Making Equipment


Famous and elite people with both name and reputation had all tried, but none could lift the hammer. Nick Fury breathed a sigh of relief; he didn't want a power beyond his control to emerge, and the current situation was the best outcome.

Originally planning to blow up the base and then return with the captives to celebrate and be rewarded, the presence of the hammer made it difficult for him. Taking it was out of the question. Staying put, however, Nick Fury was afraid he wouldn't get any sleep.

After calling in a few trusted subordinates to discuss the next steps, Daisy is officially in the ranks after the operation.

"Set up a sub-base in Antarctica and strictly control this place," former director Pierce spoke first. He seemed to be speaking with a sense of righteousness, but Daisy guessed that he wanted to hold this bargaining chip to negotiate with other big bosses of Hydra.

However, as a newcomer, directly opposing the former director was unwise. She chose to listen silently.

As expected, this suggestion did not gain unanimous approval. Phil Coulson, Nick Fury's most valued confidant, proposed an alternative.

Demolish the Antarctic base, then pour a large amount of molten metal, burying the hammer and even the ground. Even if someone wanted the hammer, without large mechanical equipment and abundant manpower, they wouldn't even see the hammer.

This method also gained support from some agents. From Daisy's observation, those supporting it were the backbone forces within S.H.I.E.L.D.

Hydra immediately expressed concerns about pouring metal liquid, fearing it might react negatively with the hammer, causing explosions or magnetic field deviations. Although this explanation was somewhat forced, it had some valid points.

S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel refuted this, arguing that setting up a sub-base here would waste manpower and resources. For a while, no one could convince the other.

In the end, Nick Fury made the decision: both the base and the hammer would stay.

When it came to who would be stationed there, everyone fell silent. Pierce wanted to control the base, but it didn't mean he wanted to stay in Antarctica; being here was like being banished.

Agents began to show off their acting skills, claiming old age, and some even said they were recovering from old injuries, even Daisy pretended to have irregular menstrual cycles, looking pale.

In the end, Nick Fury had no choice but to assign the challenging task to the honest man Coulson.

With the defense task assigned, the large team, accompanied by captives, set off toward headquarters in a good mood.

Nearly 1500 Nazis were eliminated, with agents showing precise marksmanship and minimal injuries on their side. The total casualties were less than twenty, which was a big victory.

Over a thousand prisoners remained, with a complicated composition. A small portion were scientists from the past, while the majority were followers of the Thule Society, advocating Aryan purity theory, and were the precursor to the Nazi Party. Many had been close friends of Hitler.

These people, if one was grabbed randomly, could cause turmoil. Now, capturing hundreds of them at once, Nick Fury was so happy to the point of forgetting his own name.

In the following days, chaos erupted at S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters. Leaders of major countries, parliamentarians from various nations, and military generals all came to see these "historical figures" as if they were some newly discovered species.

Even the retired Peggy Carter, who had secluded herself in England and no longer interfered in worldly affairs, came to Washington with the company of Sharon to take a look.

Recalling the past years, the elderly woman's expression was sad. Daisy guessed she was thinking about Captain America.

Unfortunately, what's gone is gone. She was in control of S.H.I.E.L.D. for a period of time, and Daisy speculated that Peggy Carter might have entertained thoughts of extending her youth, but she chose to let go.

Captain America might still be Captain America, but is she still herself?

Over seventy years had passed, and her heart had faded away. Rather than being in love with Captain America, it was more like she was nostalgic for her own youth.

In the major event of the House of M, Scarlet Witch altered reality. Captain America was not frozen, and after the war, he married Peggy Carter. Initially, it seemed perfect, but the marriage didn't last long due to their differing ideologies.

Captain America served well as a mascot, but when he appeared in real life, whether as a friend or a lover, it brought disaster. It is because his principles were too strong, and he was too stubborn.

Peggy Carter was not a submissive character either. As Sharon quoted at her funeral, "Make concessions when you can, and stand firm when you can't!"(T/N: It was something like this, don't know the exact dialogue)

Both had strong personalities. Rather than restoring their youth and later arguing and breaking up, it was better to let the memories stay in the past seventy years, freezing the story at its beginning, which is good for everyone.

Daisy listened as Peggy Carter told stories of the past to her niece. Sharon's view of love might have been influenced from a young age. In Sharon's eyes, Captain America had been deified. If she never encountered Captain America in the future, perhaps she could have had a normal romantic life. Unfortunately, fate played a joke on them.

Should I stop her pseudo-best friend from jumping into the fire pit? Daisy felt she had little say in the matter. Maybe Sharon liked it that way? Daisy found this kind of love abnormal. Maybe after Sharon learned the truth, she might think that her and Hill's relationship was abnormal too.

The storm caused by the Nazis began to circulate at the top level. Executing them directly would be inhumane, but interrogating them was a must.

Unfortunately, the Nazis had been in hiding for too long, and no earth-shattering secrets were revealed. Initially, they were mostly scientists and sociologists. They had no dealings with Hydra, and naturally, they couldn't disclose such information. The reason why the old Yashida had been supporting them was due to wartime friendship.

To be honest, Daisy was a bit skeptical. Did the old man have such virtue? In the original timeline, he didn't hesitate to betray Wolverine, but many interrogations led to this result.

She could only temporarily believe it.

With the Adamantium alloy in hand, she began developing her own new equipment.

This metal was incredibly sturdy, with hardness and density far exceeding earthly metals, making it the best material for crafting weapons.

The true Adamantium alloy didn't melt even at five 500,000 degrees, but that was the original version. The diluted secondary Adamantium alloy could now be melted by conventional means, with the condition of sacrificing some strength.

Daisy worked hard for a month in the logistics department of S.H.I.E.L.D. The old Yashida's alloy knife had the best material. She didn't know how he developed it. Although its melting point wasn't as exaggerated, its density and hardness were approaching the standard of true Adamantium alloy. She spent a lot of effort crafting a long sword and a shield.

Considering the issue of portability, she also made two short sticks and two daggers.

The remaining secondary Adamantium alloy was used to make a soft armor.

The sword had the greatest cutting power. After practicing swordsmanship with Colleen Wing for a week, it would be an exaggeration to say Daisy had achieved high proficiency. She could barely consider herself a beginner.

The sword blade, with a handguard, was a total length of eighty centimeters. Due to the characteristics of the Adamantium alloy, the weight exceeded 30 kilograms. The thin and light Eastern-style blades couldn't be crafted; instead, they had to be made as a classical-style Western heavy sword.


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