Chapter 225; Mother?

"He is too busy with his engagement party, I don't think he would have time to even notice our presence!" He knew his Uncle always saw them as some insignificant beings.

They weren't related as those other Huo family members were adopted but they retained the Huo surname.

Whenever she heard people talking about engagement, her blood would boil, and couldn't wait to see who that woman was! Huo Shen should be hers, she was the one worth of him.

She tightly clenched her hands into tight fists as Huo Yan turned around to gaze at her contorted face, "what happened to you? Are you feeling sick? Should we go home?" He worriedly inquired while supporting her over to the vacant seat that was placed at the corner.

"No, I'm fine..." She hoarsely muttered closing her eyes. No one should know her fantasies.

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