

Daisy didn't expect to encounter another human, let alone a celebrity, in such a remote place like Kenya.

"Miss Ororo Munroe?" Daisy shouted to the black woman. Now, Ororo has joined the X-Men and was codenamed Storm; there were records of her within S.H.I.E.L.D.

However, Daisy didn't expect her to be out here in the wilderness, bullying wild lions. The male lion seemed to think Daisy could support him; it roared fiercely, joined by the lioness. The playful cub who had been playing in the cave also meowed and ran out to help.

Ignoring the three lions, Storm was surprised to be called out by a "stranger." The feeling was definitely unsettling.

"Who are you?" she asked cautiously.

Daisy extended her hand to show she was unarmed. "I spoke with Professor Charles on the phone. I work for the government." Even though it was just a phone call and she had the Kunlun Elder Ring, to be honest, Daisy wasn't eager to meet the professor.

Storm's guard slightly relaxed upon hearing she was a government agent, but trusting the government was a risky business nowadays. As for talking to Professor Charles on the phone, that didn't hold much persuasion.

There are too many people on the phone with Charles. People who come to deliver food, and sell insurance, can any one of them catch her lightning? Storm doesn't believe it.

Maintaining caution, she was still on guard, but not hostile. She was just passing by. She initially thought Daisy was attacked by the lions, prompting her to use her lighting to help, but now it seemed like a misunderstanding.

Storm nodded and flew away.

Daisy calculated in her mind; Storm's unexpected appearance added a variable to her plan.

The Monroe family was like a witch clan in Kenya, with a magical heritage spanning centuries. Storm was not just a mutant; she was also a magician. Each generation in her family had the power to control the weather, and in Storm's case, her bloodline's magic and mutant abilities combined to achieve greater heights.

As a descendant of a millennium-old family, it made sense for Storm to occasionally show up in Kenya, play the hero, and help refugees, which was understandable to Daisy.

Rescuing the lion from the lightning strike had seemingly erased any animosity between them. After Daisy intentionally pleased them, the family of three was playing together with her within half an hour.

This time, without coercion, Daisy took out her phone and captured a photo of the lion family with her. Even if Hill didn't like it, Daisy could take a look and appreciate it herself.

The male lion resisted the phone initially, but with Daisy's explanation, awkwardly left its image on the photo.

After a night of heavy rain, Daisy woke up to a clear sky in the morning, ready to continue her journey.

The lion family bid her farewell. Although Wakanda wouldn't harm animals, it was the land of the Panther Goddess, the deeper they went, the more uncomfortable these lions became.

Daisy warmly said goodbye to the family, not to mention the two big ones. She was especially fond of the adorable little lion. It was fluffy and looked silly and cute. She planned to take it back home to raise and play by herself.

However, she knew she had important matters to attend to, so the pet-napping mission would have to wait until her return journey.

After hunting and feasting on a wild goat, Daisy and the lion family had a meal together. Waving goodbye, she continued her journey north.

"Where are you going? The north is full of beasts," Less than a mile after she walked out, she saw Storm sitting on a roadside rock waiting for her.

Daisy had initially planned to infiltrate Wakanda under the pretext of chasing thieves. However, encountering Storm yesterday caused her to alter her plan slightly.

Storm and Black Panther T'Challa were childhood sweethearts and had been in love for eight years. Ororo was set to be the future queen of Wakanda. Unfortunately, due to the superhero Civil War, their relationship took a tragic turn, after which they separated and divorced.

Storm undoubtedly knew the entrance to Wakanda. By bringing her along, Daisy hoped to gain better access to the upper echelons of Wakanda and make her plans more manageable.

However, she couldn't immediately execute her plan; some necessary cover-ups still needed to be done.

"Just a tracking mission," as the owner of a movie company, Daisy began to showcase her acting skills, giving a concise answer.

It turns out Storm does know about Wakanda. She found Daisy's route suspicious and decided to wait for her by the roadside early in the morning. If possible she wanted to persuade her to go back.

If it were just a regular Kenyan, the reaction might have been, "This place isn't welcoming, go back home!"

However, regarding Daisy, Storm had to consider political implications. After consulting Professor Charles, it was confirmed that Daisy was associated with S.H.I.E.L.D., which made Storm wary.

"I... I don't intend to interfere with your mission, but you should know that there are many local customs among the tribes here. Being overly intrusive might lead to disputes..." Her words stumbled, and she was cautious in her choice of words.

Without hesitation, Daisy took out her S.H.I.E.L.D. credentials and showed it to her.

"I respect Professor Charles's efforts over the years to eliminate the gap between mutants and ordinary people. However, this should not hinder me from carrying out my mission. Please step aside."

"No, no, I didn't mean anything by it. I was just curious..." Watching Daisy's Level 7 S.H.I.E.L.D. credentials, Storm didn't know what else to say. She had some bad speculations; sending such a high-level agent, did S.H.I.E.L.D. or the U.S. government discover the existence of Wakanda and start preliminary investigations?

"I have some connections here. If you need help, I can gather information for you," Storm offered, placing herself in a relatively vulnerable position.

Daisy didn't want to stir up too much trouble. Feeling the timing was right, she revealed the objective of her current mission.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. has discovered a secret organization that has been covertly investigating something. About ten days ago, a small team entered Kenya, heading north. My task is to track them and determine if their objectives pose a threat to the security of the world."

Hearing this explanation, Storm relaxed a bit. As long as it wasn't a confrontation between countries, she figured she would be able to participate.

She immediately expressed her willingness to help. Daisy pretended to hesitate but eventually reluctantly agreed.

Storm was delighted. She actually wanted to lead the way and deviate the route off-course but feared that her actions might delay matters of major national importance. She had no choice but to follow Daisy obediently.

Daisy shared some intelligence with a mix of truth and deception.

"I don't know how this organization somehow got wind that there are immensely powerful weapons in the African continent." At this point, Daisy self-deprecatingly laughed, and her tone carried a hint of disdain for Africa.

Storm was anxious; she was well aware that there indeed were weapons in Africa that could threaten world security. However, being an "outsider," she didn't know how to explain this situation. She hadn't informed Professor Charles about Wakanda, and now she had no one to consult with.


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