Chapter 348; I know you aren't...

After unbuttoning her cargo shirt and moving it sideways a bit, he gazed at that arrow stuck in her fresh and it could be said, it's been there for a few minutes. He could also see several cuts around her chest.

"Ah Shen...." His quietness scared her the most, apart from him moving his hands around her, his presence would have been negligible.

"I will push it inside and then remove it from the back side... That's the only way to go around it!" The arrowhead hadn't pierced anywhere closer to the bones or veins, it had gone through the soft tissue, of which pulling it out will cause some irreparable damage ripping her soft tissues off compared to removing it from the back as it was a few mm from poking outside at her back.

"Okay..." She vehemently nodded her head, whatever he chooses to do is what she would go along with without questioning. At this moment, she agreed to every suggestion he made.