Kenya Grasslands


The rented Jeep, left by Daisy on the side of the road, could be taken by someone else, and it didn't matter even if it wasn't the original owner. The rental fee she paid could easily cover buying a car here.

With a backpack on her back, although she was still alone, her mindset was vastly different from when she first headed to Puerto Rico. Wakanda was not a dangerous place, and she now had the ability to protect herself.

There were no idle people out here in the wild, so she utilized her speed, making it impossible for any wild beasts to catch up with her.

Running alone in the grasslands, enjoying the completely different fresh air from the city, relaxing her mind, she no longer thought about her relationship with Hill or the Hydra. Getting rid of worries and moving forward lightly was actually a refreshing thing.

Daisy stretched her long legs, running and stopping from time to time, gradually deviating from human living areas and entering the territory of wild animals.

Even experienced hunters need to be fully armed and cautious about poaching here. However, she strolled around like she was on a picnic, carefree. There was no animal that posed a threat to her.

On the third day away from the highway, with more than half of her food consumed, Daisy killed a seemingly dumb-looking wild mountain goat.

Using an adamantium alloy knife to skin and bone it, she made a fire to barbecue the meat, sprinkling it with seasoning to enjoy a hearty meal.

"Huh?" While she was lost in thought, she noticed something in the distance watching her.

Focusing her gaze, Daisy was slightly surprised to see a lion, a lion with a light brown mane indicating it was male.

After wearing the white tiger amulet often, she developed some affection for cats.

The lion glanced at her, whether worried about being beaten or simply not hungry, the male lion showed little interest and continued to sleep.

Beat it up! A strange thought popped into Daisy's mind.

She refused to admit she was bored, attributing it to the large tiger in the white tiger amulet preparing to provoke the lion-tiger dispute again.

Following her instincts, dealing with a lion was a piece of cake.

Walking up to the lion with a strange look, she then raised her hand to release a shockwave, stunning the lion, and sat on his head, taking a selfie.

Casually, she sent the photo to Hill, unsurprisingly receiving no response. Even though they were each other's firsts, and were developing some semblance of a relationship, Hill wanted to keep it simply friends with benefits. Just come to each other when you have stress from the job...

She sighed, put away her phone, and continued north.

She thought it was just a small episode, but she underestimated the lion's physique and hunting ability. Fifteen minutes later, two large and one smol lion, three lions were charging at her.

Cursing silently, Daisy was much stronger than an average person, but still weaker than adult lions. Otherwise, she wouldn't have ambushed earlier. Exercise could improve, but she didn't want to turn into someone full of muscles. Most of her training focused on speed and agility rather than building muscles.

Seeing three lions about to encircle her, without hesitation, she charged out towards the side of the lion cub.

Once her speed erupted to 700 kilometers per hour, almost as fast as a bullet, the lion quickly fell behind.

Thinking the ordeal was over, she didn't expect the lion family to persist and chase her all the way. Daddy lion must want to wash away the shame, knowing that her speed was invincible, he came and showed off his face from time to time to show that he was still there.

She could easily set up an ambush, teleport, and kill, and it would be no problem, but Daisy felt that she was at a loss, and she had nothing to do except take pictures anyway! Moreover, the journey alone was boring, and loneliness can be dispelled by the company of a few lions, at least she thought so...

The lions chased her and ran, but when she saw no shadow of them, she stopped for a while.

Occasionally, she came across several valleys, cliffs, and other things, so she crossed them and waited for the family of three to make a detour.

After five days of chasing and stopping, one person and three lions gradually became familiar. Yesterday, Daisy even threw a roasted lamb leg to the lion family from a distance.

They had become hungry and thin from chasing Daisy, especially the lion, who had lost its initial spirit of chasing.

With a rumble of thunder, a sudden rainstorm arrived.

Daisy had sensed the abnormal atmosphere earlier and found a cave to take shelter from the rain.

"Let the little one come in to avoid the rain, but you two can't come in!" Seeing the lion family soaked like drowned rats, she waved to the three lions.

If the three lions were to attack her in the narrow cave, it would be dangerous, but the small lion was no match for her.

She waved her hand two more times, perhaps because the lion family was tired from being away from their territory or perhaps because they sensed Daisy harbored no ill intentions.

In any case, the small lion remained alert but approached her.

Daisy allocated half of the cave for the lion to rest, leaving the two large lions outside to drown in the rain. Taking a lamb leg from her backpack, she threw it out from a distance.

The two large lions, obviously hungry, sniffed the smell and began eating.

Daisy didn't idle either; she worked on adjusting her own frequency to eliminate the hostility of the small lion.

It had to be said that any species' young were easily fooled. The small lion never understood why it was chasing her, probably thinking it was playing a game. Using her unique frequency and some special vibrations with Kunlun characteristics, Daisy felt the small lion gradually becoming friendly towards her.

In this week, she also figured out some animal behaviors. Animals were much simpler than humans. If she had approached making friends with good intentions instead of ambushing and stunning them, the relationship wouldn't have turned out like this.

Fortunately, it was not too late to mend the fold. She planned to start with the small lion and gradually eliminate its hostility.

Seeing the small lion appeased, she shifted her attention to the two large lions outside.

The lioness was confused and puzzled, which was relatively easier to soothe. However, the cautious male lion still harbored resentment for the punch that knocked him out. He occasionally growled form time to time to show he wouldn't compromise.

"Hmm?" Daisy felt a sudden unusual fluctuation in the air.

Before she could carefully discern it, a lightning bolt, as thick as a water bucket, struck the male lion that was roaring at her.

She quickly raised her hand, releasing a shockwave that temporarily blocked the lightning.

"Come to my side!" she urgently shouted.

Instinctively, the male lion abandoned its hostility and swiftly ran to Daisy with its mate, and both looked up at the sky at the same time.

Daisy maintained the shockwave while stepping back. Once she reached a safe distance, she stopped the energy supply.

The lightning struck with a deafening roar at the spot where the male lion had been standing.

Daisy remained on guard, attentively watching the sky. The lightning had a target and direction, clearly indicating it was man-made.

Less than ten seconds after the lightning strike, a dark-skinned woman, as if riding the wind, whizzed to Daisy's front.

She wore a white, tight-fitting tank top with a strong and smooth belly, and black pants, and was barefoot. The tall woman with long legs floated in mid-air, her eyes entirely white, silver hair fluttering in the wind, exuding a strange and eerie beauty.

The woman seemed surprised to find someone with superpowers so deep in the wilderness. Slowly descending, her strange white eyes returned to normal, and she curiously examined Daisy.


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