The Assault Part 2

Astral jumped off of his horse. "The golden temple. Glad to be back." Astral said to himself.

The temple was golden and shined like the sun. It was in the middle of some sort of forest. This is where the higher-ups of the magic world would meet. Mainly the five magic families.

Astral walked up the temple at a very slow pace. His hands were in his pockets and his eyes were closed.

Two tall guards covered in gold armor guarded the temple's doors. "Astral Zero. Here for a meeting I called." Astral told the two guards. The two beings bowed their heads and opened the doors. "Greetings…Zero." The two guards said.

Astral walked into the temple and was greeted by dark puruplenlights floating in darkness. "Follow us,Zero." The light said.

(It's a magic spirit. Seems like it's from the Whitlock family. I see. Using the dead for your bidding, Uzzolo?)

Astral followed the spirit into a room lit by a single candle.

Astral used his Zero eye ability to see through the dark. He used his magic to light up the room and smiled. "Long time no see, families."

Astral pulled out a chair and sat across a man who wore a red suit with very pale skin. "Been a while…Zero. Don't miss me?" The man chuckled in a strange laugh.

"How could I forget you…old pal?"

On the other end of the table was a rather large man. "Nice to see you…king Uzzolo." Astral said with a slight nod of respect.

"Yes,of course. It is always good…to see me." Uzzolo chuckled. "Now, I…don't like to eat around the bush. Why have you called us all here?"

Astral looked around at the four people representing their families. A beautiful woman with blond hair, rainbow eyes, had a polar bear's fur wrapped around her shoulders, smooth skin, perfect white teeth, and thick lips. "Ahh, Naomi. Good to…see you." Astral said as he moved down the table and locked eyes with another woman. She had a symbol that resembled a snake in the middle of her forehead.

"Vermpia. Good to see you aswell." Astral stood up and began to walk around the table. "I remember asking your daughter to come, Uzzolo. Why didn't she? If I can ask?"

"Had a situation going on back home. Strange readings near the middle of our territory. She'll handle it."

"I see. Now then…I've arranged this meeting because I wanted to talk about two things.

One…well, it's difficult to say. Hmm. Well, have any of you heard…rumors of our place?"

"Our place?" Vermpia asked. "Yes…our kingdom-"

"This isn't "our" anything, Zero. This land has multiple kingdoms. Kings and Queens. Everything is spilt." Vermpia explained.

"That's one thing u wanted to talk about. We all know of the dark kingdom and it's ruler, Matrix. Hell, Matrix could be sitting with us right now and we wouldn't know of it. That…that is one reason why we should all combine our forces. Stop these useless little wars. We should be uniting our powers and taking things in control!"

"That sounds good. However, why would I trust…someone like you and these people?" Naomi asked.

"Because we all have the same enemy, Naomi. The dark kingdom has been around for many years. Never in the light kingdom's history…have we ever came together and fought against the dark."

"So…you want us to combine our armies against another kingdom who had done nothing to us-"

"Wrong. You all know of story. A great warrior shall fall from the sky and get rid of the dark kingdom. Matrix turns out light beings into dark beings. Imagine if the kingdom spreaded across to our lands. We would be finished. The dark kingdom has robbed us of many things. Matrix wants to control everything. I say…we come together…not to attack them, but to protect all our ancestors have built." Astral explained as he sat back down in his chair. The man sitting across from Astral nodded his head in approval. "I agree with my old friend. We should…somehow…try to protect these lands together. But, if I know there's another human walking amongst us…I will kill them." The man threatened.

"Why kill something that is told in MANY stories to help our people?" Astral asked.

The man ignored Astral and took a sip from his cup. "Answer me, Amono."

Amono lowered his cup and rolled his eyes. "Your teacher…was a human. You remember what happened those years ago? Hmm? I mean, what kind of person…breaks a promise to their friend?" Amono asked with a slight disgusted look in his eyes.

Astral's heart skipped a beat. He lightly squinted his eyes. "You tell me?" Astral asked while shrugging with a slight smile. "If you remember correctly…everyone left me. You…left me. The ONLY people who didn't…were those two and my teacher. But you, Amono…were nowhere to be found."

Amono sat across from Astral with a wide smile across his face. "Well…it would seem that I'm finished with this meeting. I will support you with your goal, Astral. However, if I know there's a human….she or he must die!"

Amono yelled as red smoke covered the area. Amono dissapeared. Astral side-eyed Vermpia as she chuckled. "I will need time to think on it, Astral. I…do not trust you all enough to do such a thing. Some of us…are too power-hungry for that." Naomi explained. She glanced over at Uzzolo. "So, what do you say, Whitlock?" Naomi asked.

Uzzolo closed his eyes and thought about the situation. "It sounds…amusing. I too, will need time to think on that matter. What was the other thing you wanted to talk about, Zero?"

