Xing Ye

As the day had yet to break, silence enveloped the surroundings. Xing Ye opened the door and began practicing martial arts outside. An hour later, other factotum disciples waked up and came out of their rooms, yawning.

"Three years have passed, and you're still dreaming?" One young man couldn't stand it and advised, "Wouldn't it be better to get some more sleep with that time? Why exhaust yourself like this?"

Xing Ye smiled, "I couldn’t sleep anyway, so I'll practice a bit more."

"Well, you better make good use of your time. You're doing the work of three people on your own," the young man remarked, observing Xing Ye's patched-up clothes, wondering why someone earning the wages of three jobs lived so frugally.

The factotum disciples started their day, and Xing Ye joined them. He worked swiftly and with high efficiency, unlike the others who took their time. Even doing the work of three, he finished before the others.

Before mealtime, Xing Ye performed another set of exercises. It was a common practice for strengthening one’s body passed down by the sect, free of charge. While others found it useless, Xing Ye practiced it diligently every day.

Today, the factotum disciples were unusually excited, cracking jokes with a hint of lewdness. Xing Ye realized it was payday and felt a warmth in his heart.

The overseer responsible for distributing wages was a robust and imposing figure. Rumors said that he was originally hailed from the inner sect, having suffered a severe injury while performing tasks for the sect. In gratitude, the sect appointed him as a lifelong overseer in the factotum department.

He was not small in stature, and his temper was far from pleasant. The factotum disciples were all afraid of him. Carrying a large sack of gold coins and walking with a purposeful stride, Wang Hehu approached the factotum disciples who were about to have their meal. With a booming voice, he shouted, "You little rascals, hurry up and get over here!"

The factotum disciples immediately set aside their bowls and chopsticks, rushing toward him. Receiving their wages, they could now enjoy a carefree few days. Xing Ye continued to eat, savoring the meal that others found hard to swallow as if it were a delicacy.

The monthly wage for factotum disciples was twenty gold coins. Wang Hehu supervised around eighty people, and after receiving their pay, each would give two extra coins to him before leaving. It was an unspoken rule.

Once the wages were distributed, nobody bothered with the meal. With a half-day break today, everyone was eager to descend the mountain for some leisure time. They formed small groups, but no one invited Xing Ye, knowing he wouldn't join.

No one knew the reason behind Xing Ye's three years of working three jobs, earning money but never spending it. After finishing his meal, Xing Ye walked up to Wang Hehu. Without saying a word, Wang Hehu casually grabbed a handful of gold coins.

Xing Ye counted them; there were a total of sixty-six. As he was about to return six, Wang Hehu stopped him. He patted Xing Ye's shoulder and shook his head. "Forget it, three years have passed, and I haven't caught you doing anything sneaky. Consider it a reward."

Putting down the bag of money, Wang Hehu looked at Xing Ye. "Young man, having goals is commendable, but don't neglect yourself. Go down the mountain and buy some decent clothes. Wearing factotum disciple attire every day won't attract any girls."

Xing Ye nodded. In the eyes of other factotum disciples, Wang Hehu appeared gruff and difficult to approach. However, he never withheld Xing Ye's wages, sometimes even giving him a bit extra.

As Xing Ye walked away, Wang Hehu sighed.

This kid was pure, kind, and endured hardships, but ...

Returning to his room, Xing Ye wiped away the sweat, changed into a cleaner factotum's uniform with fewer patches, and headed to the back mountain. There, he saw a waiting figure.

Seeing him, the figure turned and called out, "Xing Ye."

If anyone from the sect witnessed this scene, they would be extremely surprised. The girl before Xing Ye was none other than Fang Qing, a prominent outer disciple of the Star Martial Sect.

Exceptionally talented, she had crossed the third realm of star phenomena within three years of joining the sect. Advancing to the Fourth Realm would qualify her for promotion to the inner sect.

"Here, sixty-six gold coins. Overseer Wang gave me a few extra; he's good to me," Xing Ye handed over a small bag of coins.

Fang Qing took the coins, "I have good news. I've reached the Fourth Realm in star phenomena."

"Really?" Xing Ye's eyes lit up, surprised, "That means you can participate in the inner sect assessment and enter the inner sect?"

Fang Qing nodded, but her smile faded, "But there’s also bad news."

Xing Ye's expression changed, concerned, "What bad news?"

"Xing Ye, I may not be able to keep my promise." Fang Qing looked guilty.

"What happened?" Xing Ye asked anxiously.

"When we first came to the Star Martial Sect, we only had enough money for one person's registration fee. You sacrificed your chance for me, working as a factotum disciple outside to support my cultivation. We agreed that once I entered the inner sect, I would help you enter the outer sect to practice," Fang Qing said with a misty gaze.

"But now, I can't fulfill that promise because inner sect disciples don't have the authority to do so."

Xing Ye's face paled. For three years, he never gave up on martial arts training, dreaming of becoming an outer disciple.

But now...

