Chapter 5 “Relaxation And Altercations On The Beachfront”

In the Empire of General Williams, secret passages murmur stories of political interest and destructive ideas, while the velvet-hung rooms hold something beyond the extravagance of riches which supports the undercover coalitions and risky plots that moved in the shadows. In the captivating domain of Emperor Williams' chamber, Scorpion Lord engages in a conversation with Emperor Williams, who happens to be very interested in conversations about the destruction of something or the killing of someone in order to get what he wants.





 "He was so lucky. I would have killed his son. The Assassins you sent to kill him proved themselves to be incompetent," Emperor Williams says as he uses a lighter to arouse smoke on his cigarette.



 "I still can't understand how Emperor Jude Harrington's son managed to kill the eleven assassins that I sent to terminate his life," Scorpion Lord, the general leader of the Assassins in Emperor William's chamber replied in a confused manner.



 "My plan is to kill Emperor Jude's son, Alexander. When I do that, it'll be very easy to penetrate into his defense and kill him as well because his territory will experience commotion and imbalance if his only heir gets killed," Emperor Williams said.


 "Emperor Jude Harrington is my only enemy that looks very hard to defeat based on his expertise in battle and his massive defensive tactics in the city of Eldoria," Emperor Williams continued.


 "It's also unfortunate that his son tends to be strong and powerful like his father. Nevertheless, I'll make sure he dies soon," Scorpion Lord said, refilling his empty glass with alcohol.


 Beep beep beep (message notification sound).


 "A message notification!" Scorpion Lord said, checking his phone to see what message it is.


 "This is good news," Scorpion Lord said, laughing so wickedly.


 "What's good about the news?" Emperor Williams asked with curiosity.


 "One of our spies just informed me that he saw Officer Maxwell on Fountain beach relaxing with a few friends of his," Scorpion Lord replied.


 (Officer Maxwell is a police officer who is in charge of ensuring extreme levels of security in Emperor Jude Harrington's Empire.)


 "This is a great opportunity to kill him. Arrange five Assassins to get him killed instantly before he leaves the party," Emperor Williams said.


 "Your will is my command, Emperor Williams. I'll do as you say," Scorpion Lord replied, bowing down his head as he left to get the task done.



 On the beach, the ocean side woke up with the irresistible beat of giggling and music. Colorful umbrellas were spotted on the coastline as the sand changed into a dance floor, vibrating with shoeless merrymakers influencing to the beat of perky tunes, projecting a warm sparkle on the celebrations. The fragrance of barbecued rarities drifted through the air, alluring taste buds and adding to the reverberating beach party. 





 "The water is so cold," Reyna says, laughing loudly as she tries dodging the splashes of water Alexander directed at her body with his hands.


 "Come here, you can't run for too long," Alexander says, laughing as he catches Reyna, who had been running away from him.


 "The water is cold," Reyna says, laughing aloud as she fell into the beach's water immediately after Alexander caught her.


 "Sorry for that," Alexander apologizes as he pulls Reyna up from the water.


 "I don't accept apologies. I'll take revenge," Reyna said, pushing Alexander back into the water as she laughed so uncontrollably.


 "You will pay for this," Alexander said, dragging Reyna, who was about to run away after pushing Alexander into the water.


 "Not again, how do you run so fast?" Reyna asked, laughing so loudly as she fell on top of Alexander.



 "You always bring happiness into my life, Alexander," Reyna says, still lying on the wet sand, her breast touching Alexander's chest and his hands on her hips and waist as she looks straight into his beautiful and glamorous eyes.


 "I want to be like this with you forever. I don't want to let go," Alexander, smiling so gracefully as he used his pointed nose to kiss Reyna's nose.


 "So naughty of you," Reyna replied, smiling so blissfully as she also wiggled her breast on his chest.


 "I like that," Alexander said, giggling so passionately after he felt the wiggle of Reyna's breast on his chest.


 "Let's just stay like this forever," Alexander added as he kissed Reyna's sexy-looking lips so continuously to the point where they both began to extend the kisses with their tongues.



 "I love you so much, Alexander," Reyna said so genuinely as she hugged him, her hands wrapped behind his head, making Alexander's head captivated and choked with her puffy breast.



 "I love you too, Reyna," Alexander said as he effortlessly carried Reyna, raising her up from the wet sand they'd laid on for so long, engaging in extreme romance.


 In a small gathering, relaxing, drinking, and eating barbecue, Officer Maxwell and his friends sat on the floor.


 "Our attack strategy is going as planned, Jimmy," Officer Maxwell said, notifying his three friends that his spy sent a message about the arrival of the assassins at the beach.


 FLASH BACK: Today's morning, Officer Maxwell notices that he is being spied on as he goes out to fulfill a task given to him by Emperor Jude Harrington. In order to know who it was that sent the spy who traced his steps, he went to the beach, informing Emperor Jude Harrington and strategizing with his friends, who were also police men among the security officials of Jude Harrington's Empire.





 "The Assassins are here already on alert, all guns should be reloaded, we'll attack any time from now," Officer Maxwell said, informing other security officers he had already positioned at the car park where the Assassins would possibly park their van.



 "They've entered the beach, they all put on black clothes with sunglasses as ammunition is kept in a bag held by one of the five assassins," Officer Maxwell's spy informed him via a call as he glanced through the scenery, setting his eyes on the assassins.



 "Inform the others to attack from behind, kill all of them, but spare the life of one for thorough investigations. I've seen the guy spying on me, I'll chase him and get him arrested as well," Officer Maxwell said so strategically.




 Bang bang (gun shots), two Assassins dead as the police officer attacked from behind 


 "Don't bother to open the bag, drop the bag down," Jimmy, a police officer said, aggressively and forcefully grabbing the bag, while seven other police officers pointed their guns at the remaining three Assassins who were gripped with disbelief, feeling like a dream or a setup for them to get killed.



 "Come over here Reyna, let's get away from here," Alexander says, grabbing Reyna's hand as they run along with everyone after hearing gunshots, everywhere looking disorganized as people run here and there.



 Bang bang (gun shots), two Assassins were down again as Jimmy pulled the trigger twice, four out of five Assassins lying dead on the floor with clothes soaked with blood.


 "Come back here," Officer Maxwell shouted, running after the spy who wasn't stopping. Rather, he runs too hastily to escape from the police officer.


 Bang (gun shot), "Ahhhhh!," the spy shouted in pain as he fell down on the floor after receiving a gunshot to his leg.


 "Ohh, it's the police, no call for alarm. It's obvious they are screwing up criminals," Alexander said, noticing Officer Maxwell handcuffing the spy who got shot in the leg.



 "It's a relief. I got scared already," Reyna said, hugging Alexander so tight before she began to pack her stuff.


 "You are under arrest," Officer Jimmy said, handcuffs the fifth Assassin, punches him in the face and commands that he should be dragged to the car.


 Vroom, vroom (sound of a moving car), Officer Maxwell drives along with the other police officers as they move towards the police headquarters with the handcuffed Assassins for a thorough investigation.



 Vroom, vroom (sound of a moving car), Alexander and Reyna also left the beach, heading towards the Beauty Boutique for shopping.



 In Alexander's moving car, "let's have a lot of fun today," Reyna said, insisting that Alexander play a romantic song as they both head to the boutique.


 "Sure, I'll do that now, I'll play the trending romance music in town," Alexander said, turning on the music player in his car as Reyna got so excited clinging onto him, driving with shaking heads as they both vibe to the music