
The Martial Spirit Ground opened once every five years, and for the Star Martial Sect, this was a major event. Many disciples had come, and although not everyone could participate, the prospect of seeing the contemporary Star Martial was incredibly exciting for many.

Because the contemporary Star Martial was universally recognized as the sect's number one combat force, usually immersed in closed-door cultivation, making it difficult for disciples to catch a glimpse.

Xing Ye stood with Wang Can in the crowd. At this moment, all eyes were fixed on the elevated platform, filled with enthusiasm.

On that platform, four young figures stood proudly. Their lips carried a smug smile, their expressions quite pleased, and their gazes occasionally swept over the crowd.

"Ye, these four are your competitors this time," Wang Can pointed to the leftmost youth with thin lips and said, "He is Shen Lang. Currently, his realm is uncertain, but he should be at the ninth realm..."