Seeing Fang Qing's guilty expression, Xing Ye forced a light-hearted tone, "It's okay; It’s not a big deal. Don't worry, I've gotten used to being a factotum disciple."

Xing Ye reached out to pat Fang Qing's head, but she dodged.

Awkwardly retracting his hand, Xing Ye said, "You focus on the assessment. Don't worry about me. In the future, following the usual routine, I'll bring you my pay every month. Entering the inner sect probably incurs more expenses. I'll talk to Overseer Wang and see if I can take on extra work."

The hope of entering the outer sect shattered, but Xing Ye decided to abandon his dream of martial arts training. He would strive to work more.

Fang Qing shook her head, "Xing Ye, can you leave the Star Martial Sect?"

"Huh?" Xing Ye was taken aback.

"Tomorrow is the inner sect assessment, and I'll earn contributions myself. You don't need to work so hard for me. Can you leave the sect? I don't want people to know about our relationship."

Lowering her head, Fang Qing continued, "If they find out I came here with a factotum disciple, I'll feel inferior."

Watching Xing Ye standing there in silence, Fang Qing reached out, grabbing his arm.

"Xing Ye, when my father saved you, you were on the brink of death, and when you woke up, you forgot everything but your name. In gratitude for my father saving your life, can you help me? I beg you. For my promising future, please leave here. This is my final request. After my father saved you until now, I've seldom asked you for anything. This is the last time, okay?"

Looking at Fang Qing's tearful eyes and hearing her gentle plea, Xing Ye's heart softened. He bitterly smiled, "Fine, I'll leave. I'll go back, pack my things, and bid farewell to Overseer Wang."

With just these words, it seemed like all his strength had been drained, and he swayed, almost falling.

Because, at that moment, he had completely given up on his dream.

"All those shabby belongings, why bother packing? Leaving here means you won't come back. No need to say goodbye. Xing Ye, take these two gold coins and buy yourself some decent clothes. Don't dress so shabbily; it's embarrassing," Fang Qing placed two gold coins in Xing Ye's hand and gently arranged his clothes.

"Xing Ye, my father entrusted you to take care of me before he died, and you've fulfilled that. After leaving here, you won't owe anything to my Fang family. Please, don't mention knowing me to anyone. Our futures are destined to be different; let's forget each other."

Watching Fang Qing speak with the gentlest tone but uttering the most heartless words, Xing Ye felt a chilling sensation throughout his body.

He knew his heart had turned cold.

"Don't worry; there's no relationship between us."

At this moment, Xin Ye felt a sense of desolation and coldness. Inevitably, memories of that scene from three years ago resurfaced. After burying Fang Long, the two had intended to go to the Green Ox Sect, with enough gold coins on them for the registration fee.

At that time, Fang Qing used a pleading tone, persuading Xing Ye to change the original plan, since when they had stayed in the Star Martial Sect for three years.

Now, he woke up from his dream, his dream shattered.

Watching Xing Ye's departing figure, Fang Qing shook her hands, trying to get rid of the touch of his clothes.

"Do you really trust him? Aren't you afraid he'll tarnish your reputation once he leaves?" A handsome youth appeared behind Fang Qing, embracing her delicate waist.

"He won't," Fang Qing shook her head, leaning into the young man's arms. "Something’s wrong with his brain function, and he has no memories of the past. He'll be completely obedient to me."

"What if he won’t? Only dead people keep secrets," the young man's eyes glinted coldly. "Relying on others for your fate is the behavior of the weak. I know you're kind, so let me handle this matter for you."

"For me, he willingly gave up everything," tears streamed down Fang Qing's eyes.

"Don't let him suffer. When you act, be swift."

Xing Ye left the Star Martial Sect without letting anyone know. In a secluded forest, he suddenly encountered three individuals, who were fellow factotum disciples from the sect. But they and Xing Ye had never exchanged greetings before, since they were not under Wang Hehu's supervision.

Seeing their hostile gaze, Xing Ye immediately spoke, "I have only two gold coins left; take them if you want."

The leader, wielding a wooden knife, grinned, "We'll take the coins, but this time, we're mainly after your head!"

Sensing the murderous intent, Xing Ye's face changed. They had come specifically to kill him, but he had never offended them.

Could it be...

Before Xing Ye could figure it out, a stick struck from behind, hitting his head.

Xing Ye began to sway, and the second strike of the blunt object landed on the back of his head.

Dizzy and disoriented, he saw a series of blurry images. Each image was indistinct, but they all contained light and blood.

Flickering spiritual lights...

Endless blood...


The sixth strike descended, and Xing Ye lost consciousness and collapsed on the ground.

A man holding the stick appeared behind him. "This kid's bones are too tough. Usually, a person would pass out with just one hit. Unexpectedly, it took six hits today. Damn, my hands are numb!"

"Enough talk, cut off his head and let's go." The leading man approached, wielding a wooden knife aimed at Xing Ye's head.

At the moment the knife descended, he suddenly screamed with fear filling his eyes.