Chapter 25-The Final Stand

As the plane descends towards Akuma, Ren is relieved to see Lisa and the other members of the Nefarious Nine (Eliza, Alaina, Aqua, Yumiko, Enma, and Kira) jumping out and approaching the area. The Plane is speeding towards Akuma at a tremendous speed, and soon it appears as if it would crash directly into Akuma, who stands there, watching the plane and smiling to the sky as the plane races towards him. The plane races towards Akuma at an incredible speed, and it looks like a collision is inevitable. Akuma continues watching, smiling at the sight, apparently unconcerned at what would happen to him should the plane hit him. The plane is getting closer and closer, and the collision seems impossible to avoid. Akuma remains unfazed and continues watching as the plane approaches, his face a smile of pure maniacal pleasure. Lisa lands and runs and hugs Ren, who uses his nature magic to heal himself along with Daisuke and Zeref. The other members of the Nefarious Nine land and join the battle, which appears to be in the final stages as Akuma has not yet moved from the approaching plane's crash course. Everyone stares at Akuma who still stands unmoving as the plane barrels towards him at high speed. Akuma stands still, his eyes locked on the plane as it races towards him, his face a picture of pure maniacal delight as he seems to welcome the oncoming crash of the plane. The plane is seconds away from crashing into Akuma when he raises his fist back and collects all the elemental energy he can muster in his fist. He drives his fist into the nose of the plane just as it's about to crash into him, hitting it with all his strength. There is a loud bang as a massive explosion engulfs him and the plane. Thick smoke fills the area leaving only the sound of the explosion in the aftermath, as everyone waits to see what happened to Akuma.

The smoke clears revealing a completely annihilated plane, sliced in half by Akuma's fist of elemental energy. A large crater has been created in the aftermath of Akuma's attack, and Akuma is in the center of the crater. The left hand he used to destroy the plane has been permanently charred, ashy, and unusable, blood drips from his arm, though it seems like he doesn't feel any pain. Akuma stares at Ren, ready for their seemingly never-ending fight. Akuma starts approaching the rest of the group, limping slowly due to his injuries but with an obsessive and excited expression on his face, indicating his eagerness to continue fighting even while wounded. His injuries have clearly taken their toll on him as he is moving slower and more clumsily than before, but his determination and drive remain undiminished as he moves towards the group with reckless abandon. Enma focuses his powers of pain manipulation, targeting Akuma's previously injured arm and amplifying the intensity of the pain to an extreme level, making it feel as if his entire arm is on fire. He also uses his powers to simulate the pain into Akuma's other arm, despite it not having any injuries, causing Akuma to experience the burning sensation that his previously injured arm now experiences with every movement he makes. Akuma's expression of eager anticipation and determination is seemingly undiminished as he continues moving towards the group, seemingly unfazed by the pain he is experiencing. A burst of speed is seen as Kira dashes towards Akuma at an unimaginable speed and activates his poison/acid manipulation abilities. Yumiko also enters the fray alongside her brother Kira and activates her shadow manipulation to cover the area in a blanket of darkness. Akuma remains unfazed and continues his advance towards the group, ignoring the pain he is experiencing from the amplified effects of Enma's power and the corrosive effects of Kira's ability.

Zeref joins the assault as he dashes in to attack Akuma alongside the others. Akuma remains unfazed and continues moving towards the group, ignoring the pain which is constantly growing as Enma's power amplifies the pain and the corrosive effects of Kira's ability gradually wear away his flesh and break down his durability. Alaina attempts to use her hypnosis on Akuma but finds that it simply does not work on such a powerful opponent. She instead uses her psychic manipulation to make him feel disoriented, causing him to lose his focus and become unable to concentrate properly. She uses this opportunity to her advantage and tries to use the confusion she has created to put him on the back foot and gain the upper hand in the battle. The 5 are actively engaging with Akuma, moving swiftly and efficiently as they circle around him and attack with various abilities in a concerted effort to overwhelm and defeat him. Akuma is unable to keep up with the barrage of attacks, but remains undeterred, his maniacal expression unchanged despite the wounds he has suffered and the growing pain he is experiencing from Enma's power and Kira's ability. Lisa unsheathes her sword, preparing to use its full power against Akuma. Her lightning abilities crackle through her frame and her blade, forming a dangerous and potent combination of physical might and elemental force. Akuma's eyes narrow in response to this new threat as he continues moving forward, seemingly prepared to meet Lisa's attack with everything he has and with no signs of retreat or defeat. Daisuke joins the fray and takes a defensive position, shielding the group and protecting everyone from Akuma's attacks. Eliza also joins in and focuses her pyromancy on Akuma, using her elemental ability to cause eruptions to occur from under him. These eruptions explode with incredible power and force, causing damage to Akuma and making it even harder for him to maintain his balance and defend himself against the barrage of attacks being thrown his way.

