Star Magic Fourth Realm

Exclamations echoed as the young disciple advanced to the first realm of Star Magic. All eyes were fixed on Xing Ye, and astonishment filled the hearts of onlookers.

Lin Feng, who had retreated, dared not approach again. The threatening aura emanating from the Dragon Heart Jade kept him at bay. Fang Qing, standing at a distance, gritted her teeth, harboring resentment in her heart.

"Interesting," Elder Qingqing said with a slight smile as she gazed at the young man surrounded by infinite light. The steward beside her also showed a hint of curiosity.

At this moment, Xing Ye's aura changed once again. "Advanced again, now at the Star Magic Second Realm!"

"Breaking through two realms in an instant, how is this possible?" The crowd was dumbfounded. The miraculous effect of the jade pendant drew many gazes towards Fang Qing.

The jade pendant was within her hands for years, yet it had never displayed such a miraculous scene. The light of the Dragon Heart Jade completely enveloped Xing Ye as pure energy continued to enter his body, rapidly strengthening his aura.

"He broke through again! He has reached the third realm!"

"What kind of treasure is that jade pendant? How could it enable such rapid advancement?"

"This is truly extraordinary!"

Witnessing Xing Ye break through again, the outer disciples were in a frenzy, finding it incredibly unbelievable.

"Guess who’s the owner of that pendant?" Elder Qingqing suddenly spoke as Xing Ye advanced to the third realm.

"I... I don't know." The steward shook his head, still not daring to look at the beautiful elder beside him.

"His aura weakened; is it going to end here?" Sensing Xing Ye's aura, the beautiful elder expressed some regret. "What a pity."

Others also noticed this. After the breakthrough, the rate at which Xing Ye's aura grew stronger visibly slowed down. It seemed the pendant's energy was about to be depleted.

Yet, this was already shocking enough; they had never seen anyone break through three realms in such a short time. Even in the history of the Star Martial Sect, such a scene had never occurred.

Feeling the change in energy, Xing Ye sighed, "The third realm. It seems you have consumed a lot these years."

At this moment, a blood handprint suddenly appeared in the Dragon Heart Jade, reaching towards Fang Qing in mid-air. Her vitality was forcibly drawn away, reintegrating into the jade.

With life draining away, Fang Qing's body swayed.

The next moment, the Dragon Heart Jade erupted again with a surge of pure energy, and Xing Ye's realm once again ascended.


The Star Magic Fourth Realm!

The last bit of energy entered Xing Ye's body, and the Dragon Heart Jade disappeared from his hand.

The exclamations ceased at some point, and the surroundings became incredibly quiet, as if even the onlookers’ breathing had stopped.

Everyone looked at Xing Ye, their expressions almost petrified.

A miracle!

This was a miracle!

Fang Qing, with a pale face, stared at Xing Ye, her eyes full of jealousy and resentment. Such a dazzling moment, why couldn’t it belong to hers.

The Dragon Jade had stayed with her for many years, but it chose to deprive her life vitality to nourish Xing Ye. Even if it were for nurturing an animal, there should have been some connection between them. Why was it less than even an animal? Why so ruthless?

Qingqing shook her head. She had thought she discovered a Spirit Conduit, but it seemed she was wrong. Earlier, when the pendant flew back on its own, it should have had a connection with the young man.

In fact, she would prefer the young man not to display this miracle because that would mean he was a true Spirit Conduit—a Spirit Conduit in the world would bring far more shock than now.

The slightly recovered outer disciples, one by one, looked at Fang Qing. This genius, well-known in the outer sect, likely to awaken the anomaly of stars, why did she have the pendant of a factotum disciple? Why would she lying about them knowing each other?

Had something unknown happened between the two?

Feeling the peculiar gazes, Fang Qing was both ashamed and indignant, wishing she could find a hole to hide in.

At this moment, her hatred for Xing Ye had reached an unprecedented height.

"From now on, there is no relationship between you and me!" Xing Ye looked at Fang Qing one last time before turning to leave.

Just as she said yesterday, the two would no longer be on the same level.

The young man, dressed shabbily and covered in dried bloodstains, looked particularly disheveled, but at this moment, no one dared to underestimate him.


A woman's voice suddenly rang out.

