What is his name?

Ashen was looking at the map of the region he was in.

He was the ninth Prince of the Primordial Dragon Empire, the largest and the strongest among the five empires of this world.

However, Primordial Dragon Empire wasn't just large, it was huge.

If he had to compare it to his previous world, Primordial Dragon Empire was twice the area of Asia in land area.

And that wasn't all, Primordial Dragon Empire had also occupied some of the outer region from other empires as well, although the empires had huge oceans between them.

Now, to handle this large area, the emperor of this empire had divided his empire into various kingdoms and sect territories.

Everyone was free to command their kingdoms and territories, but, just had to pay tax to the empire every month.

Like this the emperor didn't had to take care of the whole empire and just looked after the capital in which he stayed in.