Information from Viper


To strike against Nazis is a politically correct move in S.H.I.E.L.D. and even the entire Western world. If the information is accurate, it would be very beneficial for Daisy's promotion. It's also a political capital because she doesn't believe Nick Fury would promote her without reservations. However, that's a later concern; at least for now, she is still a solid force in Nick Fury's group.

"In what location? Tell me," she asked solemnly.

Madame Viper had many chips on hand, but there were many she dared not use, as they involved matters that could result in death.

Now that she threw out a half-dead Nazi, she already carried some risk. She had to ensure that Daisy could eliminate the opponent at once and not let them escape, seeking revenge on her later.

It is difficult to be a good person these days, and it is equally difficult to be a bad person.

She rubbed her dizzy head, forcing herself to stay focused, and asked, "If I tell you, what do you intend to do?"

Daisy looked at her strangely and said, "Of course, report to the director, then mobilize manpower to eliminate the enemy. You don't think I'd go in there alone, do you?"

Dealing with these Nazi-related matters was no small matter. She couldn't handle it with her small arms and legs. Being a little support in the midst of gunfire and chaos would be enough.

Madame Viper breathed a sigh of relief. Although they were mortal enemies, the higher-ups in Hydra admired Nick Fury. He was considered the king of contemporary agents, and no one would object.

If Nick Fury himself led the mission, he could indeed wipe out the remnants of Nazis.

Madame Viper thought it over and decided to exchange others' lives for her own. "In Antarctica, at longitude 71.20, latitude 81.91, that's the final chosen habitat for the Thule Society by Adolf Hitler."

Daisy was curious. "S.H.I.E.L.D. has specifically searched Antarctica. There have been three major raids that I know of, and various civilian teams have also been stationed on the South Pole. How did they not get discovered by the world?"

Madame Viper, finally feeling as if she had recovered some sense of superiority, chuckled. "The Red Skull possesses technology far beyond the contemporary era, allowing them to survive until now. The Yashida family has been providing support in terms of supplies. I don't know the details; I've never been there."

Daisy nodded. She didn't expect that the missing supplies from the Yashida family would be connected to the Nazis. She unexpectedly completed the mission.

A strange familiarity connected her memories through the Red Skull as a clue. This event was referred to in her memory as 'Fear Itself'.

It was a troublesome matter caused by the daughter of the Red Skull. If her memory served her right, there was a hammer deep within the Antarctic fortress, the hammer of the Norse myth, belonging to the goddess of winter, Skadi.

She had no idea why these gods liked throwing hammers to Earth, but Daisy had no intention of getting involved. Skadi's Hammer was an important tool for resurrecting the earthly serpent, Jormungandr, and its chosen host was the daughter of the Red Skull.

No one else could wield the hammer.

Having noted the coordinates, she needed to consider how to inform Nick Fury. Sending a text or email wouldn't suffice; she needed a complete chain of evidence to show that she discovered it herself, not information provided by Hydra insiders.

"There are too many germs here. I'll take you away from here," she finally said something that made Madame Viper ecstatic.

Wrapping Viper in two outer coats, and abandoning the remaining supplies, Viper asked, "How do we get out?" Madame Viper surveyed the surroundings, seeing Daisy sitting calmly. A sudden fear struck her heart. This person wouldn't go back on her word and ask her to 'hit the road,' right?

Fortunately, Daisy's moral compass wasn't very high, but it depends on the person. Madame Viper is very useful, and with the Chthon contract, Daisy couldn't kill her.

Raising her hand, she created a portal, signaling Madame Viper to follow.

"Is having superpowers impressive? Hmph!" Madame Viper, realizing she had overthought, relaxed considerably and followed through the teleportation gate.

Appearing dozens of miles away, Daisy took out her phone and entered a command, expecting the safe house to explode as a precaution.

"Your abilities are quite impressive. Interested in working together? With your stealth and my toxins, we can kill any target!" Madame Viper, seemingly fascinated by the convenience of teleportation for the first time, couldn't help but make a recruitment pitch.

Daisy scoffed. "I have a bright future in S.H.I.E.L.D. Why would I go play assassins with you? Don't be ridiculous."

"You should have a safe house, right? Hey, say something..." She had just asked Viper some questions when Viper collapsed like a sack of straw, unable to wake up no matter how much Daisy called.

Madame Viper's face was abnormally red, and when Daisy tentatively touched her forehead, it was burning hot.

She muttered in dissatisfaction, "Now I have to take care of you. Consider me unlucky!"

Finding a small inn by the roadside, Daisy secured a room.

S.H.I.E.L.D. had specialized medical and nursing training, and though Daisy's knowledge wasn't as extensive as Sharon's, she was proficient in the process of intravenous cooling.

Avoiding any vibrations that could cause further issues, she used a stethoscope to listen to Viper's heart and lungs.

The sounds from the lungs indicated a clear abnormality. Delayed treatment for a week had turned it into pneumonia.

Due to Madame Viper's strong physique, she rarely fell ill, but when she did, it was severe. Coupled with prolonged exposure to various toxic substances, her immune system had significantly weakened, leading to abnormal toxin spread.

Despite a prolonged session of intravenous treatment, the inflammation not only did not ease but showed a more severe trend.

Daisy had no choice but to call her friend Sharon for help.

Although it was a common illness, the treatment methods were limited: intravenous fluids, hydration, cooling, and anti-inflammatory measures.

Sharon suggested inducing sweating to help the body detoxify naturally. However, seeing Madame Viper looking dehydrated, Daisy couldn't imagine making her sweat. That might even kill her.

With no better options in modern medicine, Daisy hung four IV bags on her limbs, providing large doses of fluids and anti-inflammatory agents, then let her body recover on its own.

Placing Madame Viper on the bed, Daisy sat on a chair, closing her eyes to rest.

The Kunlun teachings about chi had a profound impact on her. Previously, she could only interpret strings on a macro level, but the specific usage was a blank.

Diverging paths lead to the same goal, and those who developed chi and those who used it didn't know the string theory, but combining their intelligence with Eastern martial arts, they progressed blindly, ultimately mastering some methods of cultivation and utilization. These methods could be applied to string theory, and this knowledge was valuable to Daisy.

Sensitively feeling the subtleties of chi and its usage, Daisy gradually let go of her abilities.


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