Chapter 349; Good morning...

"Good morning... " Huo Dong was wide awake, he got up from the bed to go over to the bathroom but he suddenly felt a body clinging onto him stopping him from walking further over to the bathroom door.

"Huo Dong... Can't we live like any other normal couple? Can't we fall in love even after marriage?" Princess Aryana knew very well that she needed to strike this iron while it was hot, if she delayed, she would end up losing all.

"Princess Aryana, I think we need to give each other time and see if things would work out, and then we can decide what to do afterward!" He didn't want to completely dismiss her, but he wanted to let her see how things weren't going to work between the two of them no matter what kind of effort they put into it.

"Okay..." She kissed his cheek letting go, Huo Dong walked into the bathroom to clean up and so did Princess Aryana, she wanted to wash her face and get down into the kitchen to make some breakfast for her man.