Lorna Dane



At this moment, Daisy's figure was determined, one hand holding onto the plane, the other pressed against her temple, with a frowning expression.

This appearance was ten times more impressive than Stark rolling in the air...

Locating Lorna wasn't difficult; just follow the magnetic direction. The challenge was in how to communicate with each other with psychic power.

Daisy tried twice but failed. The distance between them was too great, and the powerful magnetic field interfered with her psychic abilities.

However, the target was found. In her 'vibrational vision', the target was a little girl in her early teens who had fallen into a state of unconsciousness, and the entire cabin was in chaos.

The crew struggled to maintain order, while passengers were already on the edge of chaos. With Daisy's help, the pilot managed to pull the plane up by about fifteen degrees.

But that was it. Without assistance, the plane's destruction and casualties were inevitable.

Daisy was pressed for time, so without much thought, she utilized the vibrations that she had the best experience in.

If Hill or the Viper were nearby, they would surely exclaim, "That's just a kid..."

But in order to save lives, Daisy felt little moral pressure. A shockwave passed through the cabin, accompanied by a mild vibration, hitting the semi-conscious Lorna.

The already half-dazed girl was stunned by this sudden impact. She felt something shaking her and, before she understood what it was, Daisy took advantage of the opportunity to pull Lorna into the psychic world.

Covered in ice and snow, though in an extremely cold region, Lorna felt no chill. In the distance, a dazzling green light in the sky captured her attention.

As if sensing her sight, the green light playfully cut through the sky, disappearing on the horizon, leaving only a faint trace of light.

Seeing the unfamiliar environment and Daisy collapsed on the ground in front of her, Lorna had no idea what had happened. Her last memory was the argument between her mother and stepfather.

Where is this? Where am I? Who is the woman in front of me? She had no answers to these questions.

As someone inheriting Magneto's blood, Lorna possessed intelligence beyond her years. However, the awakening of her mutant genes overwhelmed her reason with violent and erratic energy.

Now in the psychic world, the gene eruption was temporarily isolated, allowing her to rationally assess the situation.

"Your genes have awakened, do you remember?" Daisy had entered the other party's mind, and was already pretty weak from before and could only make the long story short.

"Control your abilities, or you'll kill everyone on the plane, including yourself. Do you understand me?"

In the original timeline, Lorna's mother and stepfather likely died in this plane crash, with only herself surviving. However, Daisy would undoubtedly lean towards a better outcome.

Lorna was wary of her, pulled by a strange sister to a strange place, hearing words she didn't understand. Genes? What was that?

Daisy was completely unaware of Lorna's lack of knowledge. She continued explaining everything on her own. It wasn't until Lorna asked her what genes were, making Daisy realized she was thinking too simply.

She couldn't help but criticize the American education system, with its emphasis on freedom, democratic institutions, and various protections for minors, resulting in a multitude of unruly American kids!

Children who truly understood what to learn and what to do in the future were rare. Most simply went with the flow, indulging in reckless behavior and staying up all night!

Growing up in such an environment, having a high IQ was not necessarily beneficial. It wasn't surprising that Lorna, who was previously an ordinary girl with no plans to run for president or devote herself to mutant causes, lacked a goal and had only mediocre academic performance.

Daisy didn't have time to give her a detailed explanation of genetics. In Lorna's psychic world, Daisy's weak psychic energy was constantly being consumed.

Approaching Lorna, Daisy grabbed her emerald, green hair amid Lorna's defensive movements. "Look at your hair; you're not an ordinary person. Genetic mutation, your hair is the proof."

Seeing her hair turn green, Lorna was shocked. As she became aware of this, the aurora appeared in the sky, green lights dancing as if cheering her.

"Look at your inner self, look at that light." Daisy pointed to the sky. "Everything here is a manifestation of your inner self, and that light is your soul."

Despite her poor knowledge of basic subjects, Lorna wasn't stupid. Watching her own green hair, she felt a mix of emotions.

As an ordinary person living in a society hostile to mutants, Lorna could only feel helpless and fearful about her future life.

Daisy understood Lorna's true thoughts but she was unsure how to console her.

People's reactions to gaining abilities varied. Some sought to dominate, others hid their abilities, while some just wanted an ordinary life.

Superpowers weren't necessarily a good thing for a child.

"Hold my hand. I'll help you calm your emotions and teach you to control your abilities." Daisy wasn't as proficient in knowledge about magnetic control as Professor Xavier, but having peeped at it under these circumstances, she selected some seemingly simple and reasonable methods to teach Lorna.

The psychic connection was about to end, and Daisy's mental energy was severely depleted. She had to reserve some for external crises.

Anxiously, she asked Lorna, "Do you understand everything?"

Without waiting for a response, Daisy continued, "Our connection will probably last another minute, but I have to leave. Remember my words! Control your abilities; there are many people outside waiting for rescue."

After speaking, she directly exited Lorna's psychic world, returning to her own consciousness. Though only half a second had passed in the outside world, Daisy felt mentally dazed and fatigued.

Fortunately, she was well-trained and possessed outstanding willpower. Trying to focus, she aimed to safely land the plane. However, the magnetic force continued to influence the aircraft.

"Lorna, can you hear me? Quickly control your powers; I can't hold on much longer!" She shouted in Lorna's mind.

Lorna didn't know Daisy's name. She wanted to follow the instructions and control her powers, but her body kept shaking strangely... which made it impossible for her to concentrate.

On Daisy's third urging, not knowing how to communicate telepathically, Lorna could only shout, "I can't do it; something is pushing me!"

Daisy had a puzzled look on her face. What was "pushing" her?

Upon closer inspection, all that remained for Daisy was embarrassment and awkwardness. The shockwave she had emitted earlier to wake up Lorna was still...


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