Xing Ye turned around and saw a beautiful young woman walking towards him. Wherever she passed, everyone saluted and called her Elder. Xing Ye was surprised; she didn't look much older than him. Could she be an elder of the Star Martial Sect?

Qingqing came in front of Xing Ye. While everyone else bowed, Xing Ye did not.

"Impudent! In the presence of..."

The steward nearby was about to scold, but Qingqing raised her hand to interrupt. She looked at Xing Ye. "Star Magic Fourth Realm, enough for the entry assessment. Are you willing to participate?"

With these words, a commotion erupted in the surroundings. The rules of the Star Martial Sect had always been for outer disciples to participate in the assessment to enter the inner sect. How could a factotum disciple participate?

"Even if he has a cultivation of the fourth realm, he is still a factotum disciple, completely unqualified to participate in the noble assessment."

Fang Qing stepped forward and bowed to Qingqing, "Elder, please don't ruin the longstanding rules of the Star Martial Sect because of a factotum disciple!"

Lin Feng also approached and clasped his fists, "The Star Martial Sect is the Empire's number one sect. Allowing a factotum disciple to participate in the assessment will only make us a laughingstock. It will bring disgrace to the entire Star Martial Sect."

Qingqing glanced at the two and remarked, "Are you teaching me how to conduct myself?"

"We wouldn't dare!" Both of them quickly shook their heads. In the meantime, Lin Feng cast a glance at the steward.

The steward turned his head to the sky. "What a joke. Opposing Qingqing directly in her presence? I don't want to get beaten. Are the gifts you presented enough for my future medical expenses?"

Qingqing looked at Xing Ye, "What do you think?"

"As a factotum disciple, I wouldn't dare to aspire to join the noble Star Martial Sect."

Xing Ye sneered, turned, and walked away.

"Ignorant fool!" Lin Feng and Fang Qing exchanged a knowing smile.

The steward discreetly took a step back. This guy dared to mock Qingqing; he might end up getting a beating.

"The assessment takes place in the Primordial Land of Star Magic, where there are star fruits with a high probability of awakening the anomaly of stars."

Qingqing looked at Xing Ye's back, "Don't you want to give it a try?"

Xing Ye remained silent, completely ignoring the invitation from the Elder. He knew it would be meaningless.

The steward watched with trepidation. This young man had quite the nerve. He took another step back, fearing that Qingqing might suddenly attack and involve him.

Contrary to her usual irritable temper, Qingqing, for some reason today, not only didn't get angry but also spoke with a gentle voice, "As an additional reward for the first place in the assessment, the winner will receive a Starry Pill, likely to advance one more realm, and a 'Soul Essence' with the potential to awaken the Spirit Conduit."

Xing Ye stopped, turned around, and looked at Qingqing.

The “Soul Essence” was extremely precious. It was rumored to have a chance of enabling someone at the Star Magic Realm to awaken as a Spirit Conduit. However, Xing Ye knew this was impossible.

Spirit Conduits were born, and it was challenging to cultivate them. He stopped not because of the potential awakening but because the 'Soul Essence' was a soul-related item that could help Purple Blood recover.

Compared to aimlessly searching for soul-related items, it was more convenient to obtain them in the Star Martial Sect.

"What's your name?"

Looking at Xing Ye who was somehow tempted, Qingqing took out an assessment token.

"Xing Ye."

A light appeared at Qingqing's fingertips as she quickly wrote and drew on the token. This was the qualification token for the assessment.

"Elder, this goes against the rules!"

"Elder, this damages the reputation of the Star Martial Sect!"

Fang Qing and Lin Feng spoke up to protest.

Smack! Smack!

Without any visible action from Qingqing, the two were sent flying. When they landed, each had a palm print on their faces, and their cheeks stung.

She tossed the token to Xing Ye from a distance, not even looking at the two who now wore expressions of shock and fear and held their sore faces.

"I don't care where you people come from, what backgrounds you have, but here, in this place, I am the rule!"

Xing Ye accepted the token, appreciating this elder who stood her ground.

However, the next moment, Qingqing said, "Xing Ye, I've tolerated you for a long time. If you don't get the first place in this assessment, I'll break both of your legs!"

Xing Ye, who was about to express his thanks, froze with a stiff expression.