"There have been reports…of a human among us. I wanted to know if anyone of you have heard the same thing or not."

"Not here." Vermpia said.

"I have not." Uzzolo answered.

There was a moment of silence. Naomi rolled her eyes. "Believe it or not…I haven't heard a thing."

Astral got up and felt a hit of depression. "I'm so tried." Astral turned around and showed the three of them a faint smile. "Thank you." He said.

"What's the matter, Astral?" Naomi asked.

"Nothing." (Something is wrong!)


Annie held her breath and focused on the creatures in front of her. "So, Astral really is protecting a human." Turtles chuckled. "How do you think…the magic families will feel?"

Everyone slowly turned their heads towards Amina. Amina locked eyes with Annie and pulled out her sword. "A…human?" Amina's face was serious. Florkia's eyes were in shock. Everyone gasped as Amina held out her hand and raised it towards Annie.

"Tell me the honest truth, Annie Zero. Are you…really a human?"

Annie closed her eyes and gulped. "I am…a human, yes."

Annie could see a purple energy building up in the palm of Amina's hand. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you. Here and now? What could you possibly do for my people besides bring death and destruction to my home?"

Annie slowly raised her arm. "I…can help you. Help give your people the protection they need against-"

"I don't need help protecting my kingdom against Matrix and his stupid creatures."

"I-I know that. But, you can trust me. I've done nothing to you or anyone." Annie said as she slowly reached out towards Amina. "Amina, please. We can take these guys out and I'll explain everything. You have to trust me. Please."

Amina gave everyone a nasty look. She lowered her arm and looked around. "Zero…and his family are a disgrace to the magic world. I will notify my family and the others. Zero shall be executed for the crime of having a human walk among us." Amina explained to everyone.

"Queen. You mustn't tell-"

Froggy was interrupted by Amina's powerful magic aura. "I will do whatever I want! I should tell them to kill you all when we're done here! How dare you bring that piece of trash into our world?"

Froggy approached Amina. "You saw it. You saw the potential Annie possessed. This is a shot at the dark kingdom. We must-"

"CAN YOU ALL SHUT UP?!? Kill the human or not, I'm still gonna kill every last one of you! " Florkia laughed. Turtles whispered in her ear and said: "we don't have to bother. The Whitlock said she would-"

"Who cares. I LOVE to kill. That's what we were made for, brother. Kill them before they kill you!" Florkia slammed her giant axe into the ground, causing the ground to crack open and spew out lava.

Annie was amazed by Florkia's strength. "You are too soft, little brother. Why don't you sit back and watch while we kill them?"

Turtles ignored Florkia and quikcly flew towards Annie. Grizz and Ditch jumped in front. But Turtles was too fast. He had already managed to fly past them and carry Annie off into the forest.

Guru smacked his lips and clapped his hands together. "Shadow magic…shadow beast: Night owl!" (Annie will survive! I trust our future!)

A large owl with black feathers flew towards Florkia and her crew. "CHARGE!!" Florkia commanded the 12 fighters behind her.

Amina and Guru took the lead as the two groups clashed.


Annie was thrown into a nearby tree. She gasped for breath as she looked straight ahead to see a thick axe heaed towards her head.

Annie quikcly ducked. The axe sliced through the tree like butter. Annie rolled and pulled out a sword to stop her from sliding across the dirt.

"Stupid human. All of this to destroy what we've built! You do not belong here!" Turtles yelled.

"I don't even know who you are." Annie said in a angered voice. "We don't have to fight. We…can all just walk away. I can tell you're the nice one. Please…don't do this-"

"I have no choice. You…you are the reason I'm here. Why? Just…why did you have to come through that portal? You…are the one who'll bring my kingdom to its knees! You are the one who'll destroy our world!"turtlles yelled as he raised his axe.

"Matrix is evil! Your land is pure evil! I'm only following orders!"

"As am I, human. As…am I."

Annie took a fighting stance and waiting for Turtles to make a move. (A decent fighting stance. She is a beginner. How was she able to master a good amount of magic in such a short amount of time?)

Turtles smirked. "I wonder….why would probably the strongest magic user in the light kingdom protect you? Are you really…special?"

Annie's heart was beating. (I…can't do this alone. He is far larger and better than me. I need to hold my own until one of them come.)

"Time to die!" Turtles yelled as he charged at Annie with his head down. Annie ran at Turtles. "I'm gonna crush the life out of you!"

Annie jumped and used her hand to push off of the giant monster. She landed gracefully on the ground. Turtles exhaled sharply and rubbed his feet on the ground.

Turtles used his magic and threw his axe at high speed towards Annie. Annie ducked and before she could raise her head, she could see the fist of Turtles coming at her.

