


What should they do now? Lorna had no idea what was happening, and Daisy didn't know how to explain.

In Lorna's perception, an "unknown" force was pushing her, making her sweat profusely. Her emerald-green hair stuck to her forehead, her face was flushed, and she couldn't control her abilities at all.

Daisy couldn't think of a good way to break the "interference" on her. For now, all they could do was wait for the disruptive energy to dissipate.

However, the situation was far from ideal. Daisy's own gravity was weaker than magnetism, and after continuous sparring with Stark, both her stamina and abilities were heavily depleted. She could only hold on for a maximum of two minutes; after that, she would be unable to endure any longer!

In her desperate situation, she came up with a solution.

"Listen to me, don't panic. I'll help you share some of the push... You just need to focus on contracting your abilities, narrowing the range, and slowly stop using your powers little by little."

She had previously assisted the Viper in sharing the burden of a bad cold, and now she could use her psychic power to share this 'push'.

Well, it was she who started it, and now had to share the burden, even if it meant tears in her eyes.

Lorna felt that the pushing force had weakened by a lot, and following Daisy's guidance, she gradually focused on her ability. Daisy sensed the magnetic field around her weakening, and in less than ten seconds, Stark's propulsion system returned to normal, full power engaged, shouldering the responsibility of lifting the aircraft.

Lorna continued to shrink the magnetic field, Daisy helped neutralize the remaining magnetism, Stark supported the plane, and the three of them coordinated in a chaotic manner. It took almost ten minutes, but they finally safely landed the plane on the ground.

"Don't go, I'm scared..." Lorna was indeed smart. Although she was on the passive side, she had learned telepathic communication on her own. As the plane was about to land and real-world problems were about to be faced, fear and helplessness overwhelmed her, and she desperately called out to Daisy, who was this kind-hearted sister who saved her.

"I'm not suitable to appear in this situation, but I promise I'll be back in a while." Daisy wasn't planning to showcase her superpowers in public at this stage. People could accept Iron Man, but not someone with abilities resembling a mutant. Only after an alien invasion would they be able to acknowledge extraordinary powers on Earth.

"I'll go back to change my clothes; there's a little girl on the plane. If she encounters any trouble later, please help her." She turned to Iron Man and instructed him, then, using gravity, retrieved her own dagger and teleported away from the scene.

Stark wanted to say something but ultimately gave up. He figured Daisy probably had some kind of confidential agreement as a secret agent. However, that didn't concern him. Saving so many people, he felt that what he was doing now was meaningful and lived up to Yensen's trust and sacrifice. He flew over to assist the crew in opening the cabin door.

For a while, passengers poured out like mad, and Stark almost got pushed aside. He quickly lifted off, avoiding the crowd.

The relieved survivors touched the ground, all wearing expressions of salvation. Some were excited, some were in tears, and others scolded the crew, blaming the pilot for incompetence and Iron Man for not rescuing them in time. Finally, the crowd's anger focused on the instigator of the incident— Lorna.

Her previously blonde hair had turned into emerald green. Such an obvious mutant transformation that couldn't go unnoticed. The people who had just survived the ordeal directed all their grievances and dissatisfaction toward this twelve-year-old girl.

More and more people gathered around Lorna, reaching a point where even the entire crew joined in insulting her.

Her supposed mother, who should have been her support, was held back by her stepfather. After struggling for a moment, she turned her head away, refusing to watch any longer.

Stark stepped forward to defend the little girl, but the passionate crowd was too overwhelming, and no one paid any attention to his explanations.

"Stop! All of you, stop!" Stark positioned himself in front of Lorna, a charged repulsion beam in his hand, and forced back four or five brawny men wielding clubs, ready to vent their frustrations with violence.

"Don't be afraid of him; he's just a playboy!" A middle-aged man in a suit and tie, dressed as a successful person, shouted loudly. His once refined face now showed a fierce expression, his anger towards mutants reaching an uncontrollable level.

The crowd was incited, and most people were getting restless.

Stark had to fire a shot at the ground in front of a few people, but this only exposed his vulnerability even more.

"He wouldn't dare touch us; he's just a cowardly playboy!"

"Congress is investigating him; we don't have to be afraid of him!"

Stark watched as the encirclement tightened, feeling quite frustrated. What the crowd said wasn't entirely untrue; he was indeed facing pressure from various aspects.

Congressional investigations, the military's coveting of the Iron Man suit, the need to reorganize relationships within his own company, and the casualties caused during his battle with the Iron Tyrant—all these issues were overwhelming.

Stark currently didn't have the societal status and wealth he desired, and due to various malicious intentions, more people were trying to bring him down and take a piece of the giant Stark Industries.

To protect himself, he had deliberately accepted the olive branch extended by S.H.I.E.L.D., using this massive special agent organization to help him navigate through these tough times.

In his precarious situation, he had little deterrence against the survivors of this ordeal.

Fortunately, the standoff didn't last long, as the one who would break the deadlock arrived.

"Get out of the way, FBI business! Anyone who doesn't want trouble, step aside!" The one who often boasted about the FBI, giving the organization credit, and mentioning it frequently, was none other than Daisy Johnson.

Daisy had gone back to change her clothes. After the Ice Bucket Challenge, more people recognized her, but she wasn't a household name yet.

The extent of face blindness among Americans was uncertain, whether it was severe or not. Captain America, whose photos are all over the textbooks and museums, wearing a T-shirt and a baseball cap could go unrecognized, while the Fantastic Four walking down the street would be immediately identified.

To avoid exposure, Daisy changed into a high-necked white shirt, and black suit and trousers, let her hair down, and wore non-prescription glasses.

Teleporting back to the scene, she calmly observed Stark being surrounded. After circling around, she walked over from a distance.

The mention of the FBI frightened everyone, as organizations like these had the greatest deterrent effect against ordinary people. Daisy also found two off-duty NYPD officers among the passengers, made a call to contact Chief George, and the two police officers instantly switched sides, becoming her assistants.

"Calm down, the FBI will thoroughly investigate this matter. If you have any questions, you can come to the bureau, and someone will assist you."

Her said that with no sincerity. The average American, although known for their stupidity, wouldn't bother with the FBI. There weren't many people brave enough to ask the FBI about anything, especially considering the circumstances!


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