Chapter 344; Did you hear that?

He had run down the hill when they heard a huge explosion that shook the entire ground, A lot of landscape had sunk in and the entire mansion was on fire after being blown into pieces...

"Drive farther away!" The head of the guards instructed them seeing those blown mansion pieces had hit their Jeeps, the side mirrors, and the front windscreen.... It seemed that the magnitude of damage was widespread.

"Wei Wei...." Feng Jiu stretched his hand out even though he couldn't see her, and only the heavy raindrops hit his hand sending him back to reality that he didn't see his daughter emerging out of that place victorious.

"We can't leave her behind!"

"I can't leave her... Let me go!"

"I said let me go!" He wiggled his body struggling to get out but the guards didn't loosen their grip.

His eyes watered nonstop feeling helpless! How could he watch his daughter perish while he sat there safe and sound? He could have done something to rescue her!