3. ninja school

the day has come standing outside the door of ninja school noir thought to himself he was looking at dence croud in the ground these were thec hilds the same age as him with there parents

noir recognised many childrens and the people they come with like at edge of playground under a tree two boys standing ther one was same age as him and other around 13 years old little boy was wearing purple clothes with uchiha fan logo on it with hotty expression on his face that's right it's our second protegonist unchiha sasuke

and standing with him in ambu clothes two streak lines under his eyes don't know what he is thinking that's right he is great god of genjutsu one of my favourite characters uchiha itachi

after seeing him I was little excited after all he is one of my favourite character itachi seems to feel my gaze look at me our eyes meet I don't know what to do afterall how will you feel the person you think is cool you know you will never meet him in line and suddenly he look at you it's like standing in front of your crush not same but kinda like thatI smile awkwardly at him and look away in hurry

itachi look at him silently for sometime then looked away

seeing that itachi isn't watching him anymore he look at people around him curiosily then I saw other child's that I know like shikamaru,ino,choji standing in group with there parents talking to others there were also hinata, shino and kiba and also saw other civilian kids in which I saw pink colour girl with big forehead i recognise her too haruo Sakura

well they were all kids some were nervouse happy some were looking around curiously I looked around more suddenly I saw a kid with yellow hair and fox beard on his face and a very bright smile on his face looking around he looks happy and approachable but he was sitting alone in the corner even when he is look like he is happy i cann feel that he is sad

villagers around him kept distance from him even they teach there childrens to not go near him some people even wisper between them but every one can hear them clearly they were talking bad about that child something like demon for or why school let him in study there

noir after seeing this sighed he knew that child is Naruto uzumaki looking at Naruto he felt pity

that is child of fourth hokage and it has become like this after feeling sad of fourth hokage and his wife he looked at him gently

naruto feeling that someone gaze he looked there there he saw a kid looking at him he can feel that's it's not hostle gaze or the gaves that others villagers looked at him it's warm and caring gaze Naruto can feel it from his childhood he can feel other people's emostions or hostility he don't know why but he can feel it

naruto was happy seeing someone who doesn't hate him he can feel it that boy is kind toward him Naruto always want to make friends but no one get near him so he can't that's why he enrolled in ninja school after all his grandpa third generation promised him that in school he can make friends so he was excided he thought grandpa third generation was right

naruto look at boy and smile brightly at him he was ready to go to him and say something but suddenly iruka sensai voice come

students let's get inside school and get to your respective classes third hokage is coming to give speach to all the students

hearing this that third hokage is coming all the parents said goodby to there child's and left and students follow iruka sensai and mizuki sensai to get to there classroom irukat let all students in classroom and all students sit on their seats

noir is looking around to find his seat to sit suddenly he saw a seat he walk to last line on left corner top and sit down oh last bench with window seat and sat down almost everyone has sit dow on there seats expect Naruto who was nervously looking around and all the students were looking at him they don't know what he was doing

iruka who was on stadium look at Naruto standing confused and said to Naruto Naruto go sit somewhere hokage sama is coming don't make trouble

hearing what iruka said Naruto come out of his thought and look around he was thinking where should he sit he want to sit with someone to make friend with him but seeing some people that disgusting faces and feardull expression of child's he lost confidence

suddenly Naruto looked up and saw a boy siting in last line on left corner looking at him

naruto saw that boy doesn't have any bad expression toward himself and looking at him with smile Naruto looked at him and decided to sit with him and try

naruto walk to that boy with smile that he thought was good coming close him he straightened up said in low voice he can I sit with you

noir look at Naruto who came to him looking at Naruto posture and awkward and somewhat nervous expression like he is going in fight and is afraid

noir stand up in front of him Naruto got nervouse seeing this and thought that this boy is gonna reject him

everyone was looking at them like they are watching some show

noir look at Naruto whose face is changing noir know what Naruto might be thinking

noir suddenly extend his hand toward Naruto for hand sake and said hello my name is noir sullevan you can call me noir

naruto look at noir surprise he didn't expect this at all but he catch noir hand as fast as lightning and shake it and with happy expression my name is Naruto uzumaki you can call me Naruto Naruto said suttering