She managed to raise her arm and block the punch. Annie's arm snapped in half. She screamed in pain as she was hit into a tree.

Annie rolled over. Her view of the sun was blocked by Turtles massive size. While in the air, he held out his hand and the axe returned to him.

He placed two hands on it and swung it.

Annie rolled over to dodge. Turtles quikcly lifted the axe and swung it frantically. Annie backed away while dodging each swing carefully. "What's wrong? Too fast for you? Can't keep up, human?!?" Turtles laughed.

Annie was bleeding from the head, losing breath, starting to breath harder, and couldn't control her heart.

Turtles threw the axe in the air. Annie focused on the Axe. "Foolish!!" Turtles landed a powerful blow to her stomach.

Annie's mouth forced blood to shoot out.

Before Annie could hit the ground, Turtles grabbed her by the neck and slammed her into the ground.

Annie gasped for air. Turtles stomped on Annie. "This all you have to offer? I thought…you were special!" Turtles laughed as he began to stomp on Annie repeatedly.

As Turtles continued to stomp. Annie looked off into the sky as she could hear her bones crushing.

Annie could hear a man's voice from her memories. (My seeet girl. Forgive me for l handing you over….to that.)

Annie opened her eyes. The glowed in the light. Turtles lifted his leg and was about to stomp on her again. Annie used one arm to stop Turtle's leg. "What-?"

Annie smiled as she began to rise while pushing his leg back. "Now…it's finally kicking!" Annie threw Turtles into a nearby tree.

With incredible speed, she managed to close the distance between them and landed a punch on Turtles.

Turtles fell back. He held onto his axe and swung it. Annie used her hand to grab the blade of the axe and stop it. "Amazing. You're definitely a natural. However…it's not enough. I will…kill you!" Turtles laughed.

"Let's see you try!" Annie yelled as she dropped and slid her leg underneath Turtles legs to knock him off balance. Annie cocked back her fist. "Star…punch!"

Pink energy surrounded Annie's fist as she made contact with Turtles face. Annie was shocked to see Turtles standing in the same spot. (S-so strong!) Annie thought.

"You're gonna need a lot more to beat me, woman!" Turtles yelled as he swung his axe. Annie did a split to dodge the swing. Turtles readjusted the axe in the air and brought it down with powerful force.

Annie quikcly used Turtle's ankles to pull herself through his legs. She pulled herself into the air. While in the air, Annie spun and kicked Turtles in the face and chest area twice before landing back on the ground.

"Beast magic: Breath of death!"

Turtles turned his head and show a red beam at Annie. "Holly shi-" Annie used her arms to block the attack. She was sent flying through the forest due to the pressure and force of the magical attack.

"Damn. I can't…even put a dent in the big bastard." Annie sighed. She got on her feet and took deep breaths. (I'm already getting tired. He's just getting started.)

Turtles slowly walked towards Annie. His large muscles showed in the sunlight. "I'll finally be able to prove to my old man that I'm not a mistake! Surrender and die like a honorable warrior! There's nothing wrong when knowing you're weaker!"

Annie chuckled as blood poured down from her left eye. Turtles stopped in his tracks. "What's this?!"


Florkia and Amina were zooming around the forest at high speed. Red and purples rays of light flew astound while the others were fighting off the group.

"That all you got?! I thought…YOU'D BE STRONGER!!!" Amina yelled as Florkia dodged her punch. "Believe me, princess. I'm not dumb enough to leave a scratch on you!" Florkia and Amina stopped. "I just want the human dead! We're saving-"

"You aren't saving the world. Matrix knows about the legendary sky warrior. He just fears it'll come true." Amina sighed. She looked around and threw her hands up. "I'm interested to see your face when it happens. Go at it with the group. I'll stay back and watch." Amina shrugged.

Florkia was stunned. "Are you…serious?"

Amina glared at Florkia. "Very. I have faith our little human toy will kill you."

Florkia smirked and put away her sword. "I'd love to see it."


Turtles stood his ground and pulled out a long chain. He attached his axe to it and began to swing it around. (Why is it…that when I fight, I feel so free and alive?) Annie thought to herself. "I only know three moves: Star punch,Star dust beam, and star healing affect. It's not enough. I need…some assistance." Annie whispered to herself.

Turtles laughed. "Tired already?! Die!" Turtles threw his axe. "Beast magic: Almighty…thrust!!" The axe scrapped Annie's left cheek. She dodged it. Turtles pulled it back towards him. Annie then jumped out of the way. She lifted her head to see Turtles had disappeared. "Above you, human!"

Turtles punched Annnie in the rib cage. She could feel and hear her bones crack.


"Froggy, go to Annie! We can take care of these low-level warriors!" Grizz roared.



Next chapter: Bloody battle field