Yashida Family


Driving through the vibrant streets of Tokyo, surrounded by colorful lights, as night fell, Daisy looked out through the car window. She saw the city come alive with people filling the streets, men and women enjoying the nightlife after a busy day.

Beneath the seemingly bustling surface, numerous undercurrents are hidden. Many gang members openly display their tattoos, walking confidently through the city's streets and alleys. They flaunt their ink, showcasing it to everyone, while ordinary citizens avoid them, and the police turn a blind eye.

With government influence fading, dark forces rise, and ordinary people find it challenging to receive fair treatment. Those lucky enough to join a gang, become gangsters members they once despised. The unfortunate people get recruited by Hydra, undergo brainwashing, and become cannon fodder.

The Yashida family's influence on the country is significant, and its decline directly impacts the national economy, leading to various social issues.

The car stops in front of a vast estate.

Daisy saw a middle-aged man waiting at the entrance.

The middle-aged man has a stern expression, dressed in a suit with hands placed on his lower abdomen, standing upright.

It's Yashida Shingen, and Daisy didn't expect him to personally come out to greet her. That must be the advantage of being backed by S.H.I.E.L.D., at least it seems much better than Wolverine's treatment.

The Yashida family's mansion is located on the outskirts, at the intersection of the Koto and Edogawa districts, following the habits of many wealthy people in this world. The estate faces Tokyo Bay, and faint sounds of waves can be heard in front of the gate.

Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, it's undoubtedly a good place for a recuperation and a vacation. However, if enemies come knocking on the door, even screaming for help won't bring anyone to the rescue. Daisy thinks this could also be a perfect place to get rid of the corpse in the bay.

Although she represents S.H.I.E.L.D., she's not an important figure after all. Yashida Shingen, despite not having much authority, is still the head of the family. Judging by the middle-aged man's expression, Daisy can tell he's a very cautious person.

Daisy was polite, opened the car door, nodded slightly, greeted in Japanese, and handed over a small box – a gift she specially brought for him.

Japanese people place great importance on etiquette, and it's customary to bring a small gift when visiting someone for the first time.

After all, the other party is a family head, and if Daisy takes a bag of snacks, she might as well have gone empty-handed.

For this gift, she put some thought into it.

Yashida Shingen is known to appreciate famous swords and blades, and S.H.I.E.L.D. has many collections. However, Daisy hasn't heard of anyone visiting and bringing a sword. It's not like challenging someone to a duel. So, she settled for the next best thing.

Daisy chose a scroll of scriptures from the Warring States period in Japan, hand-copied by the high priest Kanzan Egen. Kanzan Egen(T/N: Idk if this person is correct, it wasn't translating correctly) was highly favored by Takeda Shingen, and it's said that he designed the flag with the iconic emblem of "Furinkazan."

The names Takeda Shingen and Yashida Shingen have a fitting connection, and the symbolism is positive.

Since Japanese people have a strong connection to Buddhism, presenting a Buddhist scripture should be a safe bet.

Yashida Shingen led Daisy into the main entrance. Servants pour tea, and soon, a subordinate whispered a few sentences to him. Daisy sensed a subtle change in his frequency, and thereafter, he subtly became more welcoming.

The topic of adamantium is smoothly passed over; there's no need to go back on agreed-upon matters.

The Yashida family has accumulated several tons of adamantium, and giving a few pounds to S.H.I.E.L.D. is not a big deal.

Daisy cursed silently; she felt like she had been tricked by Nick Fury again. S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't need to spend money; they receive gifts for free. According to Yashida Shingen, it sounds like he's even covering the shipping!

S.H.I.E.L.D. spends nothing, and when it's time to account for expenses, that Braised Egg will undoubtedly report an astronomical figure, and the money will end up in his own pocket. Simultaneously, he convinced her to take on missions, and earned a favor from Professor X. Every way you look at it, it's all in his favor. This Braised egg wasn't only black; his heart was black too!

Fortunately, Daisy also has her own plans. She wants to see what the Yashida family has discovered in their fifty years of cell research.

"Please stay overnight; let us fulfill our duty to treat an esteemed guest." After discussing official matters, Daisy exchanged a few pleasantries and prepared to leave, but Yashida Shingen has been insisting on her staying.

After declining twice without success, she can only agree to stay.

Shingen clapped his hands lightly, and the door opened. A young, charming woman in a white dress walked in.

"Mariko, take good care of Miss Johnson for me." Then, nodding to Daisy, he says, "There are some matters I must attend to; I'll take my leave."

Daisy can only reciprocate the gesture and watch him leave the room.

"Miss Johnson, please come with me." Mariko, who looks like a delicate white flower, led her to the guest room.

Walking from the reception room to the guest room, all the women Daisy saw were dressed in kimonos, taking small steps, each quietly and quickly busy with various tasks.

Daisy and Mariko's attire seems somewhat unconventional here.

"Miss Johnson, your Japanese is really good. Are you here for tourism in Japan?" Mariko is about the same height and age as Daisy, and they have no communication barriers.

Regarding Miss Yashida Mariko, in her past life, many people on the internet labeled her as a scheming bitch who eventually took over the family fortune, kicking out Wolverine, who shed blood and fought for her, with all the benefits belonging to her.

Daisy doesn't think so. The Yashida enterprise is currently a mess, facing a loss of tens of billions, with internal funding chains broken and Hydra lurking on the sidelines. Major Japanese conglomerates were also waiting for it to collapse, ready to divide the inheritance.

Miss Mariko doesn't seem like the type to shoulder heavy burdens, willing to sacrifice everything for ambition and power.

Daisy believes she shouldn't hastily pass judgment; loyalty or betrayal requires observation.

She casually replies, "Yeah, I have a few friends in Japan. It's the school break, so I thought I'd come over for a visit."

Mariko was a bit puzzled. How does visiting friends lead you to my house? Is my dad one of your classmates?

However, she didn't inquire further and changed the topic instead, "Miss Johnson, you must come from a distinguished background. Will you be meeting my grandfather tomorrow?"

Daisy thought for a moment, "There are many formalities, right? I came to visit Mr. Shingen, so I won't disturb your grandfather."

Both Shingen and Mariko have no connection to the wars of the past. It's okay to chat with them, but she doesn't want to meet the old devil. He has a terrible personality, repays kindness with enmity, and most likely participated in that big war. Regardless of her past or her current self, she has no good feelings towards him.

Moreover, she heard that the old guy is very traditional and usually looks down on women. Imagine making Daisy wear a kimono to meet him? No way!

She talked with Shingen for half an hour, and he didn't mention his father at all, as if the old guy was already dead. The father-son conflict was evident, and Daisy wasn't prepared to get involved in their family matters. Right now, she's using Shingen as a shield.

Mariko may be able to think of these inside details, or maybe not, but she didn't expect she just had to dutifully escort Daisy to the guest room.

Though called a guest room, it's essentially a suite with a bedroom and a bath, referred to as a "furo" in their terms.

Daisy washed up quickly and then lay down on the tatami mats, falling into a deep sleep.


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