third generation

after making some plans for future with with Naruto noir return to his house he opened his door and get inside after washing up a bit he started making food in kitchen after making it he was ready to eat it but suddenly he hear a knock on the door noir frown he doesn't know many people only some people in his nabourhood but he knew they doesn't have any important thing to do to came at this time of hour afterall he was just 8 year old who would come to child house at night they can come ni minrning

even so he was ready he was a kage lavel powerhouse not many people have qualification to fight him in this world even if this matter was not in his hand he can leave he has confidence in his abilities so he didn't think much and open the door

seeing who it was he was surprised but wasn't too surprised he knew he had gotten in touch of Naruto and third generation will surely contact him but he didn't thought it would be that fast but even so he changed his expression fast how fast he changed his face even Oscar winning actor might feel ashamed but he make very surprised and dumb face

so that third generation won't think too much

third generation look at kid who opened the door but looking at his dumb experience he thought that kid was too surprised to see him so he smiled at kid kindly and said

kid won't you let old man inside noir hear this and continue his acting and said sure third generation please come then noir led this old man inside and let him sit on chair

third generation looked inside house and looked that everything was clean and placed cleanly and smelling food smell thought this kid is good for taking his responsibility and thought of Naruto how his room was like he sighed how big difference both life experience are mostly same

third generation then look at this kid to finding any abnormality or anything of suspicion afterall he was here for this matter but seeing everything normal he look at kid he was good looking with smile on his face all the time and most attractive was those dark black eyes like an eyes of mature man not like those kids these eyes he has only seen it in two another child of this age

and those kid they are special not because they become precousious in little age but they are more special because there eyes can see things that other can't they have maturity beyond there age and both that boys were geniuses one is captain ambu at age of 13 and other is Kakashi hatake the strongest genius of konaha village

he sighed he knew it's not good thing to become like this in this life but ninja world is cruel and this time is most good time when there are no wars going on

third generation get out of his thoughts and ask noir who is sitting front of his so noir how was it your first day in ninja school do you like it

noir didn't know what this old man is thinking but he said yes today was good day I don't know why master third generation come to me did something important happened

hearing this third generation just smiled and I just come to see a genius kid your teacher said to me that you can heal other people is it true

noir know that this bad old man is lying but he said yes master third generation I can heal other people

ohh really where did you learn it is it some ninjutsu third generation asked with same kind smile

I was able to do it when I was five years old I didn't learn it from anywhere it was like it's natural by body can do it after I touch someone for one minute i can heal him a little and it just cunsume little cahra and it's not ninjutsu

so can you try to heal me a little I just want to see this ability of yours third generation said

noir didn't said anything afterall people come to his to give him his experience why would he decline it noir stood up and touch third generation hand and after one minute third generation felt his muscles relaxe some normal injurys healed but it was not big but third generation can feel it it was special he didn't see kid use any ninjutsu or anything is it something like this kid blood succession limit but I didn't ever heard of any blood succession limit like this is it this boys alone blood succession limit yes it might be only this can explain this abnormal tequnique of his

[ding congratulations host for getting saratobi hiruzin experience package do you accept it]

noir didn't change his expression but he was happy in his heart after all it was a kage levels experience package now he can get third hokages all ability and experience but lets cheek it later

so master third generation do you know why I can heal other noir asked

I am not too sure but it might be a blood succession limit that of yours

so what is blood succession limit noir asked you will know it when you will go to ninja school it's special jutsu that only you can use or your bloodline like sharingan of uchiha you won't understand now

noir nodded his head but made expression of don't understanding to this third generation just smile

so noir what is your dream do you want to be a hokage hiruzin asked

hokage dream noir looked at third generation blankly does he want to brainwash me too he thought

dreams what is dream master third hokage noir asked with confused expression but inside he was thinking what should he say

hearing noir question hiruzen answer something that you are expecting from yourself or what do you want to become or do in the future

dream huh well if it is then I want to make a family many friends and live happily and protect them I don't really want anything more noir told truthfully it was really what his dream is

hearing what this kid said third generation was first startled but then understand this kid is too lonely and want to make friends or family well understandable and sighed

then third generation looked at him and said what a good dream you have work hard kid you can protect your friends and family and don't be sad you have family this whole village is your family village and hokage job is to protect his family so in this way you can protect your family so work hard and become hokage

hearing this logic noir was impressed with this third generation even politision might blush seeing this type of brainwashing in my past life

but he didn't show any this on this face just make a touched expression on his face

seeing this third generation just smile and asked me some other stupid questions and after muny more questions he finally asked me

so noir did you make any friend third generation asked

yes today I meet Naruto he is my first friend when I got into school every one was in group talking and laughing with there parents so seeing him alone I thought that he is just like me I want to make him my friend but don't know how but then Naruto came and sit with me and asked me to be his friend so now we are friends

hearing what noir said third generation felt relieved it's looks like he is just child longed for friendship or love what a kind hearted kid third generation eyes became soft and talked some more with noir then said goodbye to noir and left

after third generation was gone noir felt relieved and happy this bad old man talk too stupid things why not just get to point noir thought frustrated he was too tired after this

system open third generation experience packe for me

[ding congratulations host for opening third generation experience package and getting kage level chakra]

[ding congratulations host for opening third generation experience package and getting all fighting experience and ninjutsu four yin yan formation,shadow shirukin clone,death reaper death seal,five transformation ,five style combo,reanimation tequnique etc ]

suddenly in noir mind large amount of information experience of ninjutsu and fighting come and he digested it imidatly like he has practice everything himself it was weird feeling but he didn't complain it at all even he can be said to be happy after all third generation is known as professor of ninjutsu he know thousands of ninjutsu he might knew every ninjutsu in konoha expect one bloodline escape

now noir has two kage level chakra and experience in this ninja world now he can be said to have ability to make some small voice he can't run horizontal in ninja world yet but it's enough for self protection let wait and see