Heading to Japan


Daisy fell silent for a moment, carefully comparing her memories. "Is the founder of the Yashida family still alive?" she asked.

Nick Fury thought for a moment. "He should be alive; we haven't received any news of his death."

After saying this, he pulled out an identification card and handed it to Daisy. "Your level is classified as Level Five, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. will cover the expenses for Adamantium alloy."

Looking at the eagle emblem on the card, she hesitated. Joining S.H.I.E.L.D. was a deep pit; once you jumped in, it was hard to get out. However, in this world, staying idle meant falling behind. Having the support of a mature and extensive intelligence organization would bring many advantages, and she weighed the pros and cons.

Nick Fury didn't rush her, but waited silently.

"Alright!" In the end, Daisy took the ID, regardless of what the future holds. S.H.I.E.L.D. had treated her well so far, and she had basically paid nothing. Moreover, Hill's previous conversation with her, indicated that she wanted her to stay.

Nick Fury seemed to have known her choice long before; he remained calm, showing no guilt about luring a young girl into the path of a special agent.

"Now that you're one of us, complete the mission as soon as possible," Nick Fury said, ready for her to leave.

"Wait!" Daisy thought of something important that required preparation.

"Does the bureau have any devices to prevent mind control? If I encounter Professor X, what if he tries to control me?" She had too many secrets, and these psychic abilities were too abnormal; she had to take precautions in advance.

Vibrational abilities had little defense against mind control. While Daisy knew that Professor X could restrain his powers and didn't peep into the minds of every random person, she couldn't guarantee the same for others. She needed a defense mechanism.

Nick Fury didn't think Professor X would target S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, but he agreed that Daisy's precautions were correct and that she had a sense of crisis at all times. This was a prerequisite for an excellent agent.

He took out a box from the drawer and handed it to Daisy. "Developed by the Scientific Department of S.H.I.E.L.D., a high-tech patch. You can hide it behind your ear normally, and while it's challenging to be completely immune to control, if a psychic tries to control you, the patch will emit high heat to stimulate your nerves, giving you time to escape."

"Also, don't use your superpowers in crowded places; it's hard to cover up afterward." After speaking, Nick Fury picked up a file on the desktop and signaled the end of the conversation.

Daisy left the office and returned to her room.

First, she opened the box, which was meticulously packaged, resembling the mooncake boxes from Eastern countries. A large box contained a smaller one, and the smallest one held various layers of tin foil and plastic film. After unwrapping layer after layer, she finally held a transparent patch no larger than a fingernail.

Daisy silently cursed the S.H.I.E.L.D. for wasting funds.

The patch's material was indistinguishable, with a certain texture when touched but not metallic. When closely examined in the light, she found that there were countless tiny particles resembling a circuit board crisscrossed within, which made her dizzy.

Daisy applied the patch behind her ear and carefully felt for any reactions, but there was no response.

The patch seamlessly adhered to her skin, colorless and transparent. Even if she used her fingers to touch it, she could only feel slight bumps.

Most likely, it also contained a tracking device, but she didn't mind. She eats and drinks at S.H.I.E.L.D. every day. Weapons, combat suits, various IDs – she couldn't keep looking for mini-trackers wherever she went, she didn't care about one and a half more.

She didn't entirely trust technological equipment; it was better if she could possess psychic shielding abilities herself.

Daisy carefully screened several targets and unfortunately found that those capable of teaching psychic shielding were powerful figures, most of whom also possessed telepathic abilities. She decided to avoid these people as she wasn't planning to deliver her secrets to them in their home.

For now, her strategy was to stay as far away as possible, strengthen her own willpower through exercise, explore meditation techniques, and utilize technological equipment to enhance her psychic defense capabilities.

After a quick preparation, she presented her credentials at the airport and boarded a flight to Tokyo.

During the flight, she began studying the mission data, comparing it with her own memories using internal S.H.I.E.L.D. records.

Official records stated that the Yashida family rose to prominence after World War II.

However, Daisy knew they were part of Hydra, and the castle of the Yashida family on Shikoku Island was one of Hydra's branch bases.

After the defeat of the Red Skull, German war criminals and Japanese terrorist elements combined to form the modern Hydra. They secretly developed and expanded using the vast funds plundered during the war, continuing to grow until today.

The so-called "help" provided by the Yashida family to Japan's "reconstruction" is actually a covert process of seizing control of the country.

Hydra's financial base, codenamed "The Crown," was in Kyoto. The underwater city codenamed "Ichor" was located in the waters near Okinawa. Along with the Yashida family's castle, a relatively small Japan had three Hydra bases. Daisy remembered that "Ichor" alone had fifteen thousand elite soldiers, and the other two locations must have no less.

If you add the seemingly incompatible "Hand" Organization, their influence would be even greater.

However, she wasn't too worried. Hydra was currently in a hidden state, without significant interests at stake, so they would not expose themselves.

The potential enemy she might face this time was one of the Hydra leaders in Japan, Viper. This venomous woman also had earned the title of Madame Hydra, and has multiple times defected from and rejoined Hydra. Daisy wasn't sure about the current relationship between Viper and Hydra.

Her guiding principle was to assist and let Uncle Wolf worry about major issues. As for herself, she could learn from Nick Fury's valuable experience: if you can't win, run!

She landed at Tokyo Haneda Airport, already late in the evening.

Daisy, wearing a beige coat, pencil pants, and a thick scarf, carrying Burberry's distinctive striped handbag.

It didn't take long for her to locate the person sent to pick her up.

The person who saw her Chinese features showed no surprise at all, clearly having been informed in advance. A man in a black suit opened the car door, and they left the airport directly.

During the journey, Daisy asked the driver a few questions in Japanese. Her Japanese was good, but the driver was not talkative and only indicated that she was responsible for picking her up, not answering any other questions.

Seeing that she couldn't extract more details, Daisy decided to remain silent. She took out her tablet and connected to the local network, searching for information about the Yashida Corporation.

To outsiders, even with the old owner stepping down, the Yashida Corporation seemed to maintain its vibrant vitality under the new leadership.

However, Daisy knew it was all a facade. The old Yashida was an ungrateful person who had always coveted Wolverine's healing factor and had never given up on it. Although he had withdrawn behind the scenes, he still remotely controlled the company and extensively used company funds to acquire Adamantium alloy.

Billions of dollars were thrown out, and Adamantium alloy on the global market was all gathered into their pockets.

The current Yashida Corporation appeared prosperous, but internally, its financial chain had already snapped, ready to trigger a financial tsunami at any moment.

The person Nick Fury wanted her to contact was the son of the old Yashida, the so-called person in charge now, but in reality, he was just a puppet named Yashida Shingen.


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