The Spirit Conduit

The disciple leader raised his firewood-cleaver high, yet could not bring it down; an inexplicable force field seemed to envelop everything in the vicinity, asserting control.

Xing Ye lay unconscious, blood seeping from every orifice, and a shimmering violet light emanated from his forehead.

"Big brother, what's happening?"

The man with the stick stared at the motionless leader.

"Attack... crush his skull!"

The disciple leader's body trembled with fear, as the potent force sought to wrest the firewood-cleaver from his grasp.

A ruthless gleam flashed in the man's eyes as he swung his long rod menacingly towards Xing Ye's head.


Suddenly, a warm spray landed on his face, obscuring his vision. He instinctively looked up to find their leader headless. Blood was gushing from his neck. The firewood-cleaver, now free, hung suspended in midair.

Wide-eyed, the man screamed in terror, his rod falling from nerveless fingers. "Spirit Conduit, it's a Spirit Conduit!"


As if held by an unseen hand, the firewood-cleaver transformed from a chopping motion to a horizontal cut, slicing across the man's neck. A second head soared through the air!

Witnessing this, the two other disciples turned and fled, screaming for help.

The firewood-cleaver, airborne, first severed one man's head, then awkwardly skewered the last man through the back...

In the vast Starry Continent, where one cultivated stellar power and revered Star Magic, there existed a mysterious and formidable presence beyond Star Magic—the Spirit Conduit.

They naturally possessed the power of spirit manipulation and were cherished by heaven and earth. Once awakened, they could engage in spirit battles.

In the grand Star Martial Sect, there were only five such beings.

Throughout the entire Star Martial Empire, Spirit Conduits numbered no more than twenty.

Now, the firewood-cleaver hovered and claimed lives, it was precisely a unique art exclusive to the Spirit Conduit.

With all four disciples dead, silence reigned. The violet light at Xing Ye's forehead dispersed, but blood continued to flow from his seven orifices...


Xing Ye was awakened by mournful howls, opening his eyes to behold the night sky adorned with stars.

Perplexed, he sat up, feeling a lingering pain at the back of his head. Several wolves were feasting on the corpses of the disciples nearby, emitting low growls. The closest one was just two meters away.

Abruptly, the wolves ceased their feast, lifting their heads to gaze at Xing Ye, their eyes gleaming with a faint green light in the darkness.

Xing Ye regained his senses, understanding what had transpired.

"I've abandoned everything, yet you are still here for me!"

A cold glint flickered in Xing Ye's eyes. In three years, he had avoided conflict, so these individuals’ seeking his life from the start must be related to Fang Qing.

A purple light appeared in Xing Ye's hand. "After years of muddled existence, you finally awaken. Purple Blood, you saved me again."

He had been ambushed, powerless against the disciples, and was saved by Purple Blood. The purple light flickered, seemingly responding to Xing Ye.

"You were not fully recovered, yet you expended your spirit power to save me again. Light shines once in ten times. If she finds out, she'll surely be distressed."

In a low murmur, Xing Ye seemed to forget the presence of the wolves.

At that moment, the wolf closest to Xing Ye suddenly lunged at him, its sharp fangs glinting in the starlight.

Xing Ye remained fixated on Purple Blood.


Dozens of yards away, a firewood-cleaver soared from the ground. With a splatter, it decapitated the wolf. The other wolves, witnessing this, emitted frightened howls and fled.

"There are many wonders in this world. I will surely help you recover."

Without sparing a glance at the fleeing wolves, Xing Ye retracted Purple Blood, stood up, and looked in the direction of the Star Martial Sect. The firewood-cleaver, now devoid of wolf blood, flew back into his hand.

"Although I wish not to be entangled with you again, what's mine must be reclaimed!"

After a few steps, Xing Ye abruptly turned towards the corpses of the disciples, finding four small bags of gold coins...


Today was the assessment day for the Star Martial Sect, and outer disciples at the Star Magic Fourth Realm gathered in the square.

As the assessment neared, people formed small groups, creating a lively scene. Fang Qing and Lin Feng stood together, attracting many gazes with their outstanding looks.

Suddenly, a commotion erupted in the front, accompanied by reproachful shouts.

A young factotum disciple, covered in blood and wielding a blood-stained firewood-cleaver, arrived in the square.

Compared to the well-dressed crowd, the disciples appearance was abrupt, leaving everyone astonished.

"Go away, factotum disciples are not allowed here!"

An outer disciple stepped forward to drive him away, but as the factotum disciple glanced over, a chill ran down his spine, freezing him in place.

"Fang Qing, come out!"

The bloodied man was none other than Xing Ye. His gaze, filled with coldness, swept through the crowd.

