Bloody Battlefield

Annie and Turtles stood a few yards away from each other. Annie took deep breaths. "You…said you aren't trying to be a disappointment, right? It would seem that were the same…you and I." Annie puffed.

"That so? Issues with your creators?" Turtles asked.

"What? Creators? What-no, Man. My parents?"

"What's a parent?"

"The people who make you?"

"So creators?"

"No, parents. My mom and dad."

"Your mother and father?"

There was a moment of silence before Annie sighed. "Let's just…get this over with."


Guru flew on his dark shadow owl and took out two of the fighters. (This is nothing. Where did…princess go? And the-)

Florkia jumped from the trees and landed a powerful punch on Guru. "Gotcha!" She laughed as she followed it up with a kick.

Guru felt his arm snap. (Broken from that? My magic should…wait. She's using magic amp!)

Guru flipped and turned. He landed softly on the ground. "I know you didn't defeat her. Where is she?" Guru asked as two shadow wolves appeared on both sides of him.

Florkia used her magic and flexed her arms. "What the hell?!" Guru yelled as Florkia grew a pair of two arms underneath her. "Dark magic: curuption mode!"

Florkia's magic aura flashed red as her body grew in size. She pulled out a blade and held it in her left hand. With the large axe in her right. "I won't take you so lightly, Guru!" Florkia laughed. She ran at Guru at fast speeds. His eyes widened as he could feel the wind. Florkia used one of her bottom hands and punched Guru in the gut. He coughed up blood as he was sent into the air. His wolves jumped onto Florkia.

Guru clapped his hands and summoned his owl before he touched the ground.

Florkia tossed the wolves off of her one-by-one.

"Pit snake!" Guru yelled. Florkia felt the ground vibrating beneath her feet. A giant head of a snake popped from the ground and struck at Florkia.

Florkia did a back-flip onto the snake's head. "Unravel!" Guru chanted as the giant snakes body emerged from the ground. "That's it!" Florkia laughed as the wolves jumped on the 70 feet long snake's body. Guru fell from above.

(Attacking me from the front, behind, and on top? I have four arms for a reason…dumbass!)

Florkia used her bottom arms to grab the wolves by their necks. Stabbed the snakes mouth with her blade. Then, threw her axe at Guru.

The wolves were tossed off of the snake. The snake couldn't close its mouth to eat her. Guru called his owl to fly him out of the way. (Damn! She's…even better than I thought!) Guru laughed as he could see a giant shadow covering the sun. Florkia had grabbed the snake and threw it at Guru.

"Shit!" Guru was knocked off of his owl and landed on the ground. He pulled out his sword and slammed it into the ground to stop himself.

(I'm a couple hundred yards away. I can use this time to-) Guru lifted his head to see a giant fist headed at him.

(Shadow Armor!)

A dark helmet formed around his head as Florkia landed the blow. Froggy stopped running and could hear the commotion. "Guru?" Froggy looked to Annie's location and back to Guru's. "Damn it!" Froggy yelled as he rushed to Guru's aid. (She'll be protected! I have full faith in our gods!)

Froggy leaped across the forest and landed right on top of Guru's location. Guru was laying against the tree as his armor had ran out. "That barley saved my ass." Guru sighed. Froggy landed. "What's the problem?"

Guru was shocked. "Aren't you supposed to be with Annie? I've got this under control, Froggy."

"No. You don't. The others will be there to assist her. I don't believe that creature can kill her." Froggy said.

"What? That's why they're here I would assume. To kill Annie. Who knows if they've told a family member or someone else!"

Guru yelled.

"Oh, we have. It's only a matter of time before the leak is out. That's when your country will fall apart!" Florkia laughed as she walked out of the trees. "Who wants to die first?" Florkia asked as she grew two more arms.


"Now hold on, human. You beings have mothers and fathers?" Turtles asked.

"How else do you think I'm here? Of course we do! All things have a mother and father!"

"Interesting. I never knew such a thing existed. Then tell me…just one thing." Turtles took a long pause before opening his mouth. "What do you do…if something kills your mother?"

Annie fell into a deep silence. "What…do you mean? Is your mom…"

"She isn't with me anymore. She lays with our gods."

"I'm sorry to hear that. My dad…is also gone. It's not of the reason why I'm fighting."

"No. You were sent here to kill Matrix. Our king."

Annie smacked her lips. "I don't know much…but my first priority is to find out what happened to my dad. I won't stop until I find out!"

