Chapter 226; Ah Shen.....

Since they knew how to shower, it was an easy task for her to prepare them as the only thing she had to do was to make sure they were properly dressed and looking decent.

She also needed to tend to their hair and style it to the occasion.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Ah Shen..."

"Ah Shen..." Su Wei Wei's hoarse voice sounded as she called for that familiar name she held dear to her heart. It was always lingering on her lips.

Huo Shen who was inside the bathroom dressing up, heard that voice calling out his name, even though it wasn't that loud, but he still heard it, it was so a bit strange but didn't dwell on that.

He wore his suit coat as he had dressed up before walking out of the bathroom over to the bed in the bedroom, she had sat up but was still wrapped with the shawl covering her from her shoulders and the bed cover was covering her from her waist as it had fallen the moment she sat up.