"Why is he still alive?"

Fang Qing's face turned slightly pale as she took a few steps back.

Lin Feng lightly comforted her with a squeeze on the back of her hand and then walked forward. "Xing Ye, why are you yelling here? Don't you know your own status?"

Xing Ye looked at Lin Feng approaching, "How do you know my name? Were the people who tried to kill me sent by you?"

Lin Feng's expression changed, wishing he could give himself a big slap. Why did he say the wrong thing right from the start? "I don't know what you, an inferior factotum disciple, are talking about. We are here for the assessment, so leave quickly; or don't blame me for beating y ou up!"

Some onlookers paid attention, while others watched Fang Qing. Following those gazes, Xing Ye found Fang Qing. "Fang Qing, return the Dragon Heart to me!"

Under Xing Ye's gaze, Fang Qing’s expression revealed a trace of nervous and guilty; but she pretended to be calm. "Are you talking to me? Do we know each other?"


Uutside the square, a middle-aged steward responsible for keeping order frowned and was about to step forward.

"We finally have something interesting to watch, what's the rush?"

A beautiful woman beside him glanced at the steward. "Are you worried that I'll punish Lin Feng for hiring people to murder others?"

Leaning against a white jade pillar, she lazily stretched, making her already graceful figure even more eye-catching. The steward broke into a cold sweat, not daring to look at the scene before him. "That disciple is talking nonsense; it can't be true. Qingqing, if you want to watch the show, I won't stop him."

"Nonsense!" The woman curled her lips in disdain.

Seeing Fang Qing, Xing Ye walked towards the front. Lin Feng attempted to block him again, and Xing Ye's eyes flashed with a cold light. "Get out of the way; I don't want to kill anyone here!"

Lin Feng was furious and wanted to make a move, but in the moment he locked eyes with Xing Ye, his eyes suddenly stung, as if pricked by needles. Instinctively, he stepped back.

"I don't know you; please leave." Still pretending to be calm, Fang Qing said as Xing Ye approached.

"After your father saved me, he sold everything I had on me, leaving only the Dragon Heart, which had protective properties. But your father didn't know that the Dragon Heart would only protect me. If forcibly activated to protect you, it would consume your life.”

Xing Ye stopped in front of Fang Qing, “Your father died three years ago; his own injuries aside, the primary reason was the Dragon Heart that had been devouring his life. Now, the Dragon Heart is with you. While it protects you, it will also consume your life. You can pretend not to know me, but give the Dragon Heart back to me. It's mine. If you continue to keep it, you won't live for more than three years."

Many disciples' expressions changed. Those who knew Fang Qing knew about her mysterious Dragon Jade, which could form a protective barrier at critical moments, and many had witnessed Fang Qing demonstrating it in person.

"I... I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know you!" Fang Qing, visibly pale, seemed flustered. "Lin Feng, quickly drive him away! He stinks; how can he stand beside me?"

"Xing Ye, get away from us!"

Lin Feng, who had retreated earlier, felt humiliated and rushed forward from behind.

"You really won't give it?" Xing Ye stared at Fang Qing.

"Come, someone is causing trouble and trying to rob me. Drive him away quickly, everyone!" Fang Qing shouted again while retreating.

"Steward, elder, a factotum disciple is trying to disrupt the assessment!"

Fang Qing shouted again while retreating.

"Since you're unwilling to give it, then I'll take it myself." Xing Ye reached out, saying, “Come!”

As the word fell, something flew out from Fang Qing's embrace, landing steadily in Xing Ye's hand.

It was the Dragon Heart Jade!

"Hmm, spirit manipulation?"

A gleam flashed in Qingqing's eyes, and her previously indifferent expression became serious.

"This is mine!" Watching the Dragon Heart Jade land in Xing Ye's hand, Fang Qing screamed. Disregarding her image, she immediately rushed towards Xing Ye.

In this assessment, she wanted to use the Dragon Jade to get the first-place reward.

With the Dragon Heart Jade in hand, Xing Ye looked at Fang Qing, "It never belonged to you!"

The youth lowered his head to look at the Dragon Heart Jade. "Old friend, let's begin. Today, let's see how far we can go; it depends on how much energy you have left."


Suddenly, the Dragon Heart Jade trembled, releasing a powerful aura.

Fang Qing, who had rushed forward, and Lin Feng, who was close behind, were immediately blown away by this aura.

In the next moment, a pure energy poured out from the Dragon Heart Jade, entering Xing Ye's body.

Infinite light enveloped Xing Ye, shining dazzlingly. At this moment, he seemed like a deity...

After two breaths of time, amid the shocked expressions of everyone, Xing Ye advanced to the first realm of Star Magic!