Turtles lowered his weapon. "You…don't care about Matrix?"

"No, I still plan on helping Astral out. But I know my father was here. I just know it. I believe Matrix has the answers I need. So, even if I need to get it out of him…I'll do exactly that!" Annie said with determination in her eyes.

(This girl…is related to one of the two humans that came those years ago?! Are you kidding me? Running through her blood is…the very thing that'll cause our extinction!)

Turtles raised his weapons and took a battle stance. "You really are…a threat to our kind!"

"You're serving an evil person! There's no justification for what you're doing! How am I a threat but Matrix is not?"

"The king…is…is.." Turtles grabbed at his hand and wailed in pain. The magic aura pushed great winds in the area. "What…the hell?" Annie fell to a knee. (That's right. Some of the creatures are controlled by his dark magic spell or whatever Astral explained. Could it be…that this one is from the light kingdom?)

"Fight it!" Annie yelled. Turtles lifted his head and charged at Annie. "You talk too much!" Turtles yelled as he swung his axe. Annie jumped back and evaded the swing.

(I've…never killed anyone before. At least…not…on purpose. I always try to forget what I've done. I've been put here for the purpose to stop the king of the dark kingdom and find my dad!) Annie began to shake as Turtles punched the ground and tossed large chunks of rocks.

(I've always been alone. Mentally. Don't think about it! You don't have to kill him! Just subdue him and get answers about the king and kingdom. However, if I really did do that…who's to say he wouldn't just tell them that I'm only here for my father. I could care less about stopping Matrix or anything. I do, however, think…Matrix is the key to getting my dad or finding him. It's a gamble.)

Annie landed on the ground and used her magic to jump onto a nearby tree. "Don't you dare run away!" Turtles opened his mouth and shot a powerful beam of magic towards Annie. Annie used the tree and swung around it to launch herself into the air.

(I'm new to this…but I feel…almost alive. Like this is what I was born for. I'm gonna know what happened to you, dad! I promise! You were the only light in my life!)

Annie looked down at Turtles and clapped her hands together. "Stardust beam!" A pink beam headed towards Turtles. His eyes grew wide from shock as he dropped and used his axe to guard his body.

The large explosion cuaght the attention of Amina, who was sitting in the distance on a nearby tree. "That's not enough to even kill it, Annie."


Turtles was sent flying into a tree. He flipped over and stared up at the sky. "What…is this!!" Turtles yelled as he could see a woman crying in the corner of a barley lit room.

"I-I'm sorry, Turtles. Mama loves you."


Turtles opened his eyes and used his magic aura. His entire body was surrounded by red aura. "Why…have I forgotten? Why was she…she crying?!" Turtles lifted his head and let out a powerful roar.

Annie landed back on a tree and could feel the immense pressure coming from Trutles. "He looks…different." Annie could see it. She could see and feel Turtle's Magic. It was like he was a different person. "What is this?" Annie whispered to herself.

"Traitor…my whole life…TRAITOR!!!" Turtles roaored as he lifted off into the air and bursted past Annie with incredible speed.

Annie quikcly turned around and followed Turtles.


Froggy and Guru both tag-teamed Florkia. The massive Ogre fended the two talented magic users off. "Is this all you have to offer me?! Give me…a challenge!!" Florkia laughed as she grabbed Guru and threw him into Forggy. "Crusher hall of death!" A black and red ball formed on top of her hand. "Die!" Froggy and Guru braces themselves.

Suddenly, a massive creature stood in front of the two. "Who are-"

Grizz jumped in front of the blast and took it head-on. "You crazy son of-"

"Shut up!!" Grizz roared as the explosion went off.

Florkia ran towards the thick smoke. (They could've have gone far. I'll just-) as she was running, she could see a black sword headed towards her through the thick smoke. Florkia quikcly used her arm to block it and spun to kick Froggy in the ribs.

Froggy was sent away while Guru trapped Florkia in what appeared to be a puddle of black goo. "Shadow magic: Shadow Beast lake!"

Florkia felt a shiver run down her spine. (What…is this feeling of dread?)

"I…haven't used this one since my family was…no, never mind that. Just die, Ogre." Guru said as his blue eyes glowed. "I summon…the almighty shadow beast. Beast-"

Turtles flew in and grabbed Florkia by the neck before slamming her into the ground. "You…pathetic traitor!!" Turtles roared.


Next chapter: Bloody Battlefield, pt 2