after that noir said to Naruto that he can sit here and Naruto was very happy and sit with him happily he want to lak to noir more but he didn't know but to talk to him and noir himself introverted to extreme didn't know what to talk so they sit down awkwardly looking around

everyone was watching this scene some were surprise seeing that someone is sitting with fox demon iruka look at this but didn't say anything after some time there were footsteps outside class room and iruka said every one to be quite

iruka walk to door and seeing who it said he said respectfully welcome hakage sama

noir saw that it was old man who look like monkey with red hat on his head with two men in black with mask on face and wearing anbu uniform

hokage come in classroom everyone become quite and kids look at this oldman with admiration and respect Naruto who was suddenly siting with noir stood up and said grandpan third hogage you come to school look i am also there

third generation look and everyone in classroom and suddenly hearing familiar voice he looked at boy he knew quite well and smiled at him

iruka who was standing aside look at this and said to Naruto Naruto don't make trouble sit down and let hokage sama give speach

hearing what iruka said Naruto looked around saw everyone looking at him at sit down emberessingly

after making naruto calmdown and seeing every one calmdown third hokage start his speach talimg about village and talking about will of fire and every child even teachers were emersed in this speach and by time they were getting excited

noir look at all this and said nothing he knew this third hokage is molding these childrens minds to love this village but he knew how many young saplings has become ashes because of this fire

noir just smile didn't comment or try to middle with something he is reborn he doesn't want to be savor or whatever he just want to live a happy life and make people surrounding him happy

after an hour of this speach third hokage left to school getting in hokage office he sit down in his hokage position he pick up crystal ball and saw classroom again and a boy sitting with Naruto

third generation knew the importance of Naruto so he always pay attention to him the most and now an unknown kid is sitting with Naruto he need to find out if that kid has some bad attention

hum saratobi hiruzin suddenly call


suddenly a anbu ninja apear in hokage office

seeing him appear third generation puff smoke and said to him go find about the information of that kid and getit to me

anbu ninja dissapera with swish

after half a hour he appear again he gave third generation file and left silently

third generation check the file read it

what a unusual name noir sullevan eight years old this year

huh a child abondened by his parents left him to orphanage from birth and after died in mission later when this child was adopted by a old lady the mother of Suzuki and kuzuki

he knew about these two afterall they were anbu working under him

so this lady who adopted after two year of his adoption and from there lived alone

what a tragic life he thought to himself

a kind hearted kid who help his nabours or old people in his nabourhood a hardworking kind train daily and very intelligent and precious kid from small age and said to can heal small injurys sometime help nabours to heal them

heal people saratobi hiruzin suddenly frown child who didn't even join ninjal school how can he heal person

he was suspicious is report wrong no it can't be so I have to find it he thought to him self let's go to his house tonight


there noir feel relieved after seeing that stinky old man left after all his speach was so cringy and boring he almost used flying thunder god to dissapera

Naruto who was siting with noir saw that noir was out of his thoughts afterall seeing noir who was looking a seelings don't know what he was watching he was almost like this for hour fixing his eyes on seelings

Naruto suddenly thought that he might be able to make noir his friend after all this was second kid of his age that didn't reject him after thinking of this he suddenly looke at noir and asked noir do you have any friend noir look at Naruto who asked him question out of blue but he answered him in sad voice no I had never had any friend how about you noir knew that Naruto doesn't have any friend but to talk he question even so

hearing this Naruto answered no i have friend after saying this he looked at noir and looked nurvous but resolute and asked noir so we both don't have any friend how about becoming my friend if you don't have any problem with me

noir looked at Naruto who said him to become friend with him but he was happy in his heart to become friend with Naruto it might be one of his dream before crossing after all a person like me who had weard dreams like joining luffy crue or becoming Goku how can I not be happy

so noir happily accepted it he said ok to Naruto and said to him from now on you will be my first friend he putt his arm around Naruto neck

and looked happy

Naruto was also very happy seeing this and accepted it with happy smile

noir then looked at Naruto and said so Naruto want to do something amazing

Naruto looked at noir weird smile don't know what he want to do but he will accept whatever it would be

so noir what do you want to do

lets do something with that everyone would look at us and won't forgot us even in there next life

hearing this Naruto was happy to do afterall he always want to get attention of other and importantly he is going to do something with his friend
