the darkness. "Send in the next ones!"

A giant door opened to reveal twenty giant dog creatures. "Send them."

Nervona quikcly cut them down with only a few strikes from her sword. "Send a million."


Next chapter: Magic Training