
Entering the Martial Spirit Ground, everything is random, with no fixed locations. Xing Ye landed in a relatively flat area, holding the qualification token he almost risked his life to obtain last time.

Sweeping his gaze around and observing the surroundings, Xing Ye memorized some landmark areas. Then, he took out a map from his pocket, a map given to him by Zhong Ling, and compared the directions.

During this process, he glanced around but didn't find any familiar places. After putting away the map, he casually chose a direction, ready to leave.

"Here, Xing Ye is here!"

Suddenly, a cry rang out, and a disciple was rushing towards him from the front. He saw Xing Ye and shouted as he ran.

Xing Ye glanced at the approaching disciple, who was only at the sixth realm.

"Come quickly, I've spotted this factotum disciple!"

The disciple was still shouting, attracting some nearby people with his loud voice.

"Factotum disciple, stop!"