Chapter 4 “Good News and Recovery”

As the night sun falls beneath the skyline, projecting a warm tint across the room, the Harrington dynasty assembles for a lovely supper.


 Alexander's mom, Victoria Harrington, an embodiment of elegance with her glamorous outfit and pearls, sat close to Alexander's father, Emperor Jude Harrington.


 Alexander's sixteen-year-old sister, Emily Harrington, communicates energetic happiness, her chuckling and excitement resounding in the enormous space.



 "The food smells delicious," Emily said, perceiving the aroma of a well-organized feast which occupies the room, prepared by the extremely skilled chefs in the mansion. 


 "Emily, dear, how was your day?" asked Victoria, her eyes reflecting certifiable interest and curiosity in knowing the reason for her excitement.


 "My day went well mom. I performed so well in the long tennis game today. I became one of those that were selected for the grand competition which will take place in a month's time," Emily said, smiling and displaying excitement and exuberance.


 "What good news, dear, I'm so proud of you and I applaud your resilience in chasing after your dream," Emperor Jude Harrington said as Victoria continued to praise her daughter, Emily.


 "It's enough reason to be so excited," Victoria said, refilling Emily's glass cup with a chilled red grape wine. 


 "I promise to show up and root for my princess in the grand competition," Emperor Jude Harrington said, smiling and showering Emily with hype and hails.



 "Dad, where is big bro? I haven't seen him since yesterday," Reyna asked desperately.



 "After calling him repeatedly yesterday, he called with an unknown number, and he told me that he'd show up in a month's time, leaving me with no details about where he is but assured me that he's fine wherever he is," Emperor Jude Harrington replied as he gracefully smiled at his daughter, Emily.



 "Ohh, at least he should let us know where he is, so unusual of him," Victoria said, sipping her drink after taking a bite of a fried beef.


 "Since he is fine, there's nothing to worry about. Let's eat happily," Emily said, slowly drinking her red grape wine.


 The clinking of glasses resounds in the glamorous dining room, denoting a snapshot of solidarity and love. In the Harrington mansion, within the midst of the embroidery of riches and achievement, genuine wealth lies in the bonds that rise above material overflow, the glow of familial association, shared dreams, and the genuine affection that makes their luxurious house a home.




 In Reyna's home, at the break of dawn on a sunny Wednesday morning, the clock tower chimed the gentle melody of 7:00 AM.



 "How are you feeling Alexander," Granny Rachael asked so lovingly as she cleaned the dusty table in the room.



 "I'm feeling better Granny. In fact, I need to take off these bandages from my arm. I can now move my hands so swiftly without feeling any pain," Alexander said, as he pulled off the bandages off his arm.



 "I'm so happy your injury has gotten healed," Granny Rachael said, holding Alexander's arm as she stared at the healed injury.



 "You need to take this medicine. It's your last set of medications," Reyna says, pouring water into a glass cup from a jug as she attempts administering drugs to Alexander.



 "Yeah, sure, I'll take whatever you offer," Alexander said, smiling as he received the medicine Reyna offered.



 "I know your injury will heal up so quickly because you are so strong. Reyna told me how you fought courageously with some group of assassins and how you overpowered them," Granny Rachael said.



 "Yeah, I'm really strong, as you said. I've been indoors for close to three weeks. Granny, I think we should all go to the beach and have some fun. What do you think?" Alexander said, as he also asked.



 "It's really a good idea, but I feel tired. I think you should go with Reyna and have fun together," Granny Rachael replied.



 "Granny, please come with us," Reyna said, pleading that Granny go with them to the beach.

 "I'm sorry Reyna, I won't be able to. I need to rest," Granny Rachael said, heading towards her room to rest as she dropped the bandages in a dustbin.



 "Reyna, please help me to prepare a hot tea," Granny Rachael said audibly, moving into her room.



 "OK Granny, it will be served in no time," Reyna replied, heading towards the kitchen as Alexander went along with her.



 "Stop it Alexander, I'm making tea for mom," Reyna says as she giggles and laughs as Alexander tickles her waist from behind in the kitchen.


 "I won't stop darling," Alexander replied, holding Reyna by the waist as he stays behind her in a way that contact is felt by both, he clings at her so tight from behind.



 "Your curves are so seductive dear," Alexander said, clinging tighter to Reyna from behind as she made tea. 


 I love it when you are so romantic dear," Reyna said, holding Alexander's hands and getting herself freed from his clutches as she took a jug of tea to Granny Rachael's room.



 "Get yourself ready Reyna, we'll be going out to have fun at the beach this afternoon," Alexander says, smiling blissfully as he stares at Reyna after she had finished serving tea to Granny Rachael.



 "I'm so lucky to have you as a partner, Reyna. It's so funny how love met me, not me going outside the street seeking love," Alexander said and laughed while he appreciates nature for blessing him with a wonderful soon-to-be bride.



 "I'm so lucky to have you too, you are so caring and sweet without any bad intentions towards me," Reyna says as she hugs Alexander tightly.



 Go and get ready, make sure you look so sexy and beautiful for me," Alexander said, raising Reyna's chin with his hand while he kissed her wet lips so softly, pulling her closer as her breast touched his chest.



 "Don't stop, Alexander," Reyna said after looking at Alexander's beautiful steel-blue eyes, which glittered with love, and once more, passionately kissed Alexander, whose facial figure appeared to be irresistible as it exuded handsomeness.



 "Help me!!" Reyna shouted, jumping on Alexander after a rat climbed her legs as it ran past where they stood to the store room, interrupting their moment of extreme romance.


 "Such a kid," Alexander burst into laughter as he held Reyna, who jumped in his arms.


 "Scared baby girl," Alexander said, laughing uncontrollably and holding Reyna, who was still scared of coming down from his arms.


 "Naughty boy," Reyna said, hitting Alexander so hard on his strong and broad chest while she still hesitated to come down even after she saw no rat on the floor again.



 "If you don't come down now, I'll take you to the bathroom to take a bath together with me," Alexander said.


 On hearing this, Reyna jumped down quickly. "So naughty," She replies, pushing Alexander on his chest as she heads towards her room to get ready for the beach party.



 "She has given me a reason to live. I want to have my kids with her. Such a naive and glowing angel," Alexander says, smiling quietly to himself as he heads towards his room after Reyna went to get herself ready.



 A few minutes after they both got ready for the beach party, Alexander drove his car along with Reyna to Fountain's beach where he planned to have fun and relax with Reyna, who had spent close to three weeks stressing herself out about taking care of him.