

Daisy took it over and glanced at the cover, couldn't help but sneer.

Brown paper envelope, looking antique, but the Chinese characters "For Daisy Johnson" written with a brush on the cover were a bit dazzling. To be fair, the brushwork was really good, a hundred times better than those contemporary calligraphers.

Needless to say, it's another game played by the old lady Gao

Dealing with such an old monster with little sense of honor, she is now very cautious.

The old police officer handed it over, indicating the cover was not poisoned, but the inside was uncertain.

She tested it with a few methods she knew, found nothing unusual, and then left the scene to find a Yakuza with a bunch of monster tattoos at the street corner to help her open the letter.

The young man was very dissatisfied, but under Daisy's gun, he didn't dare to protest.

He held up the letter for her to see.

Madame Gao's wording was very polite. What does it mean let's watch the moon at night? What does it mean Yashida family invited her to Kochi Prefecture in Shikoku? Writing as if they were old friends...

However, Daisy knew that this was a blatant trap.

If it were an ordinary woman, she might have been scared off by now.

If it were a hot-blooded protagonist, this would be the time to bravely take on the heavy burden, go alone, fight bloody battles, and eventually rescue both the hero and the beauty.

Unfortunately, she was neither afraid nor willing to be treated like a fool. Knowing there was a trap, why jump into it? Her solution was to find a helper.

SHIELD's agent strength in Japan is weak, and she can't trust them regardless of enemy or friend.

She needs an ally with a large number of subordinates that she can mobilize. Madame Viper automatically came to mind.

The Hydra and the Hand did have common goals at the beginning. Everyone was a loser, huddling together for warmth, and sharing resources was the only way at the time.

But over sixty years later, things have changed.

The powerful Hydra wants to swallow the Hand, and the Hand's fingers are all exiled elders of K'un-Lun. With long lifespans, they naturally look down on Hydra's leaders. The contradictions between the two can be said to be very sharp.

Baron Strucker, and Dr. Whitehall, these people focus on Europe and America. Only Madame Hydra's activities span East Asia. To say that she and the Hand are one big happy family, Daisy doesn't believe it.

Madame Gao won't bow down and surrender her territory, and neither will Madame Viper.

An ironic thing, Daisy discovered is that Hydra can actually help herself.

Finding Madame Viper is not difficult. After shaking her for a whole night, she is very familiar with the frequency of the other party. Taking a taxi around Tokyo half a circle, she found Madame Viper's residence not far from the warehouse where the "torture" happened before. Daisy, unaware that the other party had a bad cold, wondered why Madame Hydra didn't run farther.

The other party is hiding in a very ordinary rental apartment, without any aura of a big Asian underworld boss.

After confirming there was no danger around, Daisy jumped in through the window.

The sound of boots on the floor startled someone in the bedroom, and Daisy heard the sound of a pistol loading.

She leaned against the door, and the other person didn't move at all. The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

Daisy released her newly researched invisible ripples in a specific direction. There were no ambushes inside, only a weak life signal.

Hmm? It was only now that she noticed Viper's problem.

Although Madame Viper's appearance had always been that of a femme fatale before, seemingly fragile and could be blown away by a gust of wind, her vitality was very strong. After all, she was someone who had made a contract with the God of Black Magic, Chthon.

However, in her perception now, Viper is slightly stronger than a flickering candle in the wind, but the strength is limited.

"Hey, as an old friend, I came to see you specially. I could let you go back then, and now I naturally have no ill intentions. If you have this attitude, I'll just leave," she said with a dignified tone, separated by a wall.

Three seconds passed, and she heard the sound of the gun being thrown far away. She confirmed the surrounding environment again with shockwaves before stepping out.

A week later, seeing Madame Viper again startled her.

This lady now looks unusually haggard. The once charming peach blossom eyes turned into panda eyes. The beauty mark at the corner of her mouth seemed to have lost its luster. Her carefully groomed golden hair is now messy and stuck to her face. From Daisy's perspective, even the assets seemed a size smaller.

"Why are you like this? Poisoned?" Daisy was genuinely puzzled. Madame Viper had a contract with Chthon, the God of Black Magic; shouldn't the big boss protect her?

"I... I'm not poisoned!" Madame Viper struggled to speak, annoyed. She, the world's foremost expert in poisons, couldn't be poisoned! This was an illness!

Daisy quickly realized her situation and almost burst out laughing. This guy had been lying in bed for a week, planning to recover slowly on her own. Unfortunately, the healthier a person is, the more serious a small illness like a cold becomes.

When the contract with the Dark Magic God was signed, it probably didn't occur to the big boss that the contractor could be brought down by a minor illness like a cold.

Now that Viper is on the verge of dying, the Elder God has not transmitted a hint of vitality from the other side of the contract. It's either indifference or helplessness.

Daisy felt both, and in her own unfortunate moment, she found someone even more unfortunate. The more she thought about it, the happier she became, finally bursting into laughter.

"Asshole! How dare you laugh! It's all you... Your ability made me like this!" Madame Viper was about to explode. After plotting for many years in the Yashida family, just when she was about to reap the fruits of victory, such a thing happened. Not only did her early investment become a wedding dress for others, but she also faced a life-threatening situation.

"Well, you dare to curse me, then I'll leave!"

"Don't... help me find some fever medicine, consider it I owe you a favor." Madame Viper hurriedly explained, trying to strengthen her persuasiveness. "I've already found the person you're looking for, but I can't tell you now. You must save me first."

Daisy remained unmoved. Viper is burning like this, and she expects to get any reliable information? It's obviously nonsense. As for owing a favor? If the other party recovers and poisons her, and then lets her go, would that count as repaying a favor? She wants benefits she can see and obtain.

Seeing that Daisy was unresponsive, Madame Viper became anxious. She knew that without revealing some valuable information, she might not escape this predicament.

She went through all the information she knew in her mind, needing to impress Daisy while avoiding causing herself too much trouble.

After two full minutes, she finally hazily thought of something, "Nazis! The remnants of the Nazis from WW2, I know where they are."

This piece of information made Daisy raise an eyebrow. She has understood her current situation. Although she felt a bit sorry for Hill, she still wanted to climb higher. If necessary, she could always get rid of the braised egg later and make Hill her deputy! To climb to a higher position, she needs some shocking achievements.


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