Hammer of Skadi


Contrary to the enemies' weak state, S.H.I.E.L.D. deployed almost all its elite forces. These people represented the highest combat level on Earth(for ordinary people), and losing to the enemy would be strange.

Crossbones reported from the front, "There's a room sealed by a metal door; it seems to hide some secrets."

He wanted to keep it a secret, but with a large number of personnel on-site, not reporting was unrealistic.

Daisy suspected it to be the landing point of Skadi's Hammer. As the on-site commander, she would personally watch the agents break the door.

The massive metal door, approximately one meter thick, was forcibly dismantled by agents using a plasma-cutting machine.

Daisy entered the room, and the first thing that caught her eye was the Hammer of the Winter Goddess.

Unlike Thor's Mjolnir, which was square-headed, Skadi's hammer was entirely silver-white with a golden handle and a guard resembling a fencing handguard. The overall design resembled an auction hammer, a round-headed hammer.

The nearly 100-square-meter room was filled with research equipment, but a thick layer of dust covered the equipment. It seems that the Nazis were initially dedicated to research, but unfortunately, there is always an end to manpower. With the end of the war, hope dwindled day by day. The hammer that landed on Earth had been neglected for many years.

"'What is this?' Even though she knew the truth, she turned to ask the Nazi leaders at the base.

The old German was brought up by the agents, despite using Red Skull's black technology and the special radiation from Skadi's hammer to slow down his aging, was a figure from the same era as Captain America and Peggy Carter.

The old man closed his eyes and muttered a few words. Daisy cursed silently; she didn't understand German. Fortunately, S.H.I.E.L.D. had people from all walks of life, and Black Widow quietly whispered a translation for her.

After listening, Daisy chuckled. These guys had been researching for sixty years and still knew less than she did.

However, these clues were enough now. She immediately reported the findings, especially highlighting the heroic deeds of Crossbones, Ward, and others, hoping they would be recognized as key figures in the next phase of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Hydra was never a united front. People like Dr. Whitehall and Baron Strucker, these remnants from Nazi Germany during World War II, they still had some sentiments towards the Germany from that time.

If they knew that Pierce and his group slaughtered Nazis, they would definitely be uncomfortable. Daisy planned to turn this into a movie and a TV series, spreading the word. She had an immature and naive plan; she wanted to win these people back to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nick Fury arrived quickly, bringing former director Pierce and two Security Council members. They wanted a close look at the Nazis. After all, it had been over sixty years since the war ended, and lively Nazis that were still jumping around were rare. In this entire incident, if they could also share some credit, they wouldn't refuse.

"A metal hammer? What do the inscriptions on it mean?" Nick Fury asked Daisy, knowing that she had studied Norse.

Daisy answered truthfully, "This hammer belongs to Skadi, the Norse goddess of winter. The Nazis have been researching it for about ten years, but unfortunately, they haven't gained anything."

She handed a thick stack of documents to the Braised Egg, who quickly flipped through them. "Another mess caused by Red Skull?"

"Yes, according to Red Skull's records, the person who lifts the hammer gains the power to conquer the world. Red Skull tried it once, and if the records are accurate, so did Hitler. But neither of them actually lifted the hammer."

Only Daisy and Black Widow had seen these documents. They had been waiting for Nick Fury to arrive. Now, what are the elite agents hearing? Conquer the world with a hammer? Hearing this, Crossbones, Ward, and even the cunning former director Pierce had some moved expressions.

"Have you tried it?" Nick Fury's one eye looked at Daisy.

She shook her head; there was no need to superfluously show loyalty.

The Braised Egg affirmed her actions, but now the problem came. The pot fell on him, and how was he supposed to respond? Should he say he wanted to conquer the world! Gain infinite power, so he was going to try first?

His one eye turned to the two council members and former director Pierce.

Although the three had different starting points, they all had some interest. After all, who wouldn't want superpowers? However, they are still sane. Stepping forward at this moment would surely become a handle for political enemies to attack them later.

The old woman representing the United Kingdom asked Daisy, "Agent Johnson, what exactly is the criteria for choosing this hammer?"

Daisy carefully chose her words so that the other party can understand, "Mrs. Lance, they have studied this hammer for ten years. According to various data calculations and analysis, the actual weight of this hammer should not exceed forty kilograms. However, it seems that some unknown force is acting on the hammer. Our science cannot explain it, and we can only attribute it to magic. Apart from its chosen wielder, theoretically, no one on Earth can lift it."

The words were vague, and the old woman seemed to only partially understand.

As a politician, she still chose to step back, and the other council member made the same choice.

The decision-making power now rested with Fury and Pierce.

Daisy stood aside, watching the excitement.

Pierce had a hundred and twenty thoughts about grabbing the hammer, but he had to maintain his image.

Unable to come up with an excuse, he ultimately refused the opportunity to pick up the hammer in the name of being old and weak.

"If I mutate later, kill me," Nick Fury whispered to Daisy in a voice only the two could hear.

After finishing speaking, he walked to the hammer, and looked at this silver, round-headed hammer with a guard that had an exotic feel. He rolled up his sleeves, grabbed the handle with both hands, activated all his strength, and muttered, 'Get Up!'

Unfortunately, the strength was like a glass of water entering the sea, and there was no reaction to the hammer at all. What happened to the promised forty kilograms? Why did it feel like it was rooted in the Earth?

He tried again, with the same result. He couldn't lift it.

Braised Egg stepped back, and Director Pierce's rationality was defeated by greed. In Nick Fury's strange eye, he walked forward, forcefully trying, only to find that he couldn't lift it either.

Next came the two council members, several well-known elite agents, including Daisy, who went up for a try.

The frequency of the hammer was very strange. All her probes were completely blocked, even very rudely. If the hammer had a mouth, it was probably shouting at her, "Get lost!"

Gravity, magnetism, weak force, and strong force—these were the four fundamental forces in the universe. Among them, gravity was the most intuitive and easiest to grasp. According to the general theory of relativity, gravity was caused by the bending of spacetime. Daisy, currently suppressing strings, could create a bending effect, thus controlling a portion of gravity. Given some time, she could find a suitable node and use gravity to pick up the hammer, which wasn't too difficult.

However, using gravity as an intermediary was embarrassing. It seemed impressive, but in reality, it was gravity picking up the hammer, not her. The hammer wouldn't recognize it. Magneto had played with Thor's hammer more than once, and no one had ever seen the old man gain the power of Thor.

Without recognition, there was no divine power blessing. Simply holding the hammer was useless, and besides, this hammer was poisonous. Daisy didn't want to resurrect Jormungandr. She tried to pull it twice with her own strength and just shrugged, directly saying, "Can't lift it."


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