How many points will it take?

Ashen's room, Phoenix Feather Sect,

[Ding! Host, I have rewarded you correctly, however, it seems that I have failed to properly teach you.]

[Here, Let me tell you how this world works. I am sure this will clear all your doubts]

Ashen nodded before taking a seat, listening closely to the system. He was ready to understand how all of this worked.

[Ding! Host, This world is unbiased and gives everyone opportunities. If it gives someone something, it also takes something from them in return.

First, Let me tell you that this world also has a consciousness and it can make decisions. This consciousness is commonly known as the world's will.

This world's will sees all and knows everything in this world.

Now, everyone is born with some luck and the protagonists have a higher amount of luck than others, making them favored by the world's will.

This mighty system quantifies their luck in luck points.