Chapter 343; Let me go...

"Everyone, you should run several miles away from this mansion, a huge bomb is going to explode very soon... Hurry up!" After notifying them, a loud bang echoed around her and Feng Jiu froze standing there since he had heard it too.

The guards dragged him away before boarding the Jeeps and drove away for a distance, everyone was rushing away from the mansion, those who were inside the warehouse had left, and children and their mothers had also rushed away without looking behind.

Su Wei Wei had strolled over to the hallway when he came across another man, she had jade eyes and she could see even in the darkness but the other man was just a normal man, so tackling him wouldn't take long, but she was highly mistaken, this person was good in using his sense of hearing with darkness.

With their blades clashing against each other, Su Wei Wei was bruised and had several cuts around her body. Only their breathing could be heard, no one said a word to either of them.