Aqua stands beside Ren, gazing at her power bracer and considering whether or not to join the battle. She is aware of the incredible power her abilities possess and the potentially catastrophic damage they can cause if used without any control. She wears the power bracer to suppress her power and keep it within acceptable parameters. She looks at Ren expectantly, waiting for his command as her leader to join the fight or continue to stand back. Ren nods at Aqua as she removes her power bracer, acknowledging her strength and power as she prepares to engage in the battle without any restrictions. He warns her to keep the battle localized and not be too destructive in her attacks, as the site where they are currently battling Akuma has already suffered considerable damage and is on the verge of collapse, and further destruction could spell doom for them all if the entire structure were to come crashing down on top of them. Aqua has now shed the shackles placed upon her by the power bracer and is now free to wield her full power. She rains destruction upon Akuma, calling forth the elements of the sea to batter this once-invincible foe. She summons fierce waves that crash and overwhelm him, calling forth raging storms to drench him and hamper his movements and defenses, creating a chaotic sea of destruction that rips into the flesh of Akuma, chipping away at his superhuman durability and eroding away his endurance. The sheer power and intensity of Aqua's attack takes Akuma by surprise, he is unable to effectively defend against the onslaught as the seas themselves wage war against him. Aqua keeps up the unrelenting pressure, not allowing Akuma the chance to stop or recover. He is thrown off balance due to the power of her assault, leaving him vulnerable and exposed to further damage.

The reason Aqua is so powerful, is because she is one of the VERY few awakened ones, you can count the number of awakened ones in paradise city on one hand. in this world, humans have been gifted with the ability to have powers, the most common abilities are those of the elements, with some rare cases being abilities like Zeref's "Titan", as well as Akuma who has multiple elements as well as physical strength and durability. the most legendary abilities of all are ones like Ren's, the power of nature itself, other abilities like Ren's include things like space manipulation, abyss magic, metamorphosis, and more. However, in some special cases, people can awaken their abilities to be stronger than their normal ranking, such is the case of Aqua. She has Awakened her somewhat common hydrokinesis ability, allowing her to become the very essence of the seas itself, a force of nature not to be taken for granted. Her ability is so vast and powerful that she is a force to be reckoned with, a god in human form whose wrath is to be feared and respected. She is the embodiment of water itself. When fighting against aqua you are not fighting just a water mage. you are facing the wrath of the seas itself in human form.

With the power of the seas wielded by Aqua and the full might of the nefarious nine, Akuma is quickly being beaten back. Akuma seems to have been caught off guard by the sheer power and ferocity of the group's attack, and he seems unable to effectively defend himself against the overwhelming barrage of attacks. Aqua's power is a game changer and Akuma's durability is being steadily chipped away. Now that every single member of the nefarious nine is involved in the assault on Akuma, the tide of battle has turned sharply in the Rogue Syndicate's favor. Ren, the leader of the group, prepares to join his friends and allies in this critical battle of life and death. He activates his nature power and creates the elemental orbs of water, fire, ice, earth, and wind, which now orbit around him and act independently, acting on his command and seeking out their target of destruction: Akuma. The battle has shifted dramatically in the Rogue Syndicate's favor as the nefarious nine bombard Akuma with a relentless and sustained attack. The powers of nature, water, lightning, shadows, poison, earth, fire, pain manipulation, and the Titan himself, Zeref, are all being unleashed upon Akuma, whose godlike powers are being steadily worn away and his defenses chipped away by the sustained assault. Aqua's abilities are the deciding factor, her power of the seas allowing her to create an unrelenting tide of destruction that is utterly overwhelming Akuma and causing him to suffer great damage and pain. Despite his injuries and unusable left arm, Akuma is still able to fight back in this battle and resist the onslaught. He seems to be able to ignore the pain and push through the damage he has incurred in order to keep pushing towards his targets. His determination, resilience, and endurance are incredible, allowing him to remain in the fight despite his injuries.

As the battle continues and the group continues to press their attack, Akuma remains unwavering and continues pushing through their onslaught, determined to win or die trying. His resilience and endurance is incredible, allowing him to ignore the pain he is experiencing and press on towards victory. As the battle continues and the group continues to press their attack, Akuma remains unwavering and continues pushing through their onslaught, determined to win or die trying. His resilience and endurance is incredible, allowing him to ignore the pain he is experiencing and press on towards victory. Akuma once again manifests a giant sword made of ice, water, fire, and wind, using his elemental powers to create this weapon. It is huge and he swings it with ease, despite the fact that he is swinging with one arm. His strength and endurance are impressive, allowing him a power that no ordinary human could ever hope to equal. He moves forward with his blade held forth, ready to obliterate whoever stands before him. As Akuma advances with his blade held forth, he is determined to make a final push towards the nefarious nine, who have been relentlessly attacking him and gradually wearing him down. He pushes onward towards Ren and the others, intent on destroying them and achieving victory despite the injury to his left arm and the pain he has endured. The nefarious nine are not surprised by Akuma's sudden, determined push toward them. However, they are prepared to meet him head-on and counter his advanced, using all of their abilities in a coordinated effort to push back against Akuma. They have already worn him down considerably, but he has a large amount still left in him as he pushes forward and refuses to back down.

The nefarious nine as well as Ren continue to fight back against Akuma's relentless assault, trading blows and matching him in an intense and powerful battle. They have already done significant damage to him, and he is showing signs of exhaustion and injury, but he still refuses to give up or show any signs of weakness. The battle continues as Akuma and the nefarious nine trade blow for blow, neither side willing to yield and both aiming for victory. The fight has already taken a significant toll on Akuma, his wounds and injuries mounting, but he still fights on with a fierce determination. The nefarious nine have worn him down considerably but he remains in the fight and remains a dangerous opponent. Akuma charges towards Ren with determination, but to their surprise he suddenly falls to one knee, his mind wanting to continue but his body simply unable to keep up. The sheer strain of the battle has taken a toll on him and forced him to his knees even as he fights on relentlessly. The very fabric of his existence is being ripped apart and he is struggling to keep fighting. The fatigue and exhaustion have finally caught up to Akuma, and his mind and body are struggling to keep fighting and going. He is now on the verge of exhaustion and his body cannot carry on much longer. The strain of the battle has finally overwhelmed him and he is no longer the untouchable warrior they have come to fear. A sharp gasp of pain comes from Akuma as he gets up despite the fact that he shouldn't be able to move and a piercing shriek rip through the air. Blood stains his face, gushing from his nose and ears, and even spilling from his eyes. His body is at its limit, having pushed itself beyond what it should've been capable of, and now he is paying the price for his determination and stubbornness.

Akuma stares at Lisa with a fierce determination and a glint of madness in his eyes. Despite the fact that his life is coming to an end, he plans to take one of them down with him. He closes his eyes and smiles, ready to die in a blaze of glory. He dashes towards Lisa with his great sword raised and ready to impale her, forcing her into an impossible situation where she cannot run away, and no one can save her in time. Ren eyes Lisa with horror and desperation, a terrible fear and regret filling his eyes. His mind is overwhelmed with the realization that Akuma is about to kill Lisa and he is powerless to stop it. Lisa's life flashes before her eyes, and the rest of the nefarious nine scream her name with a mixture of horror and anguish, desperate to save her but unable to do anything to intervene in time. Akuma's blade reaches its apex, only inches away from Lisa. She cannot move away, there is barely enough time to even react. Akuma's blade is mere seconds away from piercing her body. The sinister smile on Akuma's face indicates that he has no remorse in taking her life and will not hesitate to do so. The moment seems to drag on forever, but in reality, only a few short second's pass. The scene before Ren's eyes almost seems frozen as he is paralyzed and unable to move, while the rest of the world seems suspended in time. He can only think and hope that somehow Lisa will survive, as Akuma's blade is just a few inches from piercing her body and taking her life. A burst of energy erupts from Ren's body and his emerald, green eyes begin to shine with a bright and vivid light that is impossible to look at directly. Ren slowly levitates and seems to be surrounded by a radiant aura of energy. His powers have been awakened and seem to have reached a new level of power and intensity, seemingly surpassing even Akuma's own abilities. He looks like a completely different, and far more powerful, being.

Almost impossibly fast, the burst of energy erupts from Ren, his eyes brightening, and his powers being awakened to new levels. However, despite this sudden surge in power, he does not have enough time to stop Akuma's attack or block it. His single option is to save Lisa without her being hit. The only way he is able to do this is to push her out of the way and instead take her place, intercepting Akuma's deadly strike. Ren grabs Lisa and pushes her out of Akuma's deadly strike, using his own body to protect her. He jumps into the air, arms wide open, as the blade of Akuma's weapon is driven right into his torso, right through his body. He is still impaled on the blade when Akuma raises it into the air, his body gushing with blood and his life now hanging in the balance. The sight of Ren being impaled on Akuma's blade is enough to send a shudder of terror through all of those who have witnessed it. Akuma may have lost the battle, but he has managed to get the last laugh through his act. He stares at Ren, whose bright eyes are slowly fading as his life slips away. Akuma has his victory, even if its momentary. Akuma drops his sword, unable to keep hold of it after his attack. He stares at Ren, speaking with a mad smile. "You were a formidable opponent, Ren Kuzure. As was your father. I'm sorry I refused to acknowledge Ryuji's strength. I am glad I died at your hand, and you at mine. You know? I would do everything I did again, if it meant I would get to fight you in this moment. Haha" Akuma laughs, and in that moment, he dies standing, like the warrior he always was. Akuma's eyes close, and his final breath escapes from his body, leaving only the sight of his dead body, still standing and a bloody mess. His body's final act of determination and defiance, standing even after receiving a fatal blow is a testament to his strength and fortitude. Now the battle is truly over and the Rogue Syndicate's nefarious nine have claimed victory, even though Akuma had the last laugh. Ren's body remains limp as Akuma's blade is pulled from his torso, a terrible wound covering his chest and chest cavity. His life is hanging by a thread, and he is on the brink of death. All the efforts and sacrifices made by the nefarious nine have come to this, a final struggle